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Everything posted by MadKat

  1. So happy that everything turned out okay and no one was injured!
  2. I get a bit of juice in my mouth from time to time with these things...don't know why that is. Other than that I love 'em!
  3. just an FYI...one of my clearomizers I cleaned with distilled white vinegar has what looks like corrosion on the inside to the "metal" base...other one is fine. The silver flaked off leaving a rusted metal look...ew
  4. why not skip all the mess and get a KGO from Hoosiers? http://www.hoosierecig.com/E-cig-Kits_c_19.html#top along with some Boge lr cartomizers oe a sr vision ego clearomizer. and some tasty juice?
  5. will my vision ego clearomizer fit onto the lavatube or would a tank be better suited? The more I read about the Provari the more I think I will set up a "Save for Provari" jar
  6. YAY!!! I ordered the SR and popped it onto a freshly charged battery and NO burned taste! YAY!!!
  7. more in my price range *that's* more in my price range I meant...thanks!
  8. can do $100 but that's $200 for the whole shebang...
  9. ahhhh...the provari is a little out of my price range :'(
  10. So...I've been enjoying my KGO and everything about it. I've found 2 favorite juices that I keep using and 'm a happy girl...but NOW I want a new something or other. What should I get? I want something totally cool looking, lasts all day, and has fabulous accessories
  11. can I find a higher ohm clearo for my kgo so I won't get the burned flavor on a fresh battery?
  12. I think I've discovered the culprit for the burned flavor....a new battery. Everytime I pull the kgo off the charger and pop my clearomizer on THAT'S when I get the burnflavor. Any suggestions about how to fix that? I really like everything else about it and would like to make this work. Should I change over to SR instead of LR???
  13. end result DAYS LATER....I decided to throw out the burnt tasting stardust. It NEVER seemed to work or taste right (leaked, nasty intermittent burnt taste) I almost gave up on them altogether...but after using my boge for a couple of days I've decided to give it another try and the one I didn't abuse seems to be working well. Now we're already on to newer and better I guess? I've "heard" talk of an ego vision clearomizer with longer wicks...maybe I'll try that when this one conks out on me
  14. http://www.dailymarkets.com/stock/2012/04/25/blu-ecigs-the-leading-electronic-cigarette-company-acquired-by-lorillard/
  15. is this the newer one? http://altsmoke.com/accessories/510-cartomizers/ego-cartomizers/vision-ego-transparent-color-clearomizer.html
  16. when i looked under "accessories" it had a cig style battery, not a pod
  17. my vote is in....I like Boges better. After a week of using the vision ego clearomizer I keep getting an intermittent burnt taste and I'm constantly rolling the juice up around the wicks.
  18. http://www.smokefree...e-atomizer.html "That's just crazy yo ! " AGREED! lol!
  19. google sky map, pandora, insight timer lite, advanced task killer, temple run, draw free, SKYVI, mint.com, hanging free, scan, astrid task to do list
  20. OH!!! And $30 for 15ml of juice. LOL! Wow
  21. I was REALLY wanting to quit smoking and it was a total impulse buy....BUT it introduced me to the vaping life so it was worth it. Smoke Free offers a lifetime guarantee so I guess I'll always have it for backup
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