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yeahivape got a reaction from Uma in Looking For Your Opinions!
If this is still being taken into consideration:
I think McQuinn pretty much hit the nail on the head, IMHO Honesty, and pride in the product you're selling as well as good quality control to avoid materials that are DOA or taste poor. After that throat hit and vapor production are on the top of my list as well as flavor delivery. I mean it would be amazing for a product to be able to cover all of those objectives and I feel that e cigs are getting closer and closer. Also a battery that works on the go as well as with a pass thru option is always a plus!
yeahivape got a reaction from Retriever in Darwin
Provari is always an option, that does not have a proprietary battery (different options actually). It does just about everything the Darwin does but works on voltage readings rather than watts. I was partial to the Darwins until I had a discussion with someone the other night and got swayed towards the Provari. You can get a Provari kit with 2 batteries and a charger for less than a Darwin and then you can always have an extra batt ready, rather than having to buy 2 Darwins to always have a charge. Just a few things to think about, but like Bob said there are plenty of mid ranged items that are vv like the lavatube. I as well started with an 808 kit, quickly stepped up to an eGo, then I won a Lavatube as well as another VV device and just like with all hobbies you will eventually want the top of the line and I believe if its in your budget to do so you're better off getting what you will eventually want as soon as possible. I already want to get a Provari after 2 months of vaping and a few devices already. Stepping up to a Darwin or Provari sooner than later will save you money in the long run if you intend to stick with vaping rather than buying 500 dollars worth of mods that will sit around once you quickly decide you want the Provari. Just my two cents.
yeahivape reacted to bobthesalesclerk in Darwin
On paper this is true but in my experience it is not.
3.7 volts with a 1.7 ohm Atty is 8.05 watts
5 volts at 3 ohms is 8.33 watts
This is where I like to vape. However in my experience using a LR carto or Atty at 3.7 volts is a completely different vape over a SR at 5 volts. It makes no sense because the wattage is pretty much the same. The SR at 5 volts however gives a much better throat hit than the LR at 3.7 even though the wattage is the same. Vapor and flavor are still great at lower voltage with LR but the vape is completely different.
I will take SR at higher voltage over LR at 3.7 any day. I have phased out all of my low resistance stuff since realizing this.
sent from my ice cream sandwiched Samsung fascinate
yeahivape got a reaction from flutterby in Stoopid Noob Mistake #897
I use smoktech tanks (or atleast thats what I think they are not branded and picked them up at a local shop but they resemble them the most so I'm assuming thats what they are.) They are punched three times at the bottom of the carto and have the metal flanges, I got one of the smaller 3.5 ml I believe and a 6ml I think. They work amazing, been using the same cartos for about 2 weeks now, they give off amazing taste, great vapor and throat hit and I have fell in love with tank systems. I have heard a lot of good about the J tank and that is probably the next one I will pick up. I do want to try some CE2s though.
Smoktech DCT:
J Tank:
yeahivape reacted to blucavvy in Calling All Ego Users!
i personally think you'll like the lr one's the most on an eGo since it only operates at about 3.2-3.4v. the sr ones are better at a higher voltage. give carto's a shot too though, don't limit yourself to the tanks and atty's, give as many delivery options a shot as you can so you can find out what you like.
personally i don't really like atty's, i prefer carto's, but that's just me, there's alot of people that love dripping on atty's so all i'm saying is that they're all cheap enough that you can try them all and leave yourself plenty of options.
yeahivape reacted to Saabdrifter in What Is Your Current Set Up Or Device?
Not rich, just don't have kids! Besides, even with all my gear. I am still way ahead of smokes.