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Everything posted by flutterby

  1. Hi there.. I have a KGO (well, two!) and it lasts all day and into the next. I've used Boge 2.0 cartos, EMDCCs, stardusts, but my favorite is the 1.7ohm low rez cartos from Crystal Clear Vaping,, they call them resurrectors. The EMDCCs are big and bulky, but they hold over 3mls of juice so you don't have to top off as often. I didn't care for the stardusts... the wick is in the top of the tank so you have to keep tipping it to keep the wick wet.. My next purchase is going to be a phiniac tank... SOOO pretty! I like to change flavors many times during the day, so I always carry 7 or 8 full cartos with me.. if the one I'm using starts to dry out, I put on a fresh carto with a different flavor.. I have too many I like, and have never found just one flavor that I want to vape all day. That's why I've got over 70 bottles of juice! Order a couple of everything,, everyone is looking for something different and you kind of just have to try it all to see what works for you. Good luck!
  2. Welcome... taste is too subjective. What I like, you may hate.. just gotta order sample packs.. I have, like, 50 bottles right now, some I'll reorder, some I won't. It's fun tryin em all, though!
  3. Hi and welcome aboard!! Great group here,,
  4. Hey breal... I have the kgo, got mine from Virgin Vapor and I love it!! Your brother will love it too. Yes, it has to be charged that way, even though it comes with a partial charge. I very much believe in following directions!! And I never charge batts without being around to watch them. I use those emdcc's and they are fabulous! Good clean flavor and they hold a ton of juice. I also use low rez single coil cartos.. they call them resurrectors at Crystal Clear Vaping and the vape from them is awesome. I think you did really well with all your research... I wish I had found the kgo first,, would have saved a lot of money. I'm asking for another kgo for my bday and going to get rid of all my 808 stuff... I hope your brother is successful,, it's a wonderful world once you get the hang of it!
  5. Hello keamy and welcome!!!
  6. Just one. Butterfly on my back. Would have more if I didn't almost hurl getting that one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Welcome daisy!! Glad you found us!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hey Retriever.. welcome aboard!! I started out with 808's too.. my first kit was the V2 and it amazed me enough to get off the analogs. But I always felt like I was missing something.. so I moved on to an Elite 808. Little bigger battery, certainly better life on it and those got me through my first three months analog free. About a week ago I got myself a kgo.. and I seriously love this thing! The batteries last more than a day before it needs a recharge and with the right carto... it's fabulous! I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything with this set up! My kgo is 510 threaded,, so I had to get an adapter to be able to use all those 808 cartos with it,, but the adapter works just fine. I still keep all my 808s around for back-up,, but if you're looking for something with a little more ooomph and don't want to go the mod route.. take a look at the kgo.. you won't be disappointed!
  9. Welcome 7sons... and there are those of us girls that constantly have a pv in their hand too
  10. Doncha just luv that perfect vape?? I wanna find it! But I'm enjoying looking for it
  11. I got some EMDCCs from madvapes for my kgo and they ROCK!! Welcome back, btw!!
  12. Hey, that's awesome!! Do they have the internal threads? They'd fit very nicely on my kgo if they did . I have the black EMDCCs, they have that same big drip tip, not my favorite but I can live with it. Also looks like there's no fill?? And where did you get them?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I agree,,, they'll fit. And I think you didn't like the RY4 for the exact reason you said.. you put it in a carto that had leftover coffee in it.. I say, let it sit for a few days, put it in a fresh carto and try it then.. it really is a nice mild tobacco with just a touch of sweet to it.. it's the only tobacco I've tried that didn't taste harsh to me. If you want a carto that you don't have to refill too much.. look at some EMDCCs from madvapes.. I'm a heavy vaper.. and these things last almost a day without topping off. They're huge though.. not discreet at all!! But I'm beyond trying to be discreet with it.. just don't care... and I enjoy people asking me about it.. have you ever tried cleaning your cartos?? I do it, it's very easy.. some I've cleaned three times and they still work.. if nothing else, they're good to have around as back-up if you run out of fresh ones..
  14. UPDATE!! I've been using the clearomizer for a few hours now, here at work. An I think I like it! I may have been a little premature in my bitching about it . The biggest thing I've noticed about it is the draw is tighter. In a lot if the Cartos, I feel like I'm sucking a lot if air, there's none of that with this thing. Pure vapor is what you get. And the flavor... WOW. No filler taste. I am havin to remember to tip it now that the juice level is lower. U got one nasty burnt vape, but it's better now. I guess it'll do... I have some of those EMDCCs and I really like them too. They hold a ton of juice and last a nice long time. I wish they had "condoms" though, to keep them from drying out. I've also looked at those tanks. But i can't figure out how they'd fit on my kgo. I still think I'll research a good tank but for now I guess I like this little clearo. Thanks for the input!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Y'know,, being 3 months in, you'd think I would have learned SOMETHING! Loving my kgo, but I hate all the refilling of cartos.. so based on some good reviews I went ahead and ordered 2 Vision Ego Clearomizers. They came today. I took one look at those things and thought... what the hell do I do with that?? I like PBusardo's reviews,, so I hopped on over to youtube and checked out his review.... OMG, what have I done? He's so right!! Why in the world would you put the wick on the top when all the juice, naturally , is in the bottom? So now I gotta tip this thing all the time?? This will seriously annoy me. Maybe I should just grow up and order a tank!! OK,, so I've really, really learned my lesson this time.. I will research this tank thing TO DEATH! And I'll probly lose interest.. so does anyone have any suggestions for a really good tank system for my kgo? I don't want to have to fiddle around with stuff.. modifying and all that.. just want one that works! (yeah, like everyone else!) Thanks ahead, guys!
  16. Cute Brian!! I like that!
  17. Well MadKat, the 808's are a different carto,, different threads and I had a ton of them since the V2 and the Elite are 808 threaded. I had to buy an adapter so I could use all the cartos I had on the kgo, since that one is a 510 thread. And I still use the Elite some,, sometimes it's just easier cuz it's smaller and I get really good life out of them. So now my issue is that I buy both 808 and 510 threaded cartos.. stupid noob mistake! I kinda wish I'd found these forums before I bought, but oh well.. I hate to think what I've spent.. I know it's over $700 in three months... YIKES! But I have enough hardware now,, don't have any desire to go the mod route,,, not right now, anyway. Who knows, that could change in a matter of days! I agree with others here.. get a bunch of small bottles of juice... nothing worse than a big 30ml bottle of stuff you just can't stand to vape! And what one person likes, you may not. I don't like the tobacco flavors at all... well, except one nice RY4 I tried,, that one goes pretty well with a cold beer Glad to hear you're still liking your kgo... me too!
  18. Thanks guys and yes, I really like TVR. the Keoke coffee was my big favorite from there when I first started. Apparently it has "steeped" a while and the flavor has intensified greatly. I had to water it down a bit! But I still like it, mixed with a little TVR cappuccino. I also really liked their pomegranate, and no others I've found even compare. My gosh, who knew there were so many forums out there!! I think I'll hang here awhile. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Thanks blu! I love that Elite, it was such a step up from the V2. I've moved on again, now I have a kgo and REALLY love that one! But I still carry my elite, it's a little more discreet than the kgo. And I think I get pretty decent throat hit and flavor from the 808s. Small as the v2 is, I still think it was a great place to start. A little pricey maybe but it worked for me. When I got my kgo I also got an adapter for my Cartos. But I find it's just easier to grab my pretty new BLUE Elite and use that with the 808 Cartos. Don't think I'll ever be a mid girl. I'm a happy camper with elite and kgo. Now if I could just find the perfect juice!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Thanks Viper Ron.. like a lot of folks, I've been haning out at another forum,, and it's true what they say.. it's so darn big and a little impersonal. Seems nice and friendly here! I look forward to spending some time here with you guys.
  21. Hey MadKat.. I have a kgo too and love it! I started with a V2, went to an Elite808 and this kgo beats the hell out of both of those! What color is yours? Mine is burgundy.. very pretty! I've been using the Boge LR cartos and the 1.7 ohm cartos too.. yes, they seem to burn through more juice than my 808's but I think that's because the kgo burns hotter. The vapor and flavor are much improved on the kgo too.. I must have 50 little bottles of juice, none of which I could vape all day.. the quest for the perfect juice goes on! I'm glad to have found another kgo user
  22. Hi there.. noob to this forum, been vaping a little over 3 months. My first kit was a V2 and I put down the analogs the day I got it! I've since moved on to an Elite 808 and now a pretty burgundy kgo. I've learned a lot about this fascinating world of vaping and look forward to learning some from you fine folks too!
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