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  1. Awesome Mike! Glad you're enjoying it, It's always nice to know, that whatever happens,....you can always just vape on!.....or like someone else said, "vape through it...."
  2. awwwwww, how's sweeeeet! Thankyou! Now YOU just made my day, actually, you just made my whole weekend!! what a nice thing to say....I'm smiling from ear to ear! thankyou Dave, you have a wonderful way with words, and sure know how to make a person feel good! "Thankyou!!" Not sure if you can see it, it's supposed to be a flower.... wow, I got called a "hero" today! Michelle
  3. how funny, lol, I had some sample e-liquids and saved all those bottles too, and I am so glad I did, they work perfect for my mixes to try different flavors out and to take with me.
  4. Your very welcome Nana. You know, I'm the same way, my hubby wanted me to test my extras and throw out the ones that don't work, ahhhhhh! I tested them and then stashed the ones that don't vape in my box, after, uh hmmm, you just never know, maybe they might work one day, lol. I'm bad..... I just can't bring myself to throw them away....yet.....lol Michelle
  5. awww, bless your heart. Yes they do smell so yummy, To this day, when I take that zip lock bag out I can smell them before I even open them. Just remember though, only use 1 or 2 drops in your mix and try it. If you add alot of this stuff, it runs out the cart and into your mouth, ugh, I didn't know this, when I first got them and used like 10%, which came out to like 10 drops in a small bottle size, BOY was THAT ever a mistake, lol. That was 5 times, too much!!! I am sooo sorry to hear about your friends, I will sure keep them in them in prayers. I know what you mean about trying to mix around kids, lol, that would be difficult, My kids don't have kids, yet, My daughter is 25, not married yet, and my son is 23, also not married yet, My son just pretty much stays to himself and works, but daughter does have a beau, sooo, never know, anyways, nice to hear from you! Let me know when you get it mixed, or if your ready to mix and have any questions, I'll be glad to help. Michelle
  6. yep, could very well be the VG's just a little too thick I'm thinking, This never happened until I started using straight VG. Sometimes when one quits like that, if I clean the threads really could with rubbing alcohol and a cloth, or even just a dry Q-tip sometimes does the trick. I clean it a couple times or so to make sure, then try it again, If it STILL won't vape, and I know my battery is strong and I have plenty liquid, then I blow out the excess e-liquid through the battery side,(blow into the little hole, lol) and try it again. Sometimes there's too much liquid and it quits,and this does the trick. lol. If neither of these two things does it, then I use the rubbing alcohol and pour into the atty and shake it around real good, turn it upright on a paper towel and let it dry for atleast 10 or 15 mins. Then blow it out from the battery side onto a paper towel to get the excess rubbing alcohol out. then I use a push button manual battery or my push button mod, (Chuck, VP2, etc) and then do hold the button down until it glows red, or no more than 8 or 10 seconds, if it doesn't turn red. This burns the crud off the atty. Then, I drip 3 or 4 drops of e-liquid into it and blow it out onto a paper towel, and then "tail-pipe' it to see if it'll vape, Then I add 2 more drops and put my cart back on and try it. If I've already written all this, please forgive me, If it still is weak, I blow it out again, and add 3 more drops and try it again. If it doesn't work after that, I use a voltmeter/multimeter to test it to see if it's still good. hope that helps =)
  7. ddavelarsen Dave: ok...I can see how higher amounts could help, I used to be a chain smoker myself and smoking one every 5 to 10 mins, and at times using my last cig to light my next one, bad, bad habit, I know, so I can kinda understand where you're coming from. For me, it was more the hand/mouth habit and the thick heavy smoke that I needed, especially when I was nervous or upset, I'd smoke like a freight train, lol. I started at 36mg of nic, and found myself vaping constantly like phene, and at that time, there wasn't anything higher than that available, and I figured the reason I was doing that was I wasn't getting enough nic, Because when I vaped heavily like that, not ever putting the thing down, I started to notice that I got a buzz from it, and felt kinda spaced out, lol like I need any help in THAT department, lol I'm spaced out enough as it is, lol. Anyways, So I decided to challenge myself, or test myself, if you will, to see if this was true, To see if it was the nicotine, or the smoking/hand to mouth bit, the thick smoke, or what. So I started slowly cutting down on my nic level, over the past 6 months time and increasing the vapor thickness with VG,instead. Mixing my own stuff, playing with lots of flavors. =) At first, for the first several weeks or months, I just kept vaping and vaping, never able to put it down, but still kept slowly decreasing the nic level I was using a little more. Then after several more weeks, when I felt I could take it on, I'd decrease it still, a little more, and more. Then one day, I noticed I was starting to put my e-cig down, without thinking about it or craving it for awhile, So I kept it up, and noticed more and more that I was not only laying my pv down, I was going for longer and longer periods, before I actually picked it up to vape again. Sooo, then I started purposely leaving it in the other room, so I'd have to get up to go get it, and pretty soon, I was noticing, I kept forgetting exactly "where" i'l left it at, and found myself searching room to room for it, lol. (Never would do THAT, with an analog, lol, I KNEW full well exactly where my cigs were, at ALL times, -they went everywhere I went, lol, kindof like my shadow, or my friendly little pet does, lol) I worked my way down slowly, to 2mg doing this, ha, I really surprised myself!I started noticing just a couple of weeks ago, when I'd take my pv with me at night and left it next to the bed, (my little pacifier, lol) I'd get up the next morning, start my day, drink my coffee, answer e-mails, whatever, and a whole hour went by! I hadn't even thought of my e-cig, Then last week, I noticed it was almost noon time before I remembered it, or felt the need to use it, I couldn't believe it! (I started vaping July 11th) Now here's the thing, the story gets even better, my husband just recently started vaping and uses 26mg. So, in the process of getting him started, priming atty's for him and getting his cart reading, fixing issues with the atty, e-liquid, etc, I was hitting on his 26mg occasionally, I figures, once it while, just a few hits wouldn't hurt anything,right?! Well, let me tell you something, I could not get over how good I felt after using high 26mg nic and I felt more alert/awake, more energetic, like I used to feel when I smoke analogs. It took several times of fixing his e-cig for him and hitting that higher nic, before I made the connections. I mean, I didn't realize it was Nicotine that made me alert, and have this, like an over-all sense of well-being, and more energetic feeling. So then I did some research on the net, and learned, that yes, Nicotine has does have some good benefits and has been scientifically tested and proved to do those things. Soooo...now, I'm just using 2mg during the day, like usual, and then use the higher nic only to give me that boost I'm looking for, by just adding some to my cart, and then go back to my favorite flavor, which is 2mg filled with plumes of VG vapor clouds. =) I discovered that when you do high levels all the time, you don't really notice these things so much, and only want more of the same. It's like, once I separated myself from it, I could feel and appreciate the benefits of vaping nic, so much more. Since I know, our bodies tend to build up tolerances to things after awhile, and if demands aren't met, it throws a little fit, much like a spoiled child, saying "I want, I want, I need, i HAVE TO have" more, more MORE! weeeeeehooooo! lol least I did. lol Now I've discovered, vaping is so much more rewarding and special, to have special treats for myself. And to honest, if they had had a higher of nic than 36mg when I first started vaping, I most certainly would have bought it and been using it, and I'm not sure if ANY level amount would have EVER been enough to completely satisfy that need. But now, I totally love & enjoy all the the thickness of the VG vapor, all the good flavors, And I also found out by doing this, it is far more pleasing, and now "I" am in charge of my vaping, not my e-cig, lol, I have the power bc I can now pick n' choose when, where and what I vape based on my mood or flavor cravings, and NOT for the nic only. lol. And THAT, is a huge victory for me! Which feels sooo much better than, all the panic and anxiety, and that ever-present "need" to "have to" vape/smoke. I don't "have to" do anything! lol You can't tell me what to do, stupid nicotine habit, lol, I'm in charge now. lol Sounds silly, I know, but it's actually,....'sad but true'. Anyways, I know this if off-topic you guys, for whoever else may read this, but I figured I'd share this, and maybe someone might benefit from my little test trial here, lol, Least ways I hope so.... Anyways, I know you're happy with your nic level, if that's what does it for you in life, then, hey, enjoy it. Please lemme know when you get your flavors, hope you enjoy them! peace..... Michelle
  8. How much VG did you use? VG gives you huge vapor plumes, I'm currently using 20% flavoring and the rest is VG, Pure VG +nic (my nic is also VG based) I posted this question on another forum, about adding water, and here is answer I received: "As a standard when making a straight VG mix I always add 20% thinning agent to the total quantity of VG being used. A fast way to check for viscosity is to do the drip test. Drip one drop of your VG mix next to one drop of standard store bought PG mix. Then tilt a mirror at a 45 degree angle and see how fast and far the drips run. If they are the same you are good. If the VG drip is slower and shorter, add more thinning agent. The thinning agents can be either distilled water or a high proof vodka. The benefit of the vodka is it adds some to the throat hit. And does not diminish the vapor production as much IMO. But the distilled water works for those that do not want to use alcohol." Others suggested to me, to use a small amount to start, and then do the above test, and increase as needed, and to always use distilled water. I dunno, 20%? That seems like an awful lot to me, I've been testing a couple drops of water in a small amount of e-liquid to see how it goes for awhile first. =)
  9. hey there, what I did was order the nutty flavor assortment pack. If you scroll down toward the bottom of the favor extracts page http://www.faeriesfinest.com/extracts.html they have different assortment packs, you can get 4 2oz bottles for $13.95, and if you look down at the botom of the list, there's a custom flavor assortment pack, where you can choose your own flavors, for the same price (4/$13.95). Then when you submit your order, there'll be a place to write your choices in. Cheaper this way (Save about 51¢ per bottle this way) I use small 5mL size bottles for experimenting with flavors, and for every day, just drip into them. For my favorite flavors I bought some 2oz size blue Glass bottles/droppers, that way I can just take it from there and drip it into the small ones as needed and don't have to keep mixing all the time. This is the best price I found, http://www.specialtybottle.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=29 My husband & I both use VG and have found that the Chuck provides the most throat hit and best vapor overall, no matter what you're vaping, it's multiplied like a 100 fold with this thing! Both of us have been able to cut down on the level of Nicotine we were using, cus it nice to be able to lay it down and do other things too without a pv being glued to ones hand, lol. You know, you gotta really be careful with such high nic levels, I've read this can make you really sick, they say don't really notice it while you're used to high levels, but if you accidentally get too much one time, by slowly building up a tolerance in your body, it actually becomes more poisonous and if you get it too high, it can even be fatal. 48mg is scarey dude, They use like 60mg as pestiside. I have a bottle of 48mg, and it has a skull and cross bones on it, Just a thought, the FDA could very well start regulating how much Nicotine can be sold, if people start vaping with high Nicotine that is made available for mixing use only. All it would take is one person getting messed up or worse because of this, and they could gain grounds to regulate it or even ban it from being sold in those amounts. I'm sorry, it's that 48mg is quite alot, and I would feel terrible if I didn't say something and then something happened to you. I just care and hope you and others will be careful, Michelle
  10. I know what you mean, I had no idea there were actually good things that nic was doing, I noticed these things about helping with pain and helping you think when I was smoking, thought it was in my head, and then I learn, there is good things it does, and I was cutting down too, down to 2mg, with the goal of zero, what were we thinking, lol, now where's my e-cig, I need more. lol I bought a gallon of food grad glycerine from here: http://www.botanical.com/products/bulkmisc/bulkmisc.html $33 plus shipping, it costed me $47, won't have to buy that for a lonnng time, lol. My hubby paid almost $20 for a small bottle of it at the store, it would cost hundreds to buy a gallon at those prices, so I just ordered a gallon to be done with it. It's like .36 an oz or something, lol.
  11. your quite welcome! Actually, I was speaking of Tasty Puffs (TP), http://www.tastypuff.com/I mentioned this in an earlier post, sorry, should have typed out Tasty Puffs, instead of TP, lol. (there's a little speaker next to that little guy that's dancing on the TP website, you can click on it to mute the ♫♫♪♪...kindof annoying, lol, I just ordered a Chuck, yay! Can't wait now, but I need more atomizers now, mine are slowly dying out, need to stock up! Isn't internet shopping fun?!!
  12. Hi JJ, I haven't used Lorann's, but 2 drops will flavor 10mL as it seems to get stronger after you mix it and it sits for awhile. I made some small sample size bottles and added 2 drops, and they've gotten stronger to the point where I had to cut them in half, 1 drop of Juicy fruit or watermelon flavor will flavor 10ml, but the other flavors I have, I used 2 drops for 5mL, and that was a couple weeks ago, they are strong enough by now, I'm sure I could cut these in half too and it'd still taste great. These are very sweet, highly concentrated drops..... Michelle
  13. Just a quick note, I read on another forum, from other users that say the Bubblegum flavor from Tasty puffs is realllly strong and will cling to your atomisers. One person said they keep one atomiser just for the bubblegum because they couldn't get rid of it and didn't want to taste bubble gum while using other flavors, lol. I haven't tried the bubblegum flavor myself, but I did notice watermelon TP clings to atty's for a little while, but I don't mind it, it actually accents my other flavors which is pretty cool. The flavors I have are: Juicy Fruit, Banana, Raspberry, Watermelon, Cherry, Pineapple, Apple, and Peach. oh, and they come in tiny bottles, which surpised me, but, when you use such minuscule amounts, even as small as they are, they'll last quite awhile. They list them to be 400 drops per bottle, so at the rate I'm using them, ha, I can make 200 bottles of 3-liquid, for each flavor, whoa... Anyways, If you have any other questions, I'll be glad to help if I can, Michelle
  14. I'm glad to help, ask a away... Yes you should get some of FF because TP's are very sweet, and while they taste really good, after awhile it's like, everything starts tasting sweet, Faeriesfinest compliments and evens out the sweetness of TP, if that makes sense . I started mixing FF with 20%, which 5mL would be 20 drops of FF, and then I added 1 or 2 drops of TP, but I'm sure 10% FF along with TP will be plenty strong. Might have to adjust a little for yor own preference, See, I already had 3 or 4 bottles of e-liquid I made with FF before my Tasty puff drops came in the mail, so I just added 1 or 2 drops. So you could use less FF if you use TP with it,. I bought my FF about 4 or 5 months ago and have only used bearly 1/3 of it, (if even that), of my 2 favorite flavors. There's still alot left. The next batch I make, I'm going to try 10% of FF and top them off with TP I know what you mean, about Juicy fruit, that's the first one I used when I opened my package, lol. I used 2 drops of Juicy Fruit in a small bottle, (5ml size) and noticed I could actually get by with only 1 drop, as it gets stronger after it sits. Just VG and Juicy Fruit, no FF. Also, here is an online e-juice calculator: http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php You don't have to know math formula's or anything to mix. Just open the webpage, enter in the nicotine strength you have, put in the nicotine strength you want to make, fill in the bottle size amount you want to make and then the number % flavoring, and hit enter. It will do all the calculations for you. This makes mixing soooo much easier I have several fruit flavors of I made of TP, nic, and VG, I just used several small 5ml size bottles and made one of each fruit flavor of TP's. These work great too for if your atty starts tasting bad or weird, just put 1 drop of the TP liquid you made, onto the bridge of your atty. Flavor lasts for hours sometimes. I like to use these to top off my cart with or for a special treat, lol, It's just that after using them for awhile by themselves, IMO, they're just a little too sweet to vape all the time and Faeriesfinest seems to balance them out. lIke only drinking cool-aid all day, lol, sometimes I like other flavors to. Plus it's fun to use FF and mix flavors. (Best to only make like 2 ml at a time for experiementing and mxing different flavors together) I like FF Amaretto, Black Walnut, with drop or two of TP Cherry, or Rasberry. I've done both, Rasberry is stronger than the Amaretto) and VG. I vape this stuff at zero nic and use it for those times when I'm chain-vaping mood, lol, so I don't have to worry about nic. =) Plus, FF has nut flavors, which I like and they also have Amaretto, which I LOVE, Even at 20% strength, and 2 vapors in the house, this stuff will last me a year atleast, I also love FF banana, tastes like banana taffee flavor, This stuff also goes along ways, if I kept using 20% in my mixes, using only the Amaretto & Banana flavorings, even with 2 vapors, it will last me for a year, which for 2 bottles, which is about $8, plus shipping, $6, $14 for a year's worth of flavoring is pretty good, then if you only use 10%, you could stretch it even further. I hope all my wramblings on trying to explain it doesn't sound confusing, lol, if you have any more questions ok
  15. Hi Mike! I currently a dse 801, VP2 and only use VG and 2mg nic during the day and 26mg nic for times when I want more nic. I have MS and nicotine helps with pain and helps me think more clearly. Believe it or not, Scientists have done studies on the this and there are several benefits of nicotine, including preventing Alzheimer's, improving cognition and memory. Anyway, as far a throat hit, I've discovered that throat hit doesn't depend so much on nic, as it does the heat device you're using is capable of producing. The hotter the vape, the more the throat hit. The same atomizer on a regular 801 battery, same e-liquid, produces nearly zero TH (throat hit), whether I mixed it with pg, different flavorings, or added more nicotine, the TH was just not there. But, take the SAME atty with no TH and screw it onto a Chuck, and oh my GOD! No matter how you draw on it, soft, light, or hard, you can feel it go into your mouth and hit the back of your throat. Myself, I can't handle the big hits like my husband does, Usually, on mine, I take 2 to 3 hits into my mouth, inhale it, and then blow it out. I simply cannot do this on the Chuck with an 801 atty. I can only take one short little puff, before I feel it hit my throat, and yet still get a plume of vapor, enough for me, lol. It feels like an analog to me doing it this way. More nic may make it a little stronger, but with the Chuck hits as powerful as they are with plain VG, the hotter your atty gets, the harder the TH, and the Chuck doesn't need any help,lol. I've decided I like it so well, I'm getting myself a Chuck too, it's waaaay more dependable and I'm tired of messing with e-cig batteries that are don't work very well. I do like the manual batteries though, I will say that, because you can hold that button down and get better hits, but it still doesn't compare to the Chuck. I'm a wimp I guess when it comes to taking those big hits on a CHuck, lol. I've tried various combinations of e-liquid and nic, vg/pg mix, and I LOVE VG the best, PG made me thirsty all of the time, and even though I wasn't even feeling the vapor as in "TH", by the end of the day, my throat was sore, and couldn't seem to drink even water, lol. So I said, screw that, and switched to straight VG. HUGE vapor clouds, and excellent flavor. With a fully charged 4.2v battery on my VP2, I can feel the vapor on my throat if I keep holding the button down and take in 3 heavy hits at once before I exhale it, but only works when I first put the battery in off the charger, after that it drops back down to no TH. I've been vaping for a little over 6 months now, and these are just some of the things I've discovered, based on my experience, hope this helps a little Michelle
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