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Everything posted by CNubel

  1. His site is back up...I'll get that URL for you....let me see, where is it....here it is..found it; http://www.tgwtf.net/
  2. All I can say is "Ditto"...lawyers will get rich and courts will be tied up with ********. I smoked a lot longer than this poor woman. (38 years) I am sorry she has contracted such a serious illness. But sueing Phillip Morris for something she did to herslef is wrong.
  3. I just checked his site and got the same message. I hope he's back up soon. I really like his site.
  4. Let me start off by saying that Im a dripper. I only use a plug in my carts to keep juice from coming out of the mouth piece and to keep the bridge of the atty wet to prevent over heating and nasty flavors. However, I have long been a proponent of keeping the folded end of the tea bag next to the atty as you have done in your video. We have long been told that liquid seeks it lowest point. This is true, but liquid can also get trapped in folds of fabric. This is exactly how I do my cart mods to keep the atty wet and the juice on the bridge of the atty. I also like your idea of cutting the ends of the tea bags to increase the surface area away from the bridge. This will provide more surface area for the juice to run down toward the atty. The traditional way of making a tea bag cart mod needs to be corrected. Your method works much better as it works with the laws of physics in a more precise manner.
  5. I need to get permission from the forum gods for this one. I got the step by step from another forum. I built it today and it was very easy. It was the first mod I ever built and its great. Its a 5v 510 passthrough that plugs into the wall instead of using a USB port. Its extreamly easy to build. I even made a video to go along with it but it refers to another forum. If it is OK with Chris, I'll copy and paste the step by step.
  6. If Vaping gives you an erection that lasts more than 4 hours, you really need to get out of the house more.
  7. I smoked for 38 years. I haven't touched an analog since getting my first e-cig a little over a month ago. I know thats not a very long time, but its a good start.
  8. Interesting looking mod. I like the fact that you can load up that much juice in the cart. I'll give that one a try. Looks like the only drawback is that you have to take the wade of filler out to refill the cart, but thats not that big a drawback.
  9. Hummmm...now that you mention it. It probably wouldn't work as a flavor in and of itself, but the flavor could probably be recreated using lorans. I love the taste fo orange and use it a lot. Yes I know its an oil...but I use oils all the time in flavoring. I make my fave "Russian Tea" using Orange Oil, Cinnamon Oil, and my DYI Coffee Juice.
  10. I don't go on a road trip without this stuff. It keeps me from falling asleep behind the wheel and there is no hangover from it either. And the used bottles are great for vape.
  11. If you use 5 Hour Energy or a product like that, don't throw out those bottles. After you drink the contents, remove the plastic from the bottle (easily done), wash out the bottle, and you have a 60ml storage bottle for your DYI.
  12. Another nice thing about US Plastics is that they sell cheep plastic lab equipment. I can't guarantee that they are exact measuring devices but they are more than close enough to mix juice. I’ve gotten beakers, graduated cylinders, and Erlenmeyer flasks from them and it really helps to mix your juice.
  13. If you're getting good vapor and a clean taste, you're just fine. When the vapor begins to dye down or it tastes nasty or hot, drip some more juice into the atty or top off your cart. Or both.
  14. Here is how I make my world famous…ok…not world famous, but they should be, Menthol drops. Making your own menthol drops is much much much cheaper than buying menthol flavorings. The following recipe costs less than 5 cents to make and will last a very long time. 1. Get some menthol crystals. You can buy them on Ebay. 4 to 6 oz will last you a really long time and costs around $6. 2. Put some menthol crystals in a zip lock bag and use a rolling pin or liquor bottle to crush them into a fine powder. The finer the powder the better. Don’t leave these around the house during a party or one of your drunken friends will try to put them up their nose. 3. Take a small glass bottle and put in 4ml of pure grain alcohol (Ever Clear). DO NOT USE METHANOL OR ISOPROPAL ALCOHOL. Use ethanol only. 4. Measure out 7ml of crushed menthol crystals. (I know I’m using a wet measure for a dry product. This isn’t college and this isn’t an exact science…so there) Put the crushed menthol crystals in the bottle with the pure grain alcohol. 5. Put the bottle in the microwave for 10 seconds. Take the bottle out of the microwave and inspect the liquid inside. It should be clear. If it is cloudy, microwave it again for 10 seconds. If you’re mixture becomes cloudy at any point during its shelf life, simply soak the bottle in hot water for a while until the mixture is clear again. IMPORTANT: These are very potent menthol drops. Only use one drop per ml of juice at first until you decide how much flavor you want to use. DO NOT try to vape the menthol drops by themselves. You’ll be very sorry if you do.
  15. Hi Nemesis I’m gonna put on my Dr. hat here for a sec. Let me just say first that neither psychology, nor psychiatry is my field of expertise, so please don’t take this as official medical advice. It is not. Many of the things you mentioned can affect those suffering from depression. Depression being defined as a period of feeling depressed for a period greater than 2 weeks. The effect of withdrawal on the body is different for everyone ranging from feelings of anxiety to body aches and nausea. It is not uncommon for feelings of depression to be increased when you’re experiencing something new and a bit unpleasant. If you have not already spoken to a medical doctor about your feelings of depression, you really should. It’s not something you have to live with. If you are under medical treatment for depression, you should talk to your medical doctor about possibly increasing the dosage of your medication until your withdrawal symptoms have passed. But please speak with your medical doctor first. Don’t increase the dosage yourself.
  16. BTW, i forgot to mention that i aways keep a lot of blank carts around. I try to keep a blank cart in even though i usually drip. A filled blank cart can help keep you from inhaling juice and getting it in your mouth.
  17. Carts are re-usable as they are refillable. If the stuffing in the cart gives out, simply take the tea out of a teabag, unfold the teabag till its flat. Then cut a nice sized square out of it, roll it up...not too tight, but not too loose, fold the rolled up tea bag in half and put it in your cart folded side first, and cut to fit. The top of the atty shoud just hit the stuffing in the cart. Remember to keep your cart wet as a dry cart can make for some burnt, nasty tastes.
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