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Everything posted by VapnRealtor

  1. I just reasd on the Vaprlife site all plans to go ahead with the Joker have been suspended cause of the exploding battery that recently happened. I believe he is referring to the Totally wicked forum where a guy who was using a BB had a LifPo4 cr2 blow up in his face. It's to bad cause that story is so sketchy from the OP's story explaining how it happened to the crap batteries he used in the first place just does not make sense in so many areas. Oh well I'm surprised Vaprlife let that story influence their decision.
  2. Can't say I blame you at all and I've written them off completely cause of the exact same stuff you mention and there is just too many good suppliers you can deal with out there that give excellent service. All Parker can do is come up with BS excuses that are weak to say the least. A few months back when I was having a problem with the service I felt he was giving to someone I referred to him that is an employee of my wifes company.He asked for my number and calls me up trying to give me an explanation how he gets 500 emails a day and he doesnt have a ticket system to possibly get to everyone blah blah and then said to me I just don't need this BS and I was like well I don't need to deal with you there are lots of people to do business with.Then he starts boasting well are thise companies getting 500 emils a day? Do they offer same day shipping ? then we hung up. He then called me back apologized and stuff but I just decided not to deal with him anymore and his reputation for the most part is mine and your same story with many people and some other forums can't even stand his name mentioned. Even though its none of my business I just dont see how VT Store would even collaborate with him as they have always been top notch with everything they do. I've experienced awesome above and beyond customer support and service from VT store and Chris all around. It's like 2 polar opposites.
  3. Juicy Vapor so far has the best juice I ever had. I got turned on to it from my wife as she put in an order for a sample pack consisting of Mocha Coffee,Grape Bubblegum,Marshmallow,Banana Creme Pie, Bananna Split,Peanut Brittle,Peanut Butter Cup and a few more. all of them are totally spot on and taste exactly like the flavor mentioned. She got the reduced PG formula which is great as the flavor is just so intense with great throat hit and vapor production. I never had such flavorful juice its really delicious and the selection of around 150 flavors is unreal. Liquid Xpress is probably my favorite for Tobacco flavored juice and Caramel Machiatto is sick but made exclusive for Diet Smokes, LIQ EX Flue Cured is amazing as is the Original Tobacco flavor too. VT Grape Soda will always be in my top picks as well. Derek
  4. Theres alot to consider when getting one and it all depends what it is your looking for. The Chucks seem to be great and they have lots of loyal followers for sure but I haven't tried one. The Chucks niche however is customization and alot of people like that but for me I already have a big 3.7/6 mod.Same for the GGT as well as I don't want big Its all about the design and quality right now for me and allthough I really like my Silver Bullet its too big for non-home use and with the Super T being so small for a 3.7/6 its perfect plus I love the button on the bottom design. For 5 volt I went with the Prodigy V2 cause its alot smaller than the original Prodigy and it looks like the Protege's big brother and the originals little brother. I've been real happy with my Protege's look and performance and the V2 looks pretty exactly the same. Good luck with your decision and if you tell me what your looking for at this time in more detail I could give you my opinion on a recommendation on ones I know aabout. Derek
  5. Good info jmhester. I got to tell you though as far as noticing the differences between 5 and 6 its definitely a noticeable difference. I currently have three 3,7 mods in which one can also do 6 volts and for 5 volts I have the VP/PT. The VP/PT compared to the mods is the most consistant volt wise in its performance cause its plugged in to an electrical outlet whereas the mods voltage declines as the batteries lose their charge.Anyway even with this I still notice a big difference from my VP/PT @5 and Silver Bullet running @ 6 volts not as much of course going from 3.7v to 6v but its definitely still noticable and depending on the juice being used is sometimes better sometimes not. So for me I definitely like having the option available to vape at the voltage I'm in the mood for at the time. Derek
  6. There are lots of mods available that can do 3.7/6 volts but none that really that I know of that can go from 3.7/5 because to do so you need to add a resistor to drop the loaded voltage of the batteries from 6 to 5. The only device that could do this was the Pure Smoker Prodigy V1 but it is no longer made and you could use it either as a 3.7/6 volt aquiring either voltage with just a simple batery change or use it as an exclusive 5 volt by changing the switch to a switch with a resitor in it which they sold seperate. The new Prodigy V2 is strictly a dedicated 5 volt device with out the option of 3.7/6 volt. The V2 is a good deal smaller than the original and looks awesome. GLV (Great Lakes Vapor)Makes a 5 volt mod and looks pretty cool Super T Manufacturing has the new Super Six 3/7/6 which IMO is the most awesome looking and built PV available and is also the thinnest as well. Alt Smoke has the Silver Bullet and the BB 3.7/6 with the BB being smaller of the 2. I have the SB and its awesome but probably bigger than you want. The Joker is coming out from Vaprlife which will be a true 5 volt mod. GG makes some good 3.7/6 mods but again probably too big. IMO you should go with either Super T or Pure Smoker. I have one of both on order and cant wait to get them. As far as attys go al of the mods I mentioned can take any of the ones you mentioned you just would have to get the adapters for the ones you want. Oh ya another to check out I forgot to mention is called the Chameleon by www.ikensmoke.com and all the adapters come with it plus its very small but I think it only does 3.7 volts you would have to check. Hoipe this helps. Derek
  7. They are made exclusively for his mod at this time. Derek
  8. Carlos49 who makes the Juicebox from the other forums makes his own atty's and they have lasted over 6 months. The thing is though he only includes them with the Juicebox and doesnt sell them seperate. Derek
  9. What was the act of kindness? Derek
  10. Right on, The VP-2 is great and if you havent already tried the Joye Low Bridge 801 try it. It really is an amazing combination with the VP-2. Chris originally told me about it and he was spot on. Derek
  11. Yes but it's all preorder stuff and I wont have it until sometime in January Pure Smoker Prodigy V2 5 volt, Super T Super Six 3.7/6volt. Derek
  12. I don't own a Spade but I have 3 VP2's from Jeso and Mary and one thing you can all expect is to be taken care of 150%. I've had minor only issues and I gotta say they are on the ball,fast with responses and will make certain you have a product that performs as it should. They have both IMO gone over and above the level of customer service I expected. That being said I'd be willing to bet most of any problems that do arise with their products are probably associated with the rechargable batteries. The QC on all of them seems weak and there are alot of defects with all of the battery models it seems. You should always make sure you have a good supply in backup cause they can go bad in the blink of an eye. Derek
  13. I don't know man. I'm a total meat loving carnivore but the thought of vaping any type of Meat flavors just grosses me out. I would try it though but I just wouldnt go out and buy it before trying. Derek
  14. Ya man Chris has been awesome to me as well and really goes above and beyond of what is expected. Hell I called the vaportalk line once and left a message stating I hope I'm a winner and a few days later I got a PM asking for my address. This was before I ever even tried the VT juice so I figured he's send me acouple tiny tasters to sample and what I got was a 2 whole bottles free of any charge of the Midnight and Colada (which are both 5star rated juices IMO)before they were even released. That was a pretty awesome surprise in my mailbox that day. Thanks Chris.
  15. I hear where your coming from and I'm way abpove the $1000 mark myself.I also got my wife into it too. SE - 2 Starter 510's,2 PCC starters,xtra Atty's,Batteries, Juices and Accessories - 5-6 hundred easily Silver bullet Vp-2 VP-PT Protege Super T Super Six(still waiting) VT,Pure Smoker,Diet Smokes,Liq Xpress,Dawns DIY,Awesome Vapor - Juices Atty's from Pure Smoker,Arno Other Accessories It just keeps going on and on and there is still abunch of stuff I want that is currently available and some I'm just waiting to be released. Hell I even waqnt stuff I don't even know I want as of yet - it's turning into a SICKNESS!!! Derek
  16. Thats what it sounds like. I currently use Arnos LB 801's on my VP2 as per the recommendation of VT Chris and it's such an incredible match I cant believe it. The amount of vapor I get from it is so tremendous. I actually get a thicker bigger vapor using this combo than I do using my 510 on a Silver Bullet at 6 volts. It does not have quite the throat hit as the 6 volts but the vapor production totally exceeds it. Derek
  17. It will be a total negative reinforcement for you believe me. It tastes so bad you won't believe it and like I said in the past when I quit without vaping and went back to smoking the taste was no where nearly as bad comparitively. It didnt even taste like to Tobacco to me instead it seemed like I was smoking a chemical stick which is what analogs really are. It was funny cause my Dad was looking at me like I was exaggerating and said " C'mon its not that bad" I said you have no idea how bad it is it's just flat out disgusting tasting. It really was. Derek
  18. Thanks for the helpful info I appreciate it. There are other factors though as to how much your body actually absorbs nicotine when vaping versus burning a cigaqrette. It gets pretty scientific from what I have read and it seems that the amount you actually get from vaping is much less supposedly. To tell you the truth it just got too technical for me and I really don't care because all I know is that whatever ampount I'm getting from Vaping is enough for me to not have to deal with withdrawals from Analog Death Sticks and I'll eventually keep reducing my MG as time goes on to hopefully 0mg and just vape for the enjoyment of the flavors and vape clouds. Derek
  19. I dont even consider it a break in my sobriety cause I really did not have one ounce or hidden desire of wanting to have a cigarette cause I really and truly did not. I just gave my mother inlaw her VP2 I ordered for her lasy night and my Wifew told me that she was a bit concerned about vaping thinking she would get more nicotine vaping than by smoking and wants to wait until what her doctor says cause she said she felt a bit light headed when vaping but also thought it might just be in her head. So I did some research on my own about it and just decided to see what would happen if I smoked an analog. The truth is I don't miss analogs for a secondand I havent since my 1st one came in on Oct 10th Derek
  20. I just hate when people make negative assumptions and jump to negative conclusions without ever even doing any research on the subject. I by no means know everything there is to know about vaping but I know alot more than most non vapers out there and when someone says " Your just trading one habit for another" it totally makes me want to ***** slap them. Cause if you can't see how much better E-Cigs are than a regular cigarette you just arent too bright IMO. Over the weekend I went to visit my Mother and my stepfather just found out about the E-cig.I told him I have not had a cigarette in 6 weeks about it he immediately gave me a negative look like I was a naive',dumbass and said " You really didnt quit cause your still using that". It raised the hair on my back a bit and tried to explain but in his mind it's evidently all about the NICOTINE. PFFT Whatever I know whats up but man it gets frustrating at times dealing with ignorance. Derek
  21. So after reading about nocotine absorbtion concerning E-cig VS Analog I decided to smoke an analog to see if I got a nicotine buzz. I figured if I did feel the nicotine from an analog than what I read was right. I was just curious and I also wanted to see how much my taste has changed since quitting as well. Anyway the first drag off a Winston I got from my Dad did by no means even taste like what I remembered a cigarette to taste like. It wassuch a horrible nasty disgusting chemical taste I could not believe. It's really indescribable and I have to laught at the thought of us vapers trying to find an ejuice that would taste like a Winston,Marlboro etc.I guarantee that anyone who has been vaping and has 100% quit analogs for a while were to try an analog it would be the last thing they would ever want to have a vape taste like. I ended up putting it out close to half way and did not enjoy it for even a second. When I whipped out my silver Bullet loaded with Grape Soda and took a hit it was pure enjoyment with delicious flavor. I don't believe I will ever even have the temptation to light up an analog again after the disgusting taste and total displeasure I just had. Happy Vapn, Derek
  22. I'm a victim of G.A.S(Gear Aquisition Syndrome) It started with guitar gear and has now spread to Vape gear. I have only been vapn now for 6 weeks but I have quite an arsenal for a beginner. I started with 510 starter kits and all of the accessories and have since gotten a Silver Bullet,Vp2's,VP PT,Protege, and am awaiting a Super T Super Six. I need to give it a rest cause I have plenty not to mention all of the back up parts such as spare 510,901,801 attys. LOL! E-juice is another thing I need to chill out on as well. Theres just so much stuff available out there it can drive you NUTS!!!! Derek
  23. You have some awesome PV's coming man. I love the look of the spade and wish it came in the VP-2 size for the longer battery life and I highly recommend the VP PT it vapes beautifully and I am enjoying it very much. The Silver Bullet is great and you can vape at either 3.7 or 6 volts depending on the batteries you use.Another incredible 3.7/6 volt device I just ordered up is the new Super T Super Six it looks awesome.I won't get that until about 4-6 weeks as they are all made by hand and on a preorder basis. Also if you check out Great Lakes Vapor they have a really cool looking 5 volt device called the GLV and its available in 3.7 as well. Derek
  24. I'm using the Silver Bullet for 6 volts and my VP PT for 5. Derek
  25. If you ask me it should be called Strawberry Soda. Derek
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