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Everything posted by VapnRealtor

  1. Ya man it's my favorite flavor right now. IMO it's like vaping delicious candy that believe it or not..........................LOL! tastes like grape soda. Derek
  2. Like them? I freaking love them and can't wait to try the Midnight. The Colada sounds great too. Der ek
  3. I just got in some more kickass VT juice and I gotta tell you waiting for this stuff brings back memories of way back in the day when I use to wait for the Ice Cream man to arrive except now it's either USPS or UPS/Fedex. Anyway I just got in the 24 mg Mentha from USPS and am still waiting on my Dulcis and Grape Soda reorder to arrive from UPS( along with a couple other flavors I ordered from Diet Smokes). The VT Mentha is another winner for sure. I have been vaping frequently TW 36 MG menthol and to tell you the truth it is a good flavor menthol but compared to the VT there is no comparison as the VT just has so much more flavor and the throat hit IMO is the same as the 36mg from TW also the VT is alot more cloudy as well. It's really a delicious flavor if your into minty fresh flavors and I would recommend it highly. GrimmGreen mentioned it reminded him of Vicks menthol but to me it's much more like a peppermint lifesaver I also think TGWTF was way exaggerated in his thoughts of the pungency of the smell and how strong it is cause to me it's beautifully well balanced all around and just plain delicious. The other shipmednt just arrived!!!!YAHOO!!! 24 mg Dulcis is freaking awesome and IMO exactly as Grimm Green described. If I remember right he said it was like PS Riskee but smoother and thats exactly what I think as well with alot more flavor. I gotta say so far the VT flavors seem to have the most flavor of all the juices IO have tried yet complimented with perfect throat hits and awesome vapor clouds. I'll be a customer for a long long time. Thanks again Chris and Sean and FWIW Grape Soda still RULEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Derek
  4. What a trip I have the exact same stuff(minus vp2 already have 2 of them) coming in today or tomorrow from Diet Smokes and can't wait to try them out. The VT Grape is the best juice I have ever had so far along with Pure Smoker Riskee Yuice. Derek Derek
  5. Your absolutely right.I am ex guitar gear junkie and this easily is just as addicting with all the new stuff always coming out. I have to have oone though cause I don't have a 5 volt device,never tried one and it looks plain cool as hell to boot. I'm ordering now. Derek
  6. I tried the whole laser thing and was smoking as soon as I left the office. Waste of money imo and nothing competes with PV's when quitting analogs at least for me anyway.
  7. I use a Silver Bullet, VP2 and have a protege on order and the only one I can use 2 batteries with for 6 volts is the Silver Bullet. I actually just bought 2 energizer cr123 photo batteries to test it and was instantly pardon the pun BLOWN AWAY with the increased vapor and taste I experienced. From the recommendation of Rob at all smokes I just put in an order thru Batt Junction for a set of Life Po? RCR123A that are protected and the description says they will not blow up etc. This should safe to do right? I'm not great on the tech side of things and would like to know of anyones thoughts regarding these batteries and the way I intend to use them. Regards, Derek
  8. Your review of the Grape Soda is spot on especially the comment about the "carbonated texture". Sometimes when I'm vaping this It almost feels as if soda is being shot in my mouth as I toke. This is the sickest juice I have ever vaped and just started vaping it in 6 volt mode with my Silver Bullet. It really brings it to an even higher level of intensity of carbonation and flavor. Unbelievably delicious taste especially if your a grape flavor lover. Derek
  9. Ive been vaping the VT 24 Grape Soda again all day and it is the best vape I have ever had so far. I'm using a Silver Bullet at 3.7 volts primarily and just put in 2 CR123 3 volts for a total of 6 volts for the 1st time and its just freakin fantastic!! I should be getting in some more VT flavors today and cant wait for them to arrive cause is their other flavors vape as good as the Grape I dont believe I'll ever need another brand juice EVER!!! Derek
  10. I started the day off woth Pure Smoker Riskee Yuice 36 mg, Switched to TW Menthol 36 and am now enjoying VT 24mg Grape Soda which is DELICIOUS!!! Derek
  11. What the heck is Midnight? Derek
  12. I just got my 1st order from Diet Smokes and experienced perfect service all around. I placed my order Sunday evening it was shipped out the next day and I just got it in today. Anyway I decided to order the Vapor Talk 24mg Grape Soda flavor and I love it so far. The smell is exactly as it's titled as is the taste. I'm getting really good vapor clouds and the taste is perfectly sweet IMO not too much not too little but just right. The throat hit is totally kickass as well. I was not expecting it to be that strong especially since I vape 36 mg regularly but this really has a satisfying kick I'm enjoying and is a flavor Im sure I will keep ordering as long as it continues to be made. Thanks alot Chris and Sean for a great product and I am extremely excited to try the other flavor's I'll be getting soon. Regards, Derek
  13. Chris how exactly do you close one of the airholes? Derek
  14. I recently got a VP2 from Vaprlife and absolutely love it. I originally ordered it with the 510 attachment cause that is the only type of atty I have ever used. After posting back and forth with Chris here on the VT forum he suggested I try it with the Low Bridge 801 that Arno from Awesome Vapor carries and man what a great recommendation. The 510 works really good and all but I gotta say using the 801 does definitely produce even more vapor. I cant realy comment on the flavor difference yet as I still need to use it some more and experiment with different juices I have. I gotta tell you Arno was a total pleasure to deal with and I will definitely be doing alot more business with him without a doubt. He hooked me up with some 801 carts in a menthol flavor Med strength and I was so impressed how good they were. I furst used the atty without dripping and the vapor production was immense and the menthol flavor was really delicious too. I currently use TW 36mg Menthol and allthough I like it I gotta say that the stock juice in the carts Arno uses tastes incredible IMO anyway. Thanks again Chris for the recommendation and I can't wait to try it with the VT's juices as soon as they come in. I really am excited to get them. Keep on vapn Derek
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Derek
  16. Sorry to hear about your loss.I can totally relate and just recently had to do the same with my 12 year old Basset Hound Rufus and my 7 year old persian Cat Mr. Peepers.Even though its something you have to deal with when owning animals the time you get to spend with them while they are alive is really worth it when you look at the big picture. I currently have 5 dogs -2 basset hounds both are about 11 - 2 pugs 1 is a 6 month puppy Mac and the other is also 11 Louie. Last but not least is the most amazing animal I have ever owned a 135 lb Rottweiler Bruno in my avatar whos 4 1/2. Derek
  17. BTW- Do alot of people tell you that you look like Pres Clinton? I mean no disrespect at all but that pic in your avatar I'm assuming is you and everytime I look at it it looks like President Clinton getting ready to square off in the octagon. Derek
  18. Thanks fot the congrats and tips but Im not even tempted to try another analog. I already know it sucks and have definitely been there done that before
  19. Thanks for the welcome. It's pretty sad how many people they have burned and to think alot of those people because of using their product probably just end up thinking thaqt E-cigs are just a bunch of BS and a waste of time and money. So I got both the VP2 and Silver Bullet in and they are both great but I gotta say the Silver Buller makes a much more dense vape than the VP2 that I can feel when inhaling. Derek
  20. Thanks for the welcome. Derek
  21. Thanks you very much and I'm you will be another E-CIG user success!! Derek
  22. Thanks for the congrats and it's great to be analog free for sure! Your right with all of the available options and accessories it quickly becomes addictive BIGTIME! I'm also a musician and an ex guitar gear freak and I can already seeing that Vapn has become my new obsession and I'll end up owning every device there is available soon enough. Tomorrow is going to be a GREWAT day as my VP2 and Silver Bullet are arriving. Today I just got soem ejuice from Pure Smoker - Riskee Yuice and Cash Cola - Man both are excellent but I find Riskee to have the better throat hit and a taste that is just AWESOME! Regards, Derek
  23. Great, I just took your advise and ordered 2 to see how they are. Regards, Derek
  24. Thanks alot Chris I appreciate it,After watching your video last night I had to order up the VP2 immediately and paid the extra to have them send it overnight Let me ask you, You said the VP2 with the right atomizer will put the 510 to shame and I would like to know what do you mean "The right Atomizer"? I currently have TW Titan 510's do you think thats a good choice? Also Chris I can't wait to try the VT juice ASAP! It's sounds so freaking good! Thanks, Derek
  25. Thanks alot. I'm sure my story is common because that company just does not provide a reliable product at all and is way overpriced to boot. Anyway my wife just started vapn today and I hope she can quit the analogs. For me it was so easy and I feel like it was effortless. Derek
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