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  1. Maybe not a cold vape all the time but I'm on a root beer float kick right now and I'm just saying a warm root beer float would be better cold lol, maybe I'm coming off stupid. It was just a thought.
  2. Why is it funny? I can't tell if it's sarcasm. I'm just asking because to me it seemed like something that may have been tried before. And if it were to worn I don't really see any down side to it
  3. Yes! And throat hits are more comfortable (for lack of better words)! I was thinking of using the tank of my carto tank and somehow mounting the atty and cartidge inside with ice chips in the tank. Idk I it will work or if it's even possible but maybe it will
  4. The vapor is drawn in but before it gets to your mouth it passes through ice cubes. Im trying to accomplish what anyone who mods is trying to accomplish, a better vaping experiance, or at least a different vaping experiance. something new, that's what makes vaping fun for me, always something different and new.
  5. Anyone ever done this? I don't even know if it would work but I've "heard of bongs" that use this method. I'm not sure if the vapor would hold its consistancy or if it would just turn back to a liquid once it's cooled down to frozen temperatures. Let me know my fellow vape heads.
  6. Anyone ever tried the jalapeño flavor from TFA? Sounds crazy I know, but I love jalapeños and I love to vape lol, maybe not a bad idea, maybe a horrible idea lol
  7. Iced caramel swirl sounds good!!!!!! Def let me know!
  8. Yea, it was a random guess! I think I'm going to purchase some DIY products next week! Any tips on what brands are good/bad? Where's a good place to get my base liquids?
  9. So on a hunch I mixed some root beer and some peach cobbler and it's amazing! Kind of like a root beer float, Iditto 3 drops of each and vapevapevape, it's taste very good. What favors have you all combined to get a delicious mix? What have you combined to get awful favors?
  10. I just got the acrylic tube mod last week, running two cr123 battery's for a good throat hit, and a 18650 for my all day vaping and I love it!! I have a smoke tech tank cart and a 2.5 ohm carto in it! Good luck!!
  11. Never been much of a peppermint guy. However I'll try anything once, I've been using a custom blend of pomogrant, dragon fruit, grape, and cherry that I chose my self and dubbed it fruits salad. When in all actuallity it taste pretty damn close to spark vitamin water! Also I found a coffee blend that I'm find of!
  12. Yes, I've been getting that a lot, I never even thought of that up until last week.
  13. You guys have been a help! I went to my local shop ( I happen to be lucky enough to live 10 miles from one) and I bought a drip setup and several small bottles of juice. The drip setup is perfect for testing favors!! Once I found a few I liked I filled up my mega dual coils and my DCT (which I love!) and I'm set!!! Vaping has not only got me off analogs, but it gives me something to look forward to! I think buying new toys is more of an addiction than actually vaping!!
  14. Went to my local store and picked up some juices, and i only care for one of the 3 that I purchased. I bought pear,tobbaco, and blueberry lemonade cotten candy. Out of the three i bought pear was the onlyone i can vape regularly, it actually taste like a pear. And from sampling my friends juices and thos i bought ive noticed there are few that actually taste as advertised. So this leads me to my actual question/request, what flavors actually tastes remotely close to what they claim to be? I understand everyone hasdifferent tastebuds and im vaping the product not actually eating or drinking it but i just want to know. Ive been intrigued by coffe flavors, but does anyboxy know if it reakky tastes like coffee? Was wondering about cola, fruits, and choclates as well. This may bea very broad quest to answer, but like i said ima noob and some help would be great. Also what cartos or atty would be best for makinga good experience? Right now im working wjth a mega dua coil setup and it tends to hold residual juice so switching flavors isnt exactly a snap. Any help would beawesome!!! Sorryfor the spelling and the spacing errors, my tabs onthe fritz!
  15. Thanks for the help twelveday!
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