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  1. Thank you! Perfect
  2. Major apologies for the late response. Thanks for all the tips and info. I ordered some liqua 'bright tobacco' which sort of does the trick. I just had to give him some straight peppermint from perfumer's apprentice to add to it for the menthol 'boost'. He still hasn't completely quit yet but he's doing a little better now that I've bought him a vv.
  3. Apologies in advance for this stupid question =/ I just switched to a vv and I'm out of the clearos that came with it, which were these: They look like vision egos (but they're not vision) and there's nothing on the box/clearos indicating what the Ohms were. So, what's the right Ohm range if you're vaping from 4.2-5.0? I see some that are 2.1-2.4, and others that are 2.5-2.9, etc etc, so I'm confused on the best for the voltage I'm using. Thanks
  4. My son is trying to quit smoking. The good news is.... he's borrowed one of my PVs and "kind of" likes it. The bad news is.... he hates every flavor in my arsenal, which is a ton =/ I know, and he knows, there's nothing that's going to taste like an analog. However.... Can someone suggest a juice that tastes like a Camel Menthol? Or, something I can mix for something relatively close to that flavor? I guess the biggest problem is everything I have is too "sweet" to him... 555, RY4, Cowboy Killer, etc. Also, I know that PG naturally makes things sweeter, but I need to keep the PG around 50-60% because the vape (amount of vapor) is pretty lame (imo) when it's under that. Anyone know of a good very non-sweet similar to a Camel Methol? I really want him to quit analogs.. this is really important to me. Thanks
  5. Congrats on quitting!! and welcome!
  6. Hi, I'm having a hard time finding a vv mod that isn't huge. And when I say "huge," I mean, around the size of a Provari Mini. I understand many/most think that size is pretty average and not large at all. But, in my job, even the ego-c size calls too much attention, in all the wrong ways =/ Can anyone suggest some good vv mods that are "around" this size? Thanks
  7. I was smoking Winston Lights (NON menthol) right before quitting, so I ordered tons of different tobacco flavors + a lot of random fruit / mint flavors, just for the heck of it. None really "did it" for me and I was switching around, too.. so I hear you on that. I decided to stick with "Peppermint" and so far, so good.
  8. Thanks, I never heard of Taryn Spin.. just youtube'd it. I guess this is good, especially if you have a lot of juice in the carto - and the carto and juice are still good, but you still need to switch it : ) At 11 minute, 33 second mark. Thanks again!
  9. I feel stupid for asking this (sorry) but.. When you have a large capacity (high ml) dual coil carto - and you need to change it out, do you lose all the e-juice you have leftover in it? I imagine the carto could go out when there's still a lot of liquid in the polyfill, especially =/ Is there a simple way to salvage the juice, or is 'losing' juice just something that comes with carto territory? Thanks
  10. So far, http://www.vixenvapors.com has worked for me. I'm still searching for my fave flavor, though =/ I've used most all the tobaccos + Cinnaberry + Lemon Mint + Fuzzyberry + Peppermint
  11. When you say "little," do you mean the ego 510?
  12. Just curious If you could build the perfect e-cig (or you've already built) the "Dream mod of all Dream mods" for yourself, what would it consist of - from top to bottom? * Which battery - * Which carto or atty, etc etc - * And so forth
  13. Wow, that's fantastic your brother is liking the e-cig! Congrats! I'm not sure if these are the kind of cartos you're looking for, but I was on that site looking at the XXLs (thinking about updating my batt, too) and the prices seem to be well under $3 .. again, not sure if that page has anything close to what you need =/ I agree with you about cost. Just from the time I started researching e-cigs 2 months ago - to now - I've seen quite a few price spikes
  14. Which is better to use for DIY .. Unflavored e-liquid with a high nic content (like 35-45mg) or pure nicotine?
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