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Everything posted by digibomb

  1. I wasn't sure where to post this ... so general will have to do I originally posted this on Big Vapers (Big Vapers) As a Canadian it's difficult to get good e-juice, in fact you can't legally buy it in stores or malls. The only e-cig accessories sold legally are disposables and nicotine free cart systems. If your Canadian and you want to vape you need to purchase online. As we all know that is pretty much the case any ways for vapers, there are tons of great suppliers of e-cig accessories, e-juice, parts, etc. However, we need to be especially careful when it comes to e-juice. A lot of us Canucks have learned the hard way that customs isn't vaper friendly and will confiscate e-juice, more specifically e-juice with nicotine from most American and overseas suppliers. However, things are not as bad as they were back in 2009 when the ban first started, like most government agencies, they get lazy about checking I have yet to have a negative experience with customs but I have read many horror stories online. Recently I've started putting together a list of well recommended Canadian e-cig suppliers, specifically for e-juice. The obvious benefit is that you do not need to worry about customs, other benefits include faster delivery and we should be supporting our Canadian businesses and Canadian vaping culture as a whole. Currently I'm vaping e-juice from Evapers.com. Like most Canadian suppliers they do not accept credit cards do to government policies, instead you send them an e-transfer, it's easy and safe. they have a great selection of e-juice and they deliver <Xpresspost 1-3 days. Currently on my rotation is Peach and Ruyan (Yes I know it's Dekang), I highly recommend both. Just yesterday I purchased some e-juice from Canada Vapes, these guys are a mom and pop shop doing everything themselves. They have a solid customer base and very good reviews. I'm excited to try their new flavor Canadian Rich Tobacco, it comes highly recommended. If you are going top order e-juice from non Canadian suppliers make sure to contact them in advance to find out which e-juice they can ship to Canada. Customs has a list of brands they check for. For exampleForevervapor.com doesn't ship their Vapor Talk line of e-juice to Canada, unfortunately. Here is a list of recommended Canadian suppliers. Feel free to add to the list in the comments below. http://evapers.com http://www.canadavapes.com http://www.happyvaper.com/ http://www.electrovapors.com/shop/ http://www.3puffs.com/ http://www.cdnvapor.ca http://www.nicfitnation.com/ http://www.gentlemensreserve.com http://www.shop.vaporium.ca/ http://juicyejuice.com
  2. Very Helpful!
  3. Thanks argh ... bad copy paste ... I fixed it, It should work now
  4. I wanted to start this thread because I have found very little in the forums on Canadian Vapers. I know you guys are out there So let's get this thread going. I'll start with a Montreal Vape Meet - I'm planning the first one ever here in Montreal I'll post more info soon in this thread and on my Vaping blog Big Vapers Now show me yours
  5. I recently quit smoking and used an e-cig do so. As a rookie I know very little so when I was doing my research I read a ton of great info on teh 510 T and ended up FV. I absolutely love it and can't put it down. I wrote a review on my blog Big Vapers http://bigvapers.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/the-joye-510-t-the-perfect-starter-kit/ on why I think it is the best starter kit for noobs. I hop it's ok to link to my blog here, if not I can repost here, not a prob. I'm interested in knowing what others think and looking for some advice on the next step up? I'm consodering a CRV 900 or Bolt.
  6. My name is digibomb, google me if you want to learn more, I'm kinda web famous I'm an ex pack a day smoker of 17 years who tried absolutely everything and the only thing that worked was e-cigs. Currently I'm a vaping a Joye 510 T (genuine), which I purchased from FV, and I absolutely love it! I'm still learning a lot about vaping in terms of juices, mixes, tanks, big batteries, mods, etc and I am super stoked about it all, in fact I recently started another blog all about vaping "Big Vapers http://bigvapers.wordpress.com I'm glad to be here and hope I learn more ...
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