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Everything posted by fauxsmoker

  1. I'm with ya on that one kitsune!! lol
  2. I'm still waiting on it. I didn't realize it was a pre-order, lol. Waiting patiently!! I'm excited!!
  3. That sucks, kiawone! Thankfully, you should still have plenty of juice that I traded you for the Woo, but I guess you can't really use it without something to vape it all with, lol. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!!
  4. I bought my first ecig, a regular eGo, from Puresmoker and I have been impressed with their customer service and also the quality of their products ever since. I've also heard so many good things about the Prodigy and Icon, but was kind of intimidated by them. I was the type of person who wanted an ecig that felt kind of like an analog. So this is a really big step for me!!! I know they have taken every step to ensure safety of the Legacy and that they aren't just some fly by night looking for a quick sale!! They actually care about the quality of their product. I would imagine it will be here today since they are only about 20 minutes from where i live, So as soon as I play with it a bit, I will take pictures and put them up. I don't have any fancy tank or drip tip, but that will come soon, I'm sure, lol.
  5. Thanks Dave! This will definitely come in handy! I can't wait!!
  6. I know!! I'm sooooo excited! i had a yard sale and this is what I bought with the money I made. It will be my first mod and I'm going to have a lot of questions, so be prepared, lol! Thanks Ron!!
  7. I just ordered the Legacy mini from PureSmoker and I will be waiting impatiently for it to arrive!!!!
  8. I just ordered the new Legacy Mini from PureSmoker!! I'm so excited!! I will come back and review and add pictures when it arrives!!
  9. I do use a LR 510 atty, but didn't know I could use other atty's as well. I always thought I could only use a 510 on a 510 thread. I might have to try the LR 306 drip atty!! I've tried cartos before, but couldn't get the juice in it very well and got discouraged. But I got a syringe needle from a nurse friend of mine and plan to experiment with the carto's again. See, this is why I came here, to get y'all's expert advice. Thanks Mike!!
  10. I have been seriously considering the ProVari mini. It will have to wait a couple of months as I have some things to take care of financially, but I think you have helped me make my decision. I want something that will last. I spent 70 or so on the ego back in November and the batteries are starting to go dead very quickly. I've got another ego coming that I got in PIF/trade. It's a 5v woo mod. Not really sure what any of that ,means, lol, but I will figure it out. So I'm excited to try it!
  11. I would love to have a new, spiffy mod, but it's so intimidating as I've really only ever used the regular ego i bought months ago when I first quit smoking. Everyone keeps talking about cartos, clearos, boges, tanks, ohms, different kinds of batteries, etc. Not sure what half of it means, but I guess the only way to find out is to one day purchase a mod and all the bling and experiment. One day....
  12. Probably more ejuice!! Can't have too much!!
  13. I do tend to vape all day! The flavors are just so clean and it's so hard to put it down. It's turned into a habit, but a good, delicious habit, I must say!!! Especially when I'm vaping my tasty bakery juices!!
  14. Thanks kitsune! I might try the clearomizers, too. Gosh, so many different things to play with. I'm sure it can be quite trying and expensive until you figure out what you like. I do love dripping, but would like something for the times it's just not feasible to do that. Thanks for the info twelveday!! More great adviice!!
  15. What do you think about the bottom feeders? Someone suggested that to me. It sounds easy and I wouldn't have to drip apparently, just squeeze the bottle. If I use a cartomizer or a tank, can I set the ecig on it's side (ie: in my scrub pocket) and it won't leak? Cause that would suck, lol.
  16. I wouldn't mind trying a tank someday, though!!
  17. I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but I tried the carto's and just couldn't get the hang of it. But it may have been because I didn't have a proper syringe and the juice kept getting everywhere. But I will probably try it again someday.
  18. I take it, this is a regular occurrence, lol.
  19. Thanks again everyone! You are all very kind and welcoming. I'm sure I will enjoy being a part of this community!!1
  20. LMAO @ your video, bams!!!!! Did you make that and come up with the song yourself? That was really great!! Love it!!
  21. I haven't tried a lot of different vendors yet, but I've had great success with Parkes Vaping. Their bakery flavors are spot on. The Snickerdoodle tastes just like the cookie and the Gooey Goodness Cake is like smoking a vanilla cupcake! I also really like Kona Coffee Milkshake from Virgin Vapors and their juices are all organic.
  22. Yes, another lesson learned...always have backups, lol!!
  23. I do like the dripping. When I first bought my eGo they talked me into a carto and I didn't like it at all. So I started dripping and I just thought the vapor and the throat hit was so much better and the flavor of the juice was better, as well! I went ahead and ordered the drip shield,btw, so I will let you know how it works for me!! I see all these experienced people using all these foreign words, lol. But it will all be second nature soon, I hope! I'm so glad I found this forum! I was feeling kind of stuck with only the options I got in the initial purchase of my electronic cig, but I now see there are soooo many different ways to enjoy vaping!! Very exciting!!!
  24. Wow, I still have a LOT to learn! Maybe I just need to try a mod or whatever they're called, lol. Thanks for the help everyone!!
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