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Everything posted by 7sons

  1. LOL Omg Sent from my GalaxyNexus using Tapatalk 2
  2. Sent from my GalaxyNexus LOL, it's just in case I make a mistake
  3. Sent from my GalaxyNexus Are you sure Jeff? Cause my dad and your dad lol.... Joke
  4. What is that you say? "hands down " I couldn't agree more. Lmfao Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  5. LOL, help yourself to whatever you need. Just don't touch the special mod... Wink wink Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  6. All animals I have hunted. Sent from my GalaxyNexus Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  7. Sent from my GalaxyNexus LOL, still no good without battery. And did you just look in my vaping cabinet?
  8. Sent from my GalaxyNexus + 1 last sentence.
  9. Sent from my GalaxyNexus I have number 2 and on a freshly charged battery, it rocks
  10. Very true my friend, I wish I went right to a provari. It would have saved me hundreds of dollars. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  11. In my opinion, The op said money is not a issue and best ecig out there. Most people's opinion is a provari Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  12. Provari, hands down. Get the 18650 extension and don't look back. If you don't get a provari now you will waist more money on junk and then getting a provari anyway. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  13. Here's mine silver Bullet Anderson kicked will be here tomorrow, I don't know why just wanted one. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  14. Yes it's a slip over the mod is a provari. I really like shaping them by hand, it's alot faster and smoother Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  15. Another for fun, this time I messed up mandrel, ill turn a new mandrel tomorrow. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  16. Madvapes sells a derlin adapter there like 2 bucks Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  17. Very nice, hope you don't mind I tried my hand at it. I have a metal lathe but I worked it by hand with a wood chisel. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  18. I just sold? My rough stacks, and have a silver Bullet on the way. The main reason for selling is the top button just funky to me. But you could get 2 rough stacks for the price of the Silver Bullet. I'm pretty sure the button on the bolt is a horn style and the Silver Bullet isn't. Someone else might know better. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  19. I was just thinking about this, only thing that peaves me about the provari is i like my atties tight, I turn them until they stop not past that point. It gives me a E1 error, until I loosen it some. Just a minor things but I don't like my atty to wobble. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  20. I have a provari v2 not the mini, and so far its awesome I've had it for a week now Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  21. I've used them, the ce2 doesn't wick well for me at least. When I would get a dry hit I would have to dunk it upsidedown for a second or 2. Madvapes sells the tanks for less then 89 cents and standard size ce2 is roughly 1 dollar for less than $2.00 you can make one. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  22. I have a few, yes they work well Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  23. Juices make a big difference also, to me at least. And how you vape, I like manual switches so I can hit the button for 10 seconds or so. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  24. At 3.7 volts a 1.5 ohm atty hits like 3 ohms at 5 volts, and atties are cheep compared to a Darwin. I'm a big fan of ego low resistance atties type a type b Ego t or ego c ego mega dual. Coil cartos I use them all. For 65 bucks you can make any mod a variable voltage mod Ego booster. Sent from my GalaxyNexus
  25. try a little bit of distilled water Sent from my GalaxyNexus
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