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mrx2578 last won the day on June 15 2010

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About mrx2578

  • Birthday 02/05/1978

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    Henderson, NV

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  1. Chris that would be awesome if you came. Your videos on you tube are what inspired me to switch to E-cigs over 2 years ago...I'd like to shake your hand sir! :-) Congrats on baby number 2...I just moved to Henderson NV so Im quite close....
  2. Ya know...this really makes me angry....I smoked 2 packs a day for nearly 20 years (reds, camels, you name it) and I haven't had a full cigarette since last October. I have never felt better....if they want to come up with some real evidence fine but get off of the Antifreeze argument. This is the kind of thing that makes me really worry about the future of vaping
  3. I just got these myself and all I can say is WOW!! I've been using the standard 510 and the megs batts since October. I just bought a multi pack from TW as well as the multi pack of mains (for charging). I already owned the 5 port multi charger. I vape VERY HEAVY and I have yet to have a battery die on me. I usually put it on the charger around the 7 hour mark but I have yet to drain it to the "flashing point" I just got some LR attys for it and it made it even better. These things are the awesome. The regular attys work great as well, but the LR attys are unreal. I would recommend to any 510 fan who does not want a "mod"...I would love to see the TW logo on the front light up but I'll live. I'd give this a 10/10 also.....solid vapor production, solid taste (more so with the LR atty), superb battery life, solid construction.... oh and the "Cone" is a must is you like a little resistance in your drag. I find it also helps in the throat hit and vapor production as well. They say its just to cover the threads on the battery, but it also acts as a cover for the atty. ie: covering the little attys holes just enough to cause sucking resistance......cant say enough about this...I love it
  4. Awesome..thanks!!!
  5. ahhh...good deal...
  6. when I click on the "Image" in my signature I get this message in Firefox...Maybe they have been spreading viruses
  7. Well thanks for all of the responses to this topic... I have not changed my eating habits at all...I'm not snacking more, or eating more (only tobacco flavor juice for me as well)...I'm still a low carb eater...I am NOT exercising more (which I know I should be) but I went up a certain amount them just leveled off. I'm not really gaining more but I gained enough to notice. From what I've read here and in other places I'm pretty convinced it NOT vaping, but rather the lowered toxicity and lowered Nicotine intake. Seems ironic huh? I'm sure my body will re-adjust and all will start to go the other way. I have to keep in mind, I was a heavy smoker for 20 years (I started young) and I've only been "smoke" free for 6 months....I should just be patient with my body and let it heal.
  8. Ok here is the question of the day. I've been doing the "Low carb" thing for about 2 years now and I was down to my ideal weight. I started vaping back in October of 09 and I have noticed a steady weight gain for the last few months. I leveled out but I am concerned that it may be from the PG in the vapor. Has anyone else reported this? Has anyone noticed this happening to them? I've searched but the information seems scattered and vague at best. Do you think I may have a better chance with VG? Is VG better....Other than the weight gain I have had no other effects..... Any info would be appreciated...
  9. Good topic....It's something that COULD happen if enough people stop giving big tobacco their hard earned cash. I think I'd go underground, I smoked for 20 years (2 packs a day reds) and I haven't smoked since October 09. I attempted once, and I couldn't believe how gross it was. I vape ALOT and I love it more than I ever liked smoking. I feel great, I breathe great, and I am not hurting anyone with the 2nd hand smoke (or smell) Vaping is a great thing. My father recently passed from cancer. He was a 3 pack a day guy for MANY years. By the time he quit it was too late. He WAS however smoke free for 5 years. I know he would've benefited from vaping, but it was a little too late. I firmly believe that vaping now substantially lowered my risk of serious illness (who knows it could happen even to non-smokers) Sorry for ranting...Short answer....Its underground for me..I will not go to analogs unless absolutely forced. Eric
  10. hey there.....Wordup Ecig has the flat tip 510 carts...just ordered some
  11. agreed...shipping is lightning fast and customer service is top notch....Highly recommend
  12. Arno, I hope you see this..I order from you at least 2 times a month and you are my goto supplier. You have ALWAYS done right by me. I've also read that time and time again from other people here. I never thought you were trying to save a buck or anything like that...I was thinking you got bamboozled by your supplier....I appreciate that you were looking out for all of us...I guess this is a lesson learned...there is nothing like the real deal eh? Please no hard feelings, I will keep coming back....this wont change that Eric M
  13. Funny..I've been having problems with my batteries as well lately. I notice on the manual batteries I use some have a little hole in the center kind of like a bullseye...they work great...then I have others that have what looks like a solid gold plug...those keep my atty on even with the light off..I need to hit the button to stop the atty from burning me....
  14. For me it's not a matter of it "Lasting" its a matter of performance. I have tested many many attys to try and tell the difference. There is a noticeable difference in the "throat hit" and "vapor" that is produced. The ones with the ring are noticeable weaker...while they may last a long time that is not what is most important to me.
  15. Here is an update on the issues I was talking about with Awesome Vapor this is the email I recieved when I asked about the Atty "Inside washer" Not really happy with the fact they didnt list that "Change" on the site. but still awesome service. Just a heads up
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