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jonnoh got a reaction from fenechap3 in Is getting e-liquid on your skin harmful?
I find this topic interesting. Especially about PG and nicotine. I've often had an O ring fail and got a bit, ok sometimes more than a bit of eliquid in my mouth and out of politeness, swallowed it. So far the only ramifications of that is hiccups. They occur about two minutes after swallowing. I drink a bit more than usual of what I'm currently drinking, water, coffee, beer to dilute it and the hiccups pass in about three minutes from onset. That's it. Of course individuals are all different, but swallowing liquid is more likely to cause absorption than dripping it on your skin. I haven't croaked, kicked the bucket, dropped dead, bought the farm, etc. so far. (unless you listen to the US Social Security Admin. but that's a different story. The reason PG interests me is because here in Malaysia I've had so many many people accuse me of vaping engine coolant and are surprised when I tell them that this is Propylene Glycol, not Ethylene Glycol. Ethylene Glycol being the antifreezing agent in engine coolant. So many ignorant people spouting off on what they think they know. Now, for fun, I had a duck for a pet when I was young, and no, the other kids didn't call me "duck boy", they called me much worse, but that's not the point of this. I used to use Veggie Glycerine to keep the duck's water from freezing. Recommended by the vet. I could by it very inexpensively at either a pharmacy or the vet's in 1 litre bottles. Hard to remember so long ago, but that duck lived much longer than most domesticated birds (of course wasn't used for Christmas dinner) without any noticeable health consequences.
jonnoh got a reaction from Avion in New to Vaping!
Avion, Mr. Christopher was most helpful and accommodating to me when I wanted to order some products sent to Malaysia. Thailand shouldn't be much different. Interestingly, I was in Phuket a short time ago and was amazed at the number of people vaping everywhere, well at least in Patong.and Karon.
jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Throat Roasting
I'd say the 70% PG, and the Nicotine level is what did you in... When you go below 1.0 Ohms, you have to really dial back your Nicotine, and up your VG content to 50% or higher.
I regularly use 12mg in my 1.5 Ohm tanks, but when I sub-ohm, even to 0.5, I drop my Nicotine to 3mg to cut back on the burn and the buzz... Nicotine is absorbed faster as heat increases Also, you're not getting any "real" cloud because of the PG content. VG is the cloud producer, and sub-ohm coils really prefer 50/50 to 30/70 mixes so you don't fry your throat...
jonnoh reacted to Christopher in What Will Happen When Bans Make Vape Culture Go Up in Smoke?
There might be tight regulation but I highly doubt there will ever be a complete ban. Many years ago it was a huge issue that many of us old timers fought pretty hard against. (California almost had a complete ban if it wasn't for Arnold) Supplies were being seized at the border and shortages weren't unheard of. At that time though the vape community was small and it has since grown exponentially.
What I do see happening is regulation, in fact it's inevitable. Honestly, given the way some of this "US Liquid" is made, it's probably needed to be honest. In any case the community now is not only large it's well educated. Forums like this one provide such a wealth of information that there will always be access to hardware and liquid. Either by questionable means or home brews.
My best guess is bottled liquid will become a thing of the past. At least for general retail. Regulation is likely going to require that retailers and wholesalers provide a safer way to distribute e-liquid. This past year alone has seen a rise in children poisoned by liquid nicotine. What form remains to be seen but I assume it'll be similar to cartomizers or tanks that require a removable storage units. (Sort of how the Joye eGo C works but the cartridges will be prefilled)
Big Tobacco is involved now and a once industry with a bleak future has had life breathed into it. They're not going to let it go anywhere. What they will do however is lobby for tightly controlled permits and regulation. This will also likely include propaganda and marketing techniques to ensure vaping remains legal but "safer for the children" (not that I'm against safer storage mind you). The truth is the competition right now is wide open in a wild wild west fashion. Just about anyone with extra savings and passion for vaping is opening either an online or retail store. Many of whom aren't even aware of the general history of electronic cigarettes. (A shop owner once told me that e-liquid has never been sold in high PG form. I told him that prior to RBA's that was ********. People wanted throat hit and the only vapers that used VG at one time were those sensitive to PG) Prices are all over the place. Some stores charge huge markups while others sell under what a normal product would be sold to cover overhead because they supplement their income with a daytime job. It's been really interesting to witness since 2008.
Anyway my point is the big players are slowly moving towards controlling the market. We already have reliable devices and a solid foundation for e-liquid. Now all that needs to be done is to rein in the consumers. They'll do this through expensive regulation that most smaller mom and pop shops will be unable to adhere to financially. (This eliminating the competition)
jonnoh reacted to Compenstine in What Will Happen When Bans Make Vape Culture Go Up in Smoke?
No it will not effect the way I vape. I will continue to make juice and build my own coils. I have enough gear that I can vape the rest of my life. It will however effect new vapers and those that have yet to try vaping.
Yes we need more studies If nothing else, to prove how much better it is to vape for not only the vaper, but those around them. It can also help improve what we vape and what is truly harmful as additives to the juice that is made. For example, added food coloring, is it safe? Why add it if it only makes it look like the flavor it claims to be. Do Lime vapes need to be green?
There are questions that need firm and un bias answers. The fear mongering and speculations surrounding vaping need to be quelled so the truth can be the deciding factor.
jonnoh reacted to Mike in Vape for life? When is it time to give it up?
Wow Squid, you've been vaping longer than me. I discovered vaping in late Oct, 2009. I vaped 24mg and sometimes even 36 but then went down to 18 where I'm still at. I don't think the addictive properties of vaping or smoking has too much to do with how much nic. ur getting. It does make it easier if ur not using as much nic but the biggest thing is the hand to mouth thing and blowing out clouds. I've gone all day a few times to see if I felt like I would be jonesing for it and although I did think about it often I didn't have that withdrawal feeling like when I tried to quit butts so many times in the past.
jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in What setup do i need for Cloud competitions?
Not many of our members here are cloud competition folks... 99.9% are vaping for smoking cessation or hobby, rather than competition.
If memory serves, from reading the local brochure from a recent competition (which I did NOT attend... never will actually), there were divisions, and listings of specific, allowable gear, as well as an "open-mechanical" category.
If you want to compete, check with the local competition organizers for a recommendation of gear, and you can't go wrong, or you may show up with a sub-par (or disqualifying) rig. Some competitions only allow pure VG, some don't, so be aware of your juice limitations too. Pure VG gives the max vapor production, BTW.
Personally, I think the cloud competitions are vaping's biggest enemy, and further damage vaping in the eyes of the pubic. Huge clouds look cool to some, but to most, they look dangerous, menacing, and disgusting... and the media and government LOVE to use photos of cloud-chasers to support their regulation crusade, so they can say "look at this horrible, death-cloud! We must regulate this and stop it... for the CHILDREN!".
To each his own... but what you do in public casts light upon more than just you!
jonnoh reacted to Adversarious1 in What did I learn about vaping today......
This is something I actually learned last Friday.
Sometimes setting your cell phone on top of your car so you can keep vaping while you put other things in your car can lead to a cell phone in the middle of the road.
That happened to me last Friday. Long story short, I was leaving work. I had my personal cell phone and a nice cold Pepsi in one hand, my vape in the other hand and my laptop case hanging from my shoulder. When I got to my car, rather than setting my vape on top of the car so I could put my laptop case on the passenger seat, I set my cell phone and nice cold Pepsi on top of the car. That's when I got a call on my work issued cell phone and promptly forgot about my personal cell phone (and nice cold Pepsi) sitting on the roof of my car.
A half mile later I heard something bounce on my roof and looked in my rear view mirror just in time to see my cell phone (and nice cold Pepsi) bouncing down the road behind me. The phone suffered critical damage, but it did survive and still functions. The new screen and digitizer will be arriving tomorrow. Sadly, the nice cold Pepsi did not survive.
In hindsight, I think I'm happier it was the cell phone that made the journey rather than my Sigelei and Arctic tank. It only cost me $36 for a new screen and digitizer...I couldn't have replaced the Sigelei, Arctic and most likely batteries for that much and I'm sure they wouldn't have fared as well as the phone.
jonnoh reacted to Compenstine in What did I learn about vaping today......
How in the Hell... did you get a pic of my Juice maker!
jonnoh got a reaction from Havamal in What did I learn about vaping today......
Today, I didn't actually learn, but finally accepted that my eyes are also 63 years old and I can't see all those O ring thinggys and miss some. Some even have the audacity to be clear. So today I designed my new setup: A 12 volt Die Hard battery connected through an HO train set rheostat to a MacPherson strut coil spring installed in a copper moonshine still tank, and liquid by the liter. Barring that, a 12 volt solar water tank coil, installed in a 20 gallon Sears mobile home electric water heater with a plug for all the holes except the hot water egress and screwed into that would be a series of descending diameter pipes ending with a designer tip. Shold be portable with a big enough carrying case. I should now be able to see all the anti leak gasketing thinggys.
jonnoh reacted to Compenstine in What did I learn about vaping today......
LMAO Jonnoh you trying to compete with the Vape 4000 TC?
jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Help! Please!
Now she wants pink o-rings for the sub tank. Will it never end?
Jonnoh - I think a blues song is called for....
Dah dada dah daht....
Used to have a sub tank
Dah dada dah daht
It was a version 2
Dah dada dah daht
Aint bad enough it's gone
Dah dada dah daht
She wants to make it pink too!
Oooo oooh ooohI got them subtank blues
(wheedley wee wee wha wha whaaaah)
jonnoh got a reaction from Compenstine in What did I learn about vaping today......
Today, I didn't actually learn, but finally accepted that my eyes are also 63 years old and I can't see all those O ring thinggys and miss some. Some even have the audacity to be clear. So today I designed my new setup: A 12 volt Die Hard battery connected through an HO train set rheostat to a MacPherson strut coil spring installed in a copper moonshine still tank, and liquid by the liter. Barring that, a 12 volt solar water tank coil, installed in a 20 gallon Sears mobile home electric water heater with a plug for all the holes except the hot water egress and screwed into that would be a series of descending diameter pipes ending with a designer tip. Shold be portable with a big enough carrying case. I should now be able to see all the anti leak gasketing thinggys.
jonnoh reacted to Tam in Vape for life? When is it time to give it up?
I've been vaping since May 2012, and it's been on my mind for the better part of this year. Making sure batteries were charged, all back ups were packed, carrying extra juices... I didn't mind for the longest time, but in the last several months I've been finding it to be tedious. Also, when I go out, vaping is starting to be looked at like smoking cigarettes. Finding a place to vape that isn't imposing on others is also starting to feel like the old days.
When I first started vaping I was at 24 mg of nic. Now, it's at a steady 3 mg and dropping. Before too much longer, I may be putting my vape gear in the pay-it-forward pile. Only time will tell, but the nice thing is that there's no pressure, I can do this when I'm ready. That's the beauty of vaping, I guess.
jonnoh reacted to Rixter in Vape for life? When is it time to give it up?
Cigarettes smell so awful to me now that even if my PV died, I don't think that a cigarette would even be an option. For me, it would be like running out of Cool-Aid and choosing to drink sewer water.
jonnoh reacted to Rixter in Vape for life? When is it time to give it up?
I've thought of that very question many times since I quit smoking and began vaping (April 8, 2012). I suppose the answer to the "when to stop vaping" question is: whenever maintaining your gear (recharging, refilling, safeguarding, etc.) stops being enjoyable and becomes a hassle to you...when it begins to outweigh the enjoyment you get from the act of vaping, it's probably time for you to quit.
jonnoh reacted to The Vapor Rater in new vapor shop directory - 15,000 shops - review system - geolocation
the vapor rater is a new mapping and review system for vapor shops - https://thevaporrater.com/ - please use it and let me know what i can do to make it more useful.
you can search for shops by zip code or city/state name or street address. i've also got a review system on there for overall rating, product selection, pricing, and customer service. if you love or hate a shop, please find it on the directory and give it an honest review. the more reviews there are, the more useful this site will be.
the idea is that if you're out of town or move to a new place, you can use this directory to find shops near you and you can decide which one to visit first based on what other vapers think about the shop.
i did my best to only import listings of vapor shops, but some tobacco and hookah shops snuck in there, if you see a listing that's not a real vapor shop, please let me know. when you're on the page of any vapor shop, on the right side of the page, a little under the address and phone number, there's a button that says "Report Bad Listing".
thanks for your time.
jonnoh got a reaction from Yabaadaabaado in Journey to being a non smoker
Welcome! This is the only method that's worked for me, and I've got almost 50 years of Marlboro Reds under my belt, but been smoke free for 2 years. With the right battery, tank and liquid you get to replace the throat hit, nicotine, and imitation smoke exhaled which is a huge part of the smoking addiction. I just offer this 'beware' advice because I wish I'd known about it when I started vaping. The FDA and congress made a big deal getting big tobacco to admit the addictive nature of nicotine but the FDA and congress were incredibly naive and stupid IMO. They failed to get big tobacco to address the other addictive properties of tobacco which again IMO and experience are far more difficult to overcome than nicotine. If nicotine was the real bad guy, we'd all be able to quit with nicotine patches and a fake cigarette for the hand to mouth habit. It seldom works; most of us here have tried it again and again without result. This works if you make yourself aware of the other sneaky cravings that are in tobacco. It feels like they lace the cigs with things that work as bronchodilaters , steroids, narcotics just enough to make you want to keep smoking and not feel the effects until you've gone a bit without cigs, like a night's sleep and you wake up feeling all the damage that you've done. Notice how bad your lungs feel when you wake, and how quickly they feel better with the first cigarette. I mention these things because if you're aware of them you can know what you're feeling and be prepared. Most here advise using higher nicotine levels when those cravings hit and I totally agree. It does work for some reason. However after two years, when for some reason I can't vape because of location or social issues, I don't miss it any more than I'd miss a second coffee. I really don't think nicotine has any kind of hold on me compared to the other unknown additives to tobacco. Best of luck to you, It really works. And best of all, it's fun and you can still portray that bad boy image if you like that as I do without risking your health! Win Win!
jonnoh got a reaction from Earthling789 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
1 Innokin Cool Fire IV and
1 Innokin Disrupter Black on Black
jonnoh got a reaction from jasonculp in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
1 Innokin Cool Fire IV and
1 Innokin Disrupter Black on Black