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About Gitzy

  • Birthday 02/28/1988

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    Video games, smoking, anime, j-culture, cute animals, Light/dark-Pink/black contrast (ask me lawl)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I keep about 5 cartomizers with different liquids in them in a small plastic baggie, and I switch them off all day long. And then when I run through the bottle of one I really like, I try something else out. I looove trying new flavors. It keeps me interested in vaping. I mostly like sweets, dessert, and fruit vapes, but recently I've been missing a traditional menthol tobacco flavor. Gotta pick some up.
  2. I love your mods!!!! That makes me want to make my own lightsaber e-cig. XD Nice review!
  3. Thank you for sympathizing with my issue jeffb =) I had been so upset about the hassle and unfairness that I definitely lost focus on what was important; smoking less and vaping more. Ever since I had to switch back to regular cigarettes, I have been more tired, my chronic bronchitis is back, and I get headaches along with all the other unpleasantries of smoking analogs. I really want to give in and just take the spade or the vp2 (they offered one or the other) so that I can vape again as soon as possible...but on the other hand i'm afraid that the unit won't work when it gets here. Also...on principle, I really-really feel like I deserve my money back so that I can spend that money on a working unit from another company. I could get the spade of vp2 and sell them...but I would feel really shiesty selling a product at high risk of being defective to another unsuspecting person. Gaaah. Btw, I'm sorry if this post should have gone in the mosh pit! I didn't even know that forum existed until a moment ago! Wow a lot has changed with vaportalk and the world of ecigs! I close my eyes and log off the forums for a couple months and everything is re-arranged and expanded, top suppliers are now bottom suppliers, and new units have come out. Man did I miss the bus. I guess I'm back to newbie "I have no idea what's going on" status. XD
  4. Hi! Personally, I find that when it comes to vaping, taste has little to do with how the vapor...tastes... that sounds weird, but it's true! When I vape, I get most of my flavor through it's scent when I breathe out my nose. Have you tried breathing out your nose? If you have and that still doesn't work...are you able to taste a drop of flavoring like loranns on your tongue? If you can, then yup-home made. If not...well, I hope there is no "if not" *crosses fingers for you*
  5. Okay, when I was doing my initial ecig research about a year ago, i heard nothing but great reviews about Vaprlife and the spade. I was super excited to finally be getting one. So far my experience with them has been a complete and udder let down. When the spade arrived, not only was the spade cap scratched to hell, but as soon as the atomizer was screwed in, the spade stopped working. The same day I got it in the mail I emailed vaprlife to ask what I had to do to get a replacement, because this one arrived defective. They gave me a RMA#, promised me a free atomizer to help cover my shipping, and I returned the spade. When the spade was returned, I noticed that the cap was still scratched to hell, so obviously they repaired it instead of replacing it., and there was no free atomizer included After half a work day the same problem appeared again in the spade. (not firing when the atomizer is screwed in). So that SAME day I emailed Mary/Jeso at vaprlife and told them that the spade was still defective, and asked for another RMA number for me to send the faulty spade back and to get a refund. I then get an email back from Mary telling me that I cannot have a refund because I did not return the item within 10 days of the purchase date... Is this legal?? I had already sent the unit back for replacement within the 10 days of purchase....how can they possibly not refund me after I am given a defective piece of equipment twice? How would it be physically possible for me to mail the spade out for a refund...when it is already being mailed back to the company because it is defective?? Also, their website policies don't state anything about returns for defective merchandise-this 10 day rule only applies for "changing your mind". What should I do?? I have been repeatedly denied a refund, but offered another spade (Why would I want another defective piece of merchandise from this company who is loop-holing me?) and a vp2 (which I would then have to buy cartomizers and batteries for.) I don't want a unit from this company! They have shown themselves to be completely untrustworthy in my eyes, and I want my money back and to pretend like this entire incident never happed. This incident could not have possibly come at a worse financial time for me. And to have a worthless, non-working spade sitting in front of me while I puff my nasty analog cigarettes, while they have my $92 in their pockets makes me effing cry.
  6. Oookay so my local Agway special ordered it for me. A whoole gallon of it. And yes, it is usp grade. VG would have been much easier to find, but my mom is a diabetic. Thanks for all the advice guys ^.^ I would have never thought to look into farm supply stores XD
  7. It looks like you've already made up your mind on the pv you want, but I know there are some lurkers who are interested in stealth vaping info. I work as a temp, meaning I go to different job sites all the time. Throughout the entire time I've been vaping, I have never had an employer ask me "uh whats that? uh yeah...i don't think so..." I use the Joye510, and 9 times out of 10 I'm using VT juices. I don't hide the fact that I vape, I just don't mention it, and I hold the vapor in for a few extra seconds and slowly breathe out my nose (You taste the flavor better that way anyway...since taste is greatly enhanced by smell). No vapor, no one knows, and I don't have to go through the trouble of explaining to my new employer every time I'm assigned a new job.
  8. Oookay so I spent the whole night searching for some propylene glycol and have had no success. I tried Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS (where the pharmacist told me they could special order it....only to return an hour later to find out he was LYING ). Anyway... I really want to find a store that carries it locally...as I don't want to pay ANOTHER store for shipping, and I'd like to know for future reference. Any suggestions on stores that are (or might be) in Connecticut? Or even types of business that might carry it? I'm pretty good with the phone book, but I don't even know where to start. My Mom is depending on me to get it so I can mix her up some of the Creme de menthe juice that she loves oh-so-much. Thanks in advance!
  9. Here's my ride ^.^
  10. Keenan- Veeery interesting...I have also had Bank of America charge me an overdraft fee when I was 35$ under the limit. I called and they reversed it, but there were other things going on so I figured that it was some clerical error. Clearly this clerical error is a whole lot sketchier than I had originally thought. I'm very happy about the changes to the credit card companies...however I really don't think it's enough. I own two credit cards, one to help pay for college and another to pay for incidentals. I will NOT be getting another. Their greed has really damned themselves and they're losing a ton of business now.
  11. A remedy that I used when I was smoking analog cigarettes is Biotene dry mouth gum. you can get it at walgreens in the toothpaste/mouthwash etc aisle. Its a little strange, but the gum stimulates you into salivating more, which helped me a lot with my dry mouth and throat. It comes in a mouthwash, a toothpaste, a gum, a spray and a gel. I have a window shopping problem...and I originally bought the gum because I thought it was hilarious that it makes you salivate more. But when it helped my smoker's dry throat I decided it wasn't so hilarious anymore XD
  12. Oookay, so I've been vaping for 15 days now and I've gone through my sample pack from Awesomevapor, and I just today received my juice from dietsmokes. (Not a MOMENT too soon. I had just emptied the last of my banana into a cart when I saw the ups truck out my window) So I figured I'd give my opinion on all the juice flavors. All the juices were vaped on a Dragon m401~ Awesomevapor Liquids :wub:555 18mg - My favorite sample in the whole pack. It has a nice earthy-sweet smell to it. The throat hit was smooth and strong. This tasted magnificent when I added a few drops of menthol Marlboro 18mg - 2nd favorite. Sweeter smelling than 555, and the throat hit was less intense than the 555, but still nice and strong. Again, 2-3 drops of menthol does wonders Tobacco 18mg - Clearly, a generic tobacco taste. this did the trick after I finished the 555 and marlboro, but I doubt that I would chose to order it over the others. Again, a little less throat hit than the marlboro, but still adequate to satisfy a strong nic-fit. Yes...more menthol...lol Hilton 18mg - similar smell to 555 however not nearly as tasty. This was the only sample that came in a clear bottle, which I preferred to the opaque bottles as I could see how much I used, and how much was originally in the bottle. Virginia 18mg - The smell reminded me of a pack of freshly opened analogs. I'm not really keen on this one because I like a very full bodied taste and smell. It wasn't bad, but not one of the best RY4 18mg - Tasted like tobacco and caramel. I didn't enjoy this at first, but the more I vaped it, the more I enjoyed it. Menthol 18mg - Zoomg what a great flavor!! It has more of a pepperminty taste than a straight up menthol, but apparently I enjoy that! A perfect addition to almost all the other liquids Coffee 18mg - I wasn't too impressed with this coffee flavor. It definitely tasted like coffee, but it tasted like coffee that had been sitting on the counter for a week. Banana 18mg - The smell of this liquid is really nice. Reminded me of the banana runt candy. The taste however-for me at least wasn't very pleasant. It wasn't as clear as I had hoped, and it gave me a headache. =/ Apple 18mg - I was really excited to try the apple flavor...and I was ridiculously disappointed. At first I couldn't taste much, baarely any apple at all, but the more I vaped on it, the more it tasted like bad popuri. I'm really glad that my liquids from parked came in when they did, because I really would have rather suffered through the now gross tasting analogs than have to vape this apple. Really, really bad flavor (imho) Dietsmokes/Vaportalk liquids Dulcis 24mg - Upgraded RY4. Really nice rich taste, great vapor and a sweet throat hit. Great mix =) Mentha 24mg - Kick-yo-*** menthol lives up to its name. Clears out the sinuses nicely very nice and strong menthol taste. Caramel Macchiato 18mg - I ordered the 24mg of this liquid, but accidentally received the 18mg strength. I messaged Parked about it and an hour or so later he told me to keep the 18mg as backup and that he would send me out the 24 right away. THANK YOU PARKER! Anyway, the taste is nice and creamy but a tad weak. I'm very excited to go on my next Starbucks run so I can order a venti iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel, and vape on my caramel macchiato juice in between sips=P Awesome vendors, great flavors, check em out~ Next on my to-try list is VT grape soda, mountain dew, and Green tea. Does anyone have a recommendation for a green tea juice vendor? I've seen the flavor around, but everybody's is different. Thanks!
  13. I've had two cats that loved to play fetch! true story!
  14. Hi Chris! While I do not have personal experience with this matter *yet*, all the research I've done on the matter say to use a material called fluval, which you can find in at a pet store in the fish section. fluval is used for water filtration, and many have claimed that the fluval material is the same material that comes in the cartridges. Do a youtube search on stuffing e-cig carts and you should find a bunch of tutorials on how to use the fluval. More youtube videos will also show you how to clean the filler material and how to refill the carts yourself. Good luck!
  15. Finally a job offer that isn't more terrible than my current job! I'll take it! haha =P I can guarantee that I can provide customer service scares of at least this quality....LAWL http://www.youtube.c...h?v=6B8fk-ZxdIg
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