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    Washington State

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  1. Thanks for the info and advice. I feel better prepared. I too will check out the vaporless (or less vapor) juice if I can find it. And would probably limit my vaping to the restroom as I still do when out and about here (as no-one knows what vaping is in this small town and I typically don't have time to explains, just need a quick nic fix.) I am not all that surprised that TSA hasn't freaked on the unit going through security. They probably just think it's a pen. And they typically seem more focused on my water bottle anyway. Thanks for the link profbeard and the success stories bzeisman.
  2. Many thanks for the detailed info. I've only been vaping a short while and have not yet tried it "in public." And, like you say, it's not worth missing a flight over (especially traveling half a world away.) I'd not thought of putting the liquids in the baggie. The next concern is that I'm going to be away probably six months or longer and no vendor seems to ship internationally (at least not that I've found.) So I'm planning to stock up on parts and liquid and hope I don't get cleaned out going through customs in India (though the only seem to want money for things they think one could resale, like electronics.) Plan B would be to have supplies posted via USPS to a friend there, but again, I'm not wanting any trouble. Anyone know anything about international shipping of e-supplies to India?
  3. Hi, this has probably been addressed here but I'm not finding it if it is. My question is about vaping and air travel. Is it allowed on planes? In airports? Any troubles with TSA (I travel internationally.) Any info would be appreciated. Many thanks, Diana
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