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Everything posted by VapnRealtor

  1. So I've been vapn these VT flavors at 5 volts and they are awesome like I said but switching it up to 6 volt even brings out MORE flavor!! VT Juice and 6 volts = Tastebud orgasm - In multiples! Derek
  2. You have to man cause they really are just great vapes all around and it will be $$$ well spent for sure. Derek
  3. Your more than welcome. So far I like everything I have tried from you except Exotic Tobacco which I got for my Dad. To me it had a very nutty,oily taste and just coudnt get into it. I liked the cappucino but IMO the Caramel Mach from Parked was much more my type of coffee flavor cause its sweeter. Nothing I have tried as of yet touches Grape,Colada or Midnight and the Mentha is just awesome as well. I'm all about the sweet flavors pretty much with a nice kickin throat hit and big clouds. Derek
  4. I was so happy to see my VT Colada and Midnight show up in the mail today. Chris thanks so much I appreciate it highly and you guys have done it again!!! These 2 flavors are just flat out amazing in all respects. The vapor production throat and the flavors are some of the tastiest I have had for sure and are perfect compliments to the Grape Soda flavor. Both of these are like a nuclear explosion of taste,vapor and throat hit for sure with every vape I take. I have never vaped any of these flavors before from other vendors but they are so delicious and on point with the flavor I don't see how anything could be any tastier. Thanks again Chris for the great flavors and look forward to trying some more as they come out down the road. Derek
  5. I don't understand how anyone that is currently an analog cigarette smoker and try's vaping would not be able to just drop analogs instantly. I was a smoker for the past 26 years and of those years I had quit for 5 but like an idiot ended up going back. I am now 6 weeks vaping and have not had even a single drag off an analog since my first starter kit arrived. It feels almost as I did not even quit except for the fact I feel better all around. I still get my nicotine craving satisfied, I still get the inhale ,exhale experience,The whole hand to mouth experience etc. I get everything I experienced as a smoker minus the stink and death sentence. So since I started I have got my wife off of analogs and she has been a smoker as long as I have and most recently My dad who has been a smoker for over 50 years. The problem though is with my Dad. Ya he's vaping quite a bit and has gone down so far from smoking 2-3 packs a day to 1- 1 and 1/2 but I just can't understand why he just doesnt stop all together. How could someone not want to stop alltogether when this absolutely perfect alternative exists? It want even a 2nd thought for me and I wish he would just quit already. Can anyone explain? Derek
  6. I say if its your 1st go with the one that has the longer battery life (VP-2) which is very cool looking too. I just like having to deal with battery changes as little as possible. Both the units perform at 3.7 volts so the vapor production will be the same is using the same atty. Derek
  7. Never mind I read your post wrong. I see you said the Manufacturer. I've never dealt with any chinese manufactures for E-cigs but have dealt with many for other types of products and I have never experienced them to offer a warranty like that. The Chinese that is. Derek
  8. They do for 7 days and the OP stated that. C'mon no supplier in their right mind would offer a 1 year replacement on an atomizer. Derek
  9. Absolutely and any supplier that does not realize that won't be in business to long. Derek
  10. I agree and IMO the title of this thread is a little out of line cause PS didnt do anything wrong at all. Derek
  11. Sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction with PS. I just got in a bulk shipment of 25 atty's from them consisting of 901,510 and Low Bridge 801's and so far they all have been working great so far and the price was awesome too. I've been vapn for 6 weeks now and have placed a few orders with them and have experienced great customer support all around. I also got in a 10 pack of attys from TW and found out 1 was bad and when I contacted them they said to send it back so they could check it out. I sent it and a few days later I got a new one and a pack of unfilled carts too. IMO they went over and above anything I was expecting. I know there have been some negative things said about both companies TW in particular but "knock on wood" my experience with both has been perfect. FWIW I of course have not gone thru all of my atty's cause I got a good supplys worth and I'm just commmenting on the ones I have used so far. Derek
  12. I bring my VP2 ,Protege and an extra charged battery along with a 510 battery as well. I'll bring 2-3 kinds of juice spare atty's, tweezers,Blue filter foam and it all fit's perfect in this case from Walgreens I got which is a small Diabetic travel case made by case logic. Whats awesome about this case is that both the VP2 or Protege fit in a pocket that is on the inside spine (if you look close you can see in the pic). Its as if this case was actually designed for e-smokers its so perfect. Derek
  13. Yes I sure am and currently have a VP2,Protege,Vp Passthru and a Silver Bullet. I'm confused with your last question so if you could rephrase it I'd be more than happy to answer. Derek
  14. I just ordered this bad boy up and it's just been released from Super T Manufacturing. Will start shipping in 4-6 weeks Specs- -Utilizes two 3.0 volt CR2 batteries (aka 15270) for six volt vaping or one protected 14500 (900mah) for 3.7 volt vaping. -Same length as the T-1 without a sleeve! -Three machined in 30 degree Vent holes to direct away from your face in case of battery failure -Just over 17mm thick! In comparison, the BB which takes the same batteries is approx. 22mm in diameter! -Entire adapter milled from billet stock with machined in threads. They are not a cap with a press in two dollar atomizer thread adapter as so many companies use. -Button will not break if dropped -Optional Brass Cap and button -Works with cartomizers -Available in 510, 901 or 801 with adjustable draw -Semi recessed and protected button to prevent misfires. -All mechanical: No wires, no solder -Adjustable button for both throw and spring rate -Nearly 1.5 mm thinner then the Super T-1 Super T Super Six http://www.supertmanufacturing.com/id47.html Man this really does look like a work of art IMO. Derek
  15. I just got my Blue VP Pass thru today as well and it's great. This has been my 1st time vaping at 5 volts and I love it. Compared to 6 to me it's very similar and Im not yet able to really discuss my final thoughts on it yet. I think so far the throat hits are very similar and the tste might be a little more prominent but I have only tried Liq Xpress Caramel Mach 24 mg. I'll get a better idea once I try a bunch more flavors. This is the 1st time I have used a PT and I'd say the only thing I'm not crazy about is having a cord attached caus eI'm just not use to it. I also wish the buttons on all the VP units were a little bigger but thats a minor issue compared to the killer performance they offer. Derek
  16. UGGHHHH! I forgot. So I'll get it thursday more than likely unless my a miracle its here today. Derek
  17. I hear ya man. Good Luck Derek
  18. Sorry to sound stupid but--What do you need that for? BTW - Congrats man.- We can compare our thoughts about it when they arrive. Derek
  19. This is great news as I was not expecting it to ship until after the 11th. I love when that happens. Derek
  20. I hear this from alot of people and it really shocks me to hear because my experience has been great with 6 volts using my SB. So far every juice I use gets WAYYYYYYYY more flavor, Wayyyyyyyyyy more vapor and ya a definite increase in the throat hit. The Grape Soda at 3.7 with my SB is great but at 6 their is no comparison and the taste is so much more intense. I don't know but maybe the TW 510 attys I use have some sort of magic combo with the SB. I have a VP PT on order and cant wait to get it. Derek
  21. I agree so what you got in mind?
  22. Unfortuneately the button on my wifes Vp2 went today. It just lost its click and now does not make a constant connection when pressed. It's awesome to know that Vaprlife has great customer service and replied to me over the weekend to let me know it will be taken care of ASAP!! Derek
  23. BTW Chris - I'm vapn your flavors at 6 volts and good lord its incredible - Have you ever tried 6 volts? I also got some of the Diet Smoke/Liq Express Caramel Mach from hearing you talk about it and thats also amazing at 6 volts. Derek
  24. If that EVER happens all it takes is 1 phone call and I'll get the secret recipe. Remember 1 phone call Well actually in this day and age 1 email Derek
  25. Last week I bought a couple of Energizer 3 volt CR123 batteries to try out in my Silver Bullet before I made the decision to buy the rechargables. I just wanted to see if it was just hype or if there was really that bog a difference and to make a long story short... Yes there is a big difference for the better IMO in the amount of vapor,throat hit and flavor. I decided to order up the rechargable set and they came in today. The batteries came in today and I got as recommended by Rob at alt smoke the Tenergy 3 volt 750MAH protected batteries. The 1st set just charged up and WOW!!! These are even better than the energizers and it packs such a wallop I cant believe it. Im wondering if I can even go back to 3.7 now cause I now almost feel spoiled. Now the question I have in mind is about 5 volt vaping.... I hear 5 volt is the sweet spot and won't know for sure until I get my VP USB passthru in next week as I have yet to ever try 5 volt but seriously if its any better than 6 it's going to be amazing and I cant wait.. What are you your thoughts on this for people who have tried all 3? BTW the only flavor I have tried so far is Caramel Mach by Diet Smokes and it's damn good! I also just got in a few more flavors from Liquid Xpress I'm looking forward to try as well as my favorite VT Grape Soda Regards, Derek
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