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Everything posted by CNubel

  1. Good review bro. I really like IVape.net juices too. Sweet Caroline is my everyday vape and I can't seem to get enough of it. Try mixing Sweet Caroline and Peach 50/50. You'll be amazed at the results.
  2. Hey Bro. I realize this is an old conversation, but I really hope you'll come back and shed some light on your comments. They don't seem to make sense and I'm sure its a simple misunderstanding. Your atty and your carts have nothing to do with the Silver Bullet. The SB is simply a tube, a switch, and a battery connector. The atty and cart have nothing to do with the SB at all and are your preference on which to use. I've owned a SB for many months (unfortunately, I lost it but that's another story) and have used it with 6 different attys, cartomizers, carts, and anything else you can probably think of. The battery case and switch are comfortable to hold and use and it is probably the best made PV on the market. I hope you'll come back so we can understand what you meant.
  3. Excellent idea. I've never liked the ways PV's are marketed. I personally think we should divorce ourselves from any relationship with cigarettes. Stop calling them e-cigs and start calling them PV's. Don't make them look like cigarettes either. Make them look like anything other than a cigarette. Most mods don't resemble cigarettes at all, but many of the stuff sold in malls and on the radio do. We need to move away from that line of thinking.
  4. I'm leary of calling them NRT's. The FDA will jump all over that and call them drug delivery systems. Many people use them as NRT's, but there are a lot of people out there that vape 0mg nic juice. They will be impacted by that label to a great degree if the FDA puts PV's under the classification of a drug deliver system. If there is no nic in gum, its just a piece of gum. If there is no nic in the juice, a PV will still be a drug delivery device if the FDA gets their way.
  5. Thanks for all your great comments. After seeing this segment on RR I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'm glad that the vaping community got to see the RR segment and judge for themselves.
  6. While I agree with the spirit of the plan of the AAPHP, I can't get behind the letter of it. It is not a tobacco product, there is no tobbaco in it. Calling e-cigs a tobacco product because it contains nicotine is like calling Coke-A-Cola a fruit because it contains sugar. Thats a can of worms I don't think we can afford right now.
  7. Y'all, we won a very important battle today, but don't celebrate too long. The war is just starting and it will go on for a long time. The FDA and non-smoking groups will stop at nothing until ecigs are destroyed. You can bet your last dollar on that fact.
  8. I'm a doctor and i recomend them to my patients. Im not sure if any of them have switched yet, but all I can do is lead a horse to water.
  9. Vapor Talk – Dulcis 16mg This stuff rocks. I bought this because I heard it was the Vapor Talk version of RY4. It is probably one of the best RY4 juices I’ve had. It has a mellow tobacco flavor with a hint of caramel and some other flavors that blend together into a very relaxing and flavorful vape. I’ve been vaping Dulcis for the past three weeks and it has become my everyday vape. On a scale of 1-10, I’ll give this a 9. It really is very good. If you like RY4, give Dulcis from www.VaporTalkStore.com a try. I think you will be very pleasantly surprised.
  10. Vapor Talk – Midnight 16mg I got Midnight from www.VaporTalkStore.com as a sample when I purchased some other juices from them. All I can say is “WOW”. This juice blew my doors off. This has a wonderful strawberry flavor with some other subtle flavoring mixed in. This makes for a very adult flavor which is very soothing to vape and the flavor keeps coming through. Let me also add that the strawberry is not overpowering at all. It is in the foreground, but the other flavors mellow the strawberry into a well balanced and pleasurable vape. The flavor is very much like a sloe gin fizz. I highly recommend trying this one as I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. On a scale of 1-10, I give Midnight a 9.
  11. Check this article out when you have a few minutes. Its a great read. Hazzard Reduction Article
  12. What you're seeing is about 1/8 of my personal library. I read a lot.
  13. Thank you. Its always good to get a lot of opinions on equipment and juice. I'm just adding my two cents.
  14. Wow bud, sorry you're having such a bad time. I don't know who you got your kit from but most reputable sellers will replace those attys ASAP. The VaporTalkStore has some of the best customer service I've ever seen so if you have any problems with the attys you have on the way, you'll have nothing to worry about.
  15. Just today, Obama cancled a meeting with the King of Norway after recieving his "peace prize". Thousands demonstrate in Oslo as "Peace Prize" winner elevates troop levels. http://www.newsmax.c...omo_code=930B-1 The Dali Lama thinks the peace prize is a bit pre-mature. http://www.hindustan...le1-485259.aspx It must really suck when the Dali Lama thinks you're a douchebag
  16. Hi Laura; You can get a gallon of USP PG at your local feed store. I have one around the corner from my house and I get it for around $29 a gallon. And no shipping fees.
  17. I have some experience in videography and editing. I use a JVC high def camera and Adobe Premire 8.0 editing softwear. But you don't need stuff like that to do a good review. Just shoot your review on your webcam and upload it to your YouTube account. It doesn't matter what it looks like, what matters is that we have a lot of points of view. Your opinion on PV's and Juice is what gives others a good idea on what to purchase. Everytime you do a review, you save someone their hard earned money. Think of it as calling a freind and telling them that you've had either a positive or negative experience with a product. It doesn't matter if you call them on a $2 phone or a $1500 phone, what matters is that you called them and told them.
  18. what is the difference between using a pyrimid tea bag rather than just a plain old teabag? I've always wondered this.
  19. Dude..that rocked!! Good job !!
  20. This is wrong on so many levels. If it wasn't three o'clock in the morning I'd post a rant of my own. It may have to wait till tomorrow.
  21. That can't possibly be your set up Chris. I don't see a VP Passthrough or a bottle of juice in the picture.
  22. Thats interesting to know. The guy who runs the site is claiming ingnorance and that he's just a regular guy. More info is needed
  23. Glad you enjoyed it. BTW, Too much stuff ??? Never enough.
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