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Blondie last won the day on November 13 2009

Blondie had the most liked content!

About Blondie

  • Birthday 02/03/1964

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  1. Yep I don't use cart. I drip ... I have an atty that is acting up so I will try it on that. I saw the video on it but it never really said what the reason behind it was and how it would work better. Just wanted to check with the peeps on the forum to see what y'all thought.
  2. [/sizeI looked for previous post but did not find one. Has any one tried removing the wicking under the bridge on a 510?? Was wondering how it worked for you and if it really is better for a dripper. Just got in my ego and am having problems with it being kind of messy. I get liquid on the outside of the atty and some comes up from the mouth empty cart. I only drip two drops at a time so I know Im not flooding the darn thing. Any help would be great.
  3. What the hell... I know Im blond but why cant I seem to get this mod to work for me. It either leaks or when I pull out the cart it sticks to the atty bridge. Any ideas to what is going on?
  4. Ummmm, Well , Yeah............ Im not sure what to say but Im scared. I think I hear banjo's
  5. "curtsey" Thank you very much sir
  6. yep I agree with what they said....... I have been on a few other forums and get the idea very quick that only certain members reply and others get either banned or ridiculed for the dumbest things. But not here. On VT we can be as dumb as we want and often are with no repercussions. In fact we are often encouraged by watching what the big Kahuna post Did I type that out loud?? I love VT and looking forward to being able to view it better on my iphone.
  7. Very well put. I hope you don't mind I copy, pasted and texted this to my friend. I got a kick out of it I know she will too. Thanks
  8. A friend of mine who is now vapping has an aunt who is a respiratory therapist. She said that vapping is no better than smoking. Said that nicotine inhaled paralyzes things in the lungs and that vapping is not any better than smoking... Hugh How can that be??? My friend even asked her dr. before she started to vape and he told her " by all means yes, switch to an ecig ". Has any one heard of such a thing??
  9. Wow!!! O.K. Now after hearing all this Im gonna go in the living room and Im gonna have to slap him....... He said all wife's do this stuff while the husband supervised from the couch. Just kidding :P
  10. Thats o.k. Was late and got tired of waiting for a reply on the forum so I went ahead and checked out. Cant wait for my new flavors.
  11. OMG!!! HaaHaaaHaaaaaaaa
  12. I work in an oral surgeons office and one of our little doctors who is chinese says teefs. So you can call them what ever you want
  13. Im ordering VT juice from diet smokes and there is a promo code option is there a code?
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