Yeah he does brag on me to the guys and tells me at least once a week or so how Im the total package ( a joke of ours ) He knows he has it good. I work full time, keep up our 3,000 sq ft house, pay bills, mow 2 acres of yard, cook, phwuuuuu Im tired just typing this. I need a raise. Oh yea and I have to keep a separate savings account cause he is always finding a deal he cant pass up. Like the time he came home and told me he bought a new gun and how great it was. A 1921 Thompson Machine gun. I new something was up, asked him how much, bout fell over when he told me but the next day went and got the money from the bank. That alone makes him love me. helping him get his toys BOYS!!!!!!!! Still have two 24 year old boy's who don't want to move cause I do for them too. Even the dog is a male.... Testosterone overload