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Everything posted by jonnoh

  1. Hi Kai2299. I'm a big Malaysia fan. Lived in Rawang 20+ years. Forced by pandemic to return to US. Negaraku! Sorry never heard of that resource.
  2. Hi Hi Nasar. Denpasar? Stuck in my home country of USA till the pandemic is over.
  3. It's been almost two and a half years since I started this great experiment in living without tobacco. If I were writing a commercial the slogan would be: "A Change I Can Live With!" I think it took! Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of my labour in ways other than greatly improved health, new interests in equipment, the quest for the perfect flavour, not hacking myself to death with self inflicted activities, etc. etc. I'm gonna buy a shack on a few acres in northern Maine. A project to begin the next time I return to North America, with an eye on more acreage just a hop skip and jump over the border in Canada; a more benevolent, more enlightened, more forward and progressive thinking country. I've been looking into that since I learnt that there is actual testing for nicotine pre employment screening which caused me to reflect on the fact that you also need to be drug tested just to be a greeter at Walmart. I grieve for my country for those issues and so many others. Ok enough of the political soapbox. It would take a forensic accountant to figure the savings I've accrued by vaping for two and a half years because of so many gifts of mods, atomisers, tanks, coils, batteries, juice etc. I've also mixed my own juice very cheaply but also bought way over priced commercial liquid just because it was there. I've overpaid for equipment in the form of abusive import duties, and foreign profit margins, so who knows. My counter shows I've saved something like 15000 thousand dollars, but that's not even close because I entered the money in Malaysian Ringgit because that's what I earn and what I spend. But 15000 dollars is the magic number to buy, so I as my personal Chancellor of the Exchequer will authorise the expenditure from the general treasury. The reality is that I'm sure I've saved money from the apocryphal ten dollars a day I think I would have spent if I still lived in Connecticut. Honestly, I've no idea of the price of cigarettes in Connecticut and am too lazy too look it up, but at that rate, not smoking nor buying anything, I'd have saved over nine thousand dollars and that's good enough for me to splurge on something very cool (you can read COLD if you want) So, what cool plans does anyone have for using their savings?
  4. Avion, Mr. Christopher was most helpful and accommodating to me when I wanted to order some products sent to Malaysia. Thailand shouldn't be much different. Interestingly, I was in Phuket a short time ago and was amazed at the number of people vaping everywhere, well at least in Patong.and Karon.
  5. And backups for the backups
  6. Or thanks?
  7. I was recently chatting with a waiter at my local and he mentioned after trying my sub ohm mini that the tip was too big and the air volume was too well I guess loose? I mean too easy to draw, So for just trying I pulled the tip of my Puritank (not threaded) and tried it on the mini. Fit like a glove. Perfectly. It's about the same size as the Iclear 30 and restricts the draw a bit. Worked fine for him. That Puritank thinggy I found online and it cost 22 ringgit. With the current exchange rate it should be about 5 bucks if you can find it. The Puritank also works ok on its own.
  8. Recently, Singapore banned completely all E Cig hardware and activities. They have no logical explanation. They have no printed justification. They still allow smoking, chewing, but not snuff. Living in Malaysia, Singapore is a convenient destination for my colleagues from Aus. and other places to meet and have some R. and R. It has a lot to offer in a small area and is very clean and efficiently run. Taxis are fantastic and hospitality ranges from the very budget conscious to five star and above. Prices with American dollars are fairly reasonable. But now I won't go there. Their ban is capricious, unwarranted and probably big tobacco lobbied. I've written to the health ministry, Prime Minister's department and tourism ministry but don't expect to hear back.
  9. I'll consider it when at the pub I don't still watch others casually whip out their packs and offer around and feel the temptation to take one. If I didn't have the vape, I think to this day I still might succumb, even after two plus years. I know intellectually from my slips in the early days how awful and unsatisifying they are but I'm as yet not over that temptation. I am one of the few that still loves the second hand smoke. I still follow smokers on the street like a sniffing dog in heat I still in smoker's lounges in airports, admit I have a second hand smoke deficiency. I know now from personal experience that nicotine isn't as addictive as the idiot FDA would have you believe. I'm sure its the other components of tobacco smoke that keeps us hooked. I really don't miss vaping when it's not possible but sure do in those group bonding smoking places and times.
  10. So, if I want to apply to a hospital for the neurosurgery position, I will automatically be disqualified if I happen to live on a diet of eggplant parmesan and chew tomato leaves as a hobby? I fear for my country's sanity. Oh yeah, there's another disqualifier; I know nothing about neurosurgery.
  11. Thank you for this, I think it's quite useful. I just found the vape shop to visit when I buy my shack in Maine from all the money I saved by not buying cigs!
  12. Today, I didn't actually learn, but finally accepted that my eyes are also 63 years old and I can't see all those O ring thinggys and miss some. Some even have the audacity to be clear. So today I designed my new setup: A 12 volt Die Hard battery connected through an HO train set rheostat to a MacPherson strut coil spring installed in a copper moonshine still tank, and liquid by the liter. Barring that, a 12 volt solar water tank coil, installed in a 20 gallon Sears mobile home electric water heater with a plug for all the holes except the hot water egress and screwed into that would be a series of descending diameter pipes ending with a designer tip. Shold be portable with a big enough carrying case. I should now be able to see all the anti leak gasketing thinggys.
  13. Done from Malaysia
  14. My d-i-v-o-r-c-e becomes final today...... Me and t-a-n-k mini will be goin' away........I love you both and this will be pure h-e double l on me........
  15. I also was a 2 pack a day reds smoker for almost 50 years and couldn't imagine life without cigarettes, cigars, or pipe. (More when at the pub.) Anyway I too was trying to find something that closely resembled a cigarette in both appearance and performance. All those that I wasted a king's ransom on were abject failures and a great source of frustration. I gave the whole thing up as a bad job. Then I saw a ISP marketer puffing away on a cigar sized black tube and fascinated I watched him for quite a while making his pitch to several customers. It never failed to produce vapour the whole time I was watching, maybe a half hour. Finally he was free for a moment and I asked him about it. He told me what it was and where he got it. It was an eGo twist and the shop was only about ten kilometers away. I went there and couldn't find the vendor. Sheesh! Told Sig Other about it and he surprised me with an eGo Twist and some kind of generic mini tank and some Liqua French Pipe flavoured liquid. I tried it skeptically and wow! I said this might actually do the quitting trick! I had tried everything from nic gum, patches, hypnosis, Wellbutrin etc etc ad nauseam. Two years and three months later I am a very happy and contented vaper. I unlike most here still love the smell of burning tobacco and like tobacco flavours. I source from Malaysia so I won't be much help to you for flavour brands but there are some highly recommended liquids here the the eliquid section. I've also learnt to enjoy some other flavours but I think I'm still of the mindset that a stick of juicy fruit or a snickers bar was no substitute for a great smoke Once you get past that hangup that your device needs to resemble a cigarette you'll find an awesome vaping experience from all those devices mentioned above. Think of it like a jet engine designer making the first engine and the factory owner restricted him to use an already existing piston engine and not throw any of those piston engine components out and build off that to make the jet. Think how impractical that would be. Cigarettes are designed to burn tobacco and work very well. Producing vapour is a different concept so it needs a purpose built device and over the past few years the improvements have been exponential. I'll leave you with a last bit of advice and then shut up. Tobacco smoke contains many many ingredients, many of which are toxic. Cigarettes probably have additives that produce a slight narcotic effect, bronchial dilators, steroid type ingredients all of which make you enjoy smoking and want more. I am convinced it's not the nicotine that terribly addictive as the FDA would have you believe. I've found I can lower my standard 18 mg/ml to nothing and if I didn't know I wouldn't notice. I've tested myself by having someone else fill my tanks and not tell me which contains nicotine at 18 mg and which has nicotine at 3 mg. Honestly I feel no difference, however my prejudice is always for the higher nicotine level. Best of luck and do the research. I can almost guarantee you a rewarding experience. The learning curve was well worth it because I haven't felt this healthy since I was twelve and inhaled my first Winston.
  16. I guess i'll never work in my own country again. I'm glad I live in a country where you can work drunk, sober, stoned, or straight. They basically expect you to have enough integrity to do your job as intended. I have however done some of my best teaching under the influence of that which must never be mentioned here. The creativity factor I think.
  17. They now test for nicotine in the US of A????????????????? What has happened to my country? I couldn't get over the fact that you need to be drug tested just to stock shelves at Walmart! Pathetic. (The above statement reflects only my opinion and not that of my elected officials)
  18. 1 Innokin Cool Fire IV and 1 Innokin Disrupter Black on Black
  19. That's possible?????? Who knew.
  20. There was a man who came around, To try and buy some vape in town. He came upon a stylish place, And entered in with modest grace. He took his purse from pocket hence, And found he had but ninety cents. He scanned the offerings through and through, To see what ninety cents would do. The only thing would do at all, Was five ml of Veggie Glycerol. He called the staff from across the hall, And softly whispered, "Veggie Glycerol". The staff man bellowed across the hall, "This gentleman here wants Veggie Glycerol". The customers stared, both one and all, To see who'd ordered just Veggie Glycerol. The wretched man felt ill at ease, And softly whispered, "A bit of flavoured PG if you please". The staff man bellowed across the hall, "You get no flavour with Veggie Glycerol". There is a moral to it all, But damned if I know what it is.............
  21. I too think as an odd duck. I even had a pet duck as a boy. Often been asked, "didn't the other kids call you duck boy?" Actually called worse but never that I too use vaping to stay off tobacco and I too liked high end smoke and was in heaven for a while when I went to Malaysia where Cubans are legal albeit expensive. Great treat on occasion. I started vaping full time after almost 50 years of cigs pipes cigars, and I still love the smell of tobacco smoke and follow a smoker on the street like a dog in heat. I tell the folks in the smoking lounges at airports that I'm suffering from a second hand smoke deficiency. But I've been vaping exclusively and quite happily with many a moment of hiccups like you mention: leaky tanks faulty batteries bad designs burnt coils crappy liquid etc. etc. etc. for two years and three months. I'm just about to open my newly minted homemade tobacco flavoured juice as found in the DIY sub forum here and can't wait. I've always been of the mind set that a Hershey Bar never was a substitute for a cigarette so why would I think a food flavoured liquid would work for a tobacco cessation vaping experience. Actually I'm really happy that it works for so many, but it's not my cuppa. Welcome aboard and I'd love to hear what you discover on your journey to finding the best flavours. After two years of vaping I finally went to my first B&M in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam and was impressed with their business plan. They have online and placed in Hotel adverts a delivery service for their products. When I went to find them they were in about a quarter shop sized place. Tiny but the guys were very friendly and knew a bit. I bought my first Eleaf iStick 20W there. Got taken for about 12 dollars extra I was so informed later I too have decided that based on that I'd not be much of a fan of Vape shops. I'll let you know after I visit the two newly opened in close proximity to my house. Maybe a pleasant surprise.
  22. Thanks all for your good wishes and concern for my cement house, furniture and self. Most of my misfortunes in life have sadly been self inflicted. Experimental homemade fuel in pressure lanterns, jump starting frozen 6 volt batteries from 12 volt donors etc. I'm sorry to admit in all fairness to the Eleaf iStick 50 watt, that this is most likely one of those instances. I've been monitoring my vaping habits since this happened and I'm quite surprised that I've not done this to myself long before now which speaks volumes for the great quality of these off the shelf mods. I notice that in the desire to have the vaping experience mimic the smoking experience in all aspects including convenience that I've just vaped away, filling and refilling without even looking for leaks or ever checking out what's going on between tank and battery. If a leak became so noticeable as to be annoying I just put the tank in storage, put on a new one and vape, only bothering to fix the leaking tank when I've almost run out of new ones. Basically lazy. So not having the mod to check out, I've no real evidence, but my 20 watt examples were quite mucked up in the contact area. Lesson learnt! Mea culpa most probably.
  23. It was a gift from SO and he's a stickler for making sure he got the real thing so always checks the numbers and holograms with the manufacturer etc. He says it passed muster. He was just googleing and found many posts discussing this. Most refer to reddit, and most claim it's a liquid getting in the mod issue or being spilt on the firing button. Not sure about that but it's possible as I'm not the neatest person (my former secretary would lhao over that). I was looking for a 'atomizer short, no atomizer, low atomizer' fix for my 20W at the time and it just came up so he looked. As an aside, I notice that my regular supplier in Malaysia no longer lists the 20W, 30W, or 50W, only the new 40W temp control version. No idea why yet.
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