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    MickiO got a reaction from nana in Anyone Know Which Natural Faeries Finest Extracts Work Well?   
    ddavelarsen Dave:

    ok...I can see how higher amounts could help, I used to be a chain smoker myself and smoking one every 5 to 10 mins, and at times using my last cig to light my next one, bad, bad habit, I know, so I can kinda understand where you're coming from. For me, it was more the hand/mouth habit and the thick heavy smoke that I needed, especially when I was nervous or upset, I'd smoke like a freight train, lol.

    I started at 36mg of nic, and found myself vaping constantly like phene, and at that time, there wasn't anything higher than that available, and I figured the reason I was doing that was I wasn't getting enough nic, Because when I vaped heavily like that, not ever putting the thing down, I started to notice that I got a buzz from it, and felt kinda spaced out, lol like I need any help in THAT department, lol I'm spaced out enough as it is, lol.

    Anyways, So I decided to challenge myself, or test myself, if you will, to see if this was true, To see if it was the nicotine, or the smoking/hand to mouth bit, the thick smoke, or what. So I started slowly cutting down on my nic level, over the past 6 months time and increasing the vapor thickness with VG,instead. Mixing my own stuff, playing with lots of flavors. =)

    At first, for the first several weeks or months, I just kept vaping and vaping, never able to put it down, but still kept slowly decreasing the nic level I was using a little more. Then after several more weeks, when I felt I could take it on, I'd decrease it still, a little more, and more. Then one day, I noticed I was starting to put my e-cig down, without thinking about it or craving it for awhile, So I kept it up, and noticed more and more that I was not only laying my pv down, I was going for longer and longer periods, before I actually picked it up to vape again.

    Sooo, then I started purposely leaving it in the other room, so I'd have to get up to go get it, and pretty soon, I was noticing, I kept forgetting exactly "where" i'l left it at, and found myself searching room to room for it, lol. (Never would do THAT, with an analog, lol, I KNEW full well exactly where my cigs were, at ALL times, -they went everywhere I went, lol, kindof like my shadow, or my friendly little pet does, lol)

    I worked my way down slowly, to 2mg doing this, ha, I really surprised myself!I started noticing just a couple of weeks ago, when I'd take my pv with me at night and left it next to the bed, (my little pacifier, lol) I'd get up the next morning, start my day, drink my coffee, answer e-mails, whatever, and a whole hour went by! I hadn't even thought of my e-cig, Then last week, I noticed it was almost noon time before I remembered it, or felt the need to use it, I couldn't believe it!

    (I started vaping July 11th) Now here's the thing, the story gets even better, my husband just recently started vaping and uses 26mg. So, in the process of getting him started, priming atty's for him and getting his cart reading, fixing issues with the atty, e-liquid, etc, I was hitting on his 26mg occasionally, I figures, once it while, just a few hits wouldn't hurt anything,right?! Well, let me tell you something, I could not get over how good I felt after using high 26mg nic and I felt more alert/awake, more energetic, like I used to feel when I smoke analogs. It took several times of fixing his e-cig for him and hitting that higher nic, before I made the connections.

    I mean, I didn't realize it was Nicotine that made me alert, and have this, like an over-all sense of well-being, and more energetic feeling. So then I did some research on the net, and learned, that yes, Nicotine has does have some good benefits and has been scientifically tested and proved to do those things.

    Soooo...now, I'm just using 2mg during the day, like usual, and then use the higher nic only to give me that boost I'm looking for, by just adding some to my cart, and then go back to my favorite flavor, which is 2mg filled with plumes of VG vapor clouds. =)

    I discovered that when you do high levels all the time, you don't really notice these things so much, and only want more of the same. It's like, once I separated myself from it, I could feel and appreciate the benefits of vaping nic, so much more. Since I know, our bodies tend to build up tolerances to things after awhile, and if demands aren't met, it throws a little fit, much like a spoiled child, saying "I want, I want, I need, i HAVE TO have" more, more MORE! weeeeeehooooo! lol least I did. lol

    Now I've discovered, vaping is so much more rewarding and special, to have special treats for myself.

    And to honest, if they had had a higher of nic than 36mg when I first started vaping, I most certainly would have bought it and been using it, and I'm not sure if ANY level amount would have EVER been enough to completely satisfy that need.

    But now, I totally love & enjoy all the the thickness of the VG vapor, all the good flavors, And I also found out by doing this, it is far more pleasing, and now "I" am in charge of my vaping, not my e-cig, lol, I have the power bc I can now pick n' choose when, where and what I vape based on my mood or flavor cravings, and NOT for the nic only. lol. And THAT, is a huge victory for me! Which feels sooo much better than, all the panic and anxiety, and that ever-present "need" to "have to" vape/smoke.

    I don't "have to" do anything! lol You can't tell me what to do, stupid nicotine habit, lol, I'm in charge now. lol Sounds silly, I know, but it's actually,....'sad but true'.

    Anyways, I know this if off-topic you guys, for whoever else may read this, but I figured I'd share this, and maybe someone might benefit from my little test trial here, lol,

    Least ways I hope so....

    Anyways, I know you're happy with your nic level, if that's what does it for you in life, then, hey, enjoy it. Please lemme know when you get your flavors, hope you enjoy them!


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