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  1. Long story short - a friend's credit card number was stolen, somebody used it to order a Blu starter kit and lots of cartridges, my friend called both Blu and the bank... The bank negated the charge AND Blu redirected the package to my friend - who neither smokes nor vapes! I have an ego-C, so he's going to give me the stuff. I love my ego-C, and that includes the incredibly low cost of self-filling the blank tanks. The Blu looks more expensive to operate - about $13 for what they say equals five packs of analogs. But hey, it's free, I'm curious to try it. And if I don't like it, I'll force it on a smoking friend who should make the switch. Have any of you tried Blu? I looked at their website and it says NOTHING about the vaping experience - it's all about how cool the light-up/vibrating "social feature" pack is... Creepy, if you ask me. I'll hit the "off" button! Thanks! MMcG
  2. Thanks, all! Franz, I just looked at CigNot and Indy Vapor. CigNot does have 'em, but at Indy Vapor the only replacement caps are described as the same as the ones that come with the tanks, doesn't mention silicone... I have a stockpile already, bit will definitely hit CigNot when I need to replenish. Thanks for the lead. Happy vaping!
  3. Got my eGo C in late Feb, my first vaping experience. My goal was to stop smelling like cigarettes. I still smoke 3-6 analogs a day (only outdoors - fresh-smelling hair, clothes, and apartment!), but that's down from 15 or more analogs a day. My analog count will be tapering off, because, just like the pros here say, once you've started vaping the analog taste is just... foul! A few times a day I still find I crave the hundreds of poisons in analogs, but I'm indulging the beast less and less often. There certainly IS a learning curve with these things! I hope a newbie or two may find this post useful. 1. Research before you buy. Unless you have $50-100 bucks to throw away, do your homework. I started out, like most newbies, certain that I wanted a unit that would look, feel, and taste as much like a real cigarette as possible. When I first heard about the units where you had to press a button to take a puff, I thought it was insanely stupid! But the more I read, the more I changed my mind. Think CONVENIENCE -- length of battery life, ease of refilling, and recurring cost. I highly recommend my eGo C, even though there were early frustrations because of the learning curve. 2. Read several chat boards. Long-time vapers may sometimes speak in tongues, but you'll get used to it, and they are so very willing to help! Before you post a new question, check to see if there's already a thread on the topic - your answer may be there, or you can contribute to the existing discussion. If you're still in the dark, don't be afraid to start a thread. 3. Juice. Don't go all Costco with your first few juice orders. Many places offer small bottle sample packs - it's a little pricier than buying big bottles, but why buy a big bottle of something you may not like? I'm now sitting on a jug of juice that I find totally un-vape-able. But through samplers, I've found three flavors I'd be happy to vape forever -- Honey Cured Tobacco, Andes Mint, and Snowman's Kiss, all from Pink Spot. I know the fruity flavors have lots of fans, but I tried several and they weren't for me. Keep an open mind, and you will be amazed at the varieties available that DON'T taste like cigarettes - and that's a good thing! 4. Soft caps! Soft caps! Soft caps! Order lots of silicone caps, they're cheap as dirt but take forever to arrive from China. (Does anybody know a supplier that ships from the US?) Several advantages: -- I found it absolutely impossible to remove the hard plastic caps without digging at the edges with a sharp object, and I always ended up zinging the cap across the room and having to feel up the carpet to find it. With the soft caps, I simply cover the cap with a tissue for traction, and peel it up and out. -- When one eventually gets too ripped to provide a tight seal, just toss it and pop a new one into the old tank. You can use your existing tanks forever if you keep replacing the caps. Tanks are cheap, but caps are cheaper! 5. Leakage. When I started vaping, the problem was so bad I considered giving up entirely. Huge gushes of juice would suddenly run down the outside of the unit, and fill all the connections. With the help of this and other site chat boards, I finally figured out what was wrong... several things! -- Don't overfill! - make sure you leave enough space in the tank that there's a little air bubble when it's sealed. Sometimes, even if there is a decent bubble, I still have to tap the tank a few times to get the bubble to rise to the mouth end of the tank. -- Wait a sec! I now push the button for a second or two BEFORE I start inhaling - the amount of time it takes to bring the ecig to my lips is plenty. This seems to help me get better vapor, and I believe it also helps keep the attomizer/tank seal tighter, though I couldn't say why. -- Don't suck! Take long, slow, relaxed inhalations. You'll get used to it very quickly. Plus, heavy suckage can make juice pull through the mouthpiece and into your mouth. -- I'll say it again - soft caps! The overlap that wraps around the end of the tank seems to be a huggier seal than the hard plastic caps. Also, I use a large sewing needle to pierce a small starter hole on new caps; it seems to keep the silicone from ripping so much when the tank is inserted for the first time, as well as after repeated refills. There's a poster here who recommends using a 12-guage hypodermic needle, blunted for safety, to actually pull out a perfectly sized plug rather than just poke a starter hole -- I'm going to give that a try too. -- Insert the tank firmly all the way, and continue pushing while you twist it about 90 degrees. Note that before I started pre-poking the soft caps, occasionally I would come across one that refused to be pierced by the attomizer, and I HAD to take it out and manually start the hole - the polar opposite of a leakage problem. 6. Nic level. Start medium until you know what feels right. You can always buy some higher or lower of the same (or complimentary) flavor and mix them together to bring it to a level you like, so it's not a wasted bottle. I started with 24mg and was overwhelmed - it actually gave me "cigarette hangovers"! I'm now at 18, and just ordered some 12's with the intention of being a 0 by the end of the year. And yes, I will vape at 0. I like it. 7. Get a decent hard case. Again, think convenience! I found a very nice one for maybe $12 at LiteCig. It has interior nets and bands to keep everything in place, and it holds two assembled ecigs, my USB charger, a few extra soft caps, and three sample size bottles so I always have extra of my favorite flavors. I refill my little bottles once or twice a week, so when I'm racing out to work in the morning all I have to do is pop the case in my purse and I know I have everything I need. No thinking necessary. All this is "IMHO," your mileage may vary, but I hope you find it helpful. Thanks again to everyone on this site who helped me become a happy vaper! MommyMcG
  4. Meanwhile, I'm shooting through e-liquid at a rapid rate without even vaping, and spending money on accessories (a case, the caps, new tanks, a syringe, etc) for something that may just be a piece of crap. Frustrated. Any other bright ideas out there? Help, please!
  5. This is MADDENING! My soft caps just arrived. Filled the tank 3/4, assembled everything, started happily vaping thinking I had solved the leaking problem. Heard a slight gurgling noise as I drew on it; three puffs later, ALL the juice was out of the tank, in the assembly and on my hand. Yes, I got the right size caps. Yes, the tank was inserted fully and everything assembled properly. 5 attys came with my starter kit; I've opened and tried 3 of them and have had drool/leaks with all three. I only brought 1 to the office today in anticipation of the caps arriving, I'll try out the other 2 attys tonight. Or all other 4. Don't tell me I already have to buy (and wait for) another strip of attys.... with no guarantee that they won't leak as well... WTF?????
  6. Maverick, yes, I push the tank down until it "pops," then twist slightly just like in the directions. Good hits, lots of vapor, loving my new toy, everything's fine until GUSH and my hand gets wet. I just ordered a bunch of empty tanks, will also order some additional caps; maybe in my trying to figure out the problem I've made it worse by wearing out the holes in the ones that came with the starter kit.
  7. mjradik, thanks for the video. I'm new, and have been feeling stupid thinking the leaking HAD to be operator error. I have switched to new tanks, and now I only get leaking (GUSH leaking) when the tanks are about a quarter full. At least I'm guessing that's when the gush starts - I shut it down and pull the tank and find about an eighth left in the tank, the other eighth all over the unit and my hand. I'll look for the soft caps you describe and a needle.
  8. Alas, the directions and photos that come with are INCREDIBLY vague. I wasn't even aware that the "condom thing" wasn't the cap the instructions were talking about! thanks.
  9. Thanks for the videos - VERY much more helpful than the instruction booklet. Big leakage problem has been solved. However... Another problem is that on two of the three tanks I've opened, a small amount of juice is being pulled into the little chamber by the hole where you draw. It then gets sucked through the rubber mouthpiece and onto my lips. Is that normal? Thanks again.
  10. Had my eGo C 24 hours now, so this is probably a dumb question, but mine is drooling too... If I put the cap back on the cartridge, how am I supposed to fit it into the black cover? The cap is too wide to fit in the cover.
  11. Hi all! I've been vaping for all of 24 hours now... bought the eGo C starter kit. I like it, I'm getting vapor, but I seem to have an oil leakage. Oil seeps out and seems to be between the atty and the atty base... And when I lick my lips after a puff I can taste concentrated flavor on my upper lip, and I'm worried about ingesting even small amounts of the liquid. I followed all the assembly instructions (badly written and tiny photographs of a black unit against a black background, that sure helps) and all I can figure is I don't have the tank cartridge correctly seated on the atty. "Push the cartridge straight onto the atomizer. When it is 3mm from the bottom of the atomizer, push harder when you feel the tank/cartridge is punctured, then spin 30 to 60 degrees to ensure correct placement." The cartridge is in the black holder part, how the heck am I to tell when it's 3mm from the bottom of the atomizer? The cartridge will rotate fully when assembled, there is no "30 to 60 degree" stopping point - have I maybe "spun" too far and made too big a hole? The cartridge COMES WITH a hole in the bottom, that's how I filled it. (Yet when I refilled this evening, using the same filler bottle and the same technique, as much oil lay in a pool on top of the cartridge as went into it...) Have I somehow poked too big a hole in the bottom of the cartridge? But if that was true, why did the oil go in almost perfectly the first time I filled it, but not the second? I've now disassembled both unites and lined up the parts. There are oil marks under the attys, atty bases, and cartridges. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Or is it just a matter of practice makes perfect? I'd really rather not ruin all five cartridges that came with the kit before I figure it out! Thanks.
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