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Everything posted by VapnRealtor

  1. Hi Everyone at Vapor Talk, My name is Derek and am on my 2nd week without having an analog due to the incredible invention of the ECIG!!! I originally saw the Smoking Everywhere at a local mall here in Fort Lauderdale and was totally blown away. I could not believe that something like this had been made and figured this is how I am going to quit analog smoking. I have been smoking for the past 26 years but quit twice during that time for a total of 5 years. I started back up 2 years ago like an idiot after having 2 years under my belt without one so likw I said when I cam across smoking everywhere I thought this would be a sure fireway to quit and I forked out around $200.I got my kit and was so excited to start and decided to get going right away when I was still at the mall but already noticed at 1st that it did not seem as good or as strong compared to when I originally tried it but figured I just had to give the battery a good charge. Anyway I got home charged up everything and bottomline it just was not cutting it for me at all. The batteries died every 20-30 minutes,harly any vapor clouds,and no throat hit hardly at all and then my atomizer fell apart. I was still in denial and went back to the mall and they gave me a new atty but overaLL it just did not satisfy me as much as I thought it would so I chalked it up as a loss and felt that I succumbed to the initial hype and BS they thru at me and kept on smoking. Over the past month or so I happened to hear a radio commercial for a brand I cant remeber and for whatever reason decided to check it out on the web. After doing some searched I eventually came across Chris and Seans videos, Grimmgreens and others and I couldnt believe how smoke I saw all these guys getting and decided to research more and really got sucked into it bigtime. I finally made an order with TW for a 510 starter and some extra's. So far it is exactly what I had originaslly hoped the Smoking Everywhere would be and I have been analog free ever since without the slightest craving for an analog at all. I just ordered up a VP2 and also a Silver Bullet for extended battery life and I will hopefully get even more satisfaction with the whole ecig experience. I can't wait for these mods to come in and I'm glad to of joined this forum. Thanks for thew insight Chris and Sean and everyone else that takes the time to do all of the video reviews. Regards, Derek the VapnRealtor
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