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Everything posted by chrismonk

  1. Hi all, It's been a couple years since I've posted here. I started vaping about 5 years ago with a DSE901 and upgraded to the Joye 510 about a year later. About two years ago I started using the Ego 650 mah batteries with the Joye 510 atomizers and haven't felt the need to upgrade until recently. The old 510 atomizers would last me a few months with regular cleaning and the old Ego batteries were great for them until recently. These new 510 atomizers seem to be made to die after a few days and the Ego batteries have too much safety crap built in to them that limit how much of a "hit" you can get out of them. So, my question is about what most people are using now, since I have been away so long. My brother uses some Kanger Ecig that looks like a small baseball bat (too big for me). I tried some of the cartomizers he uses for it and they have given me nothing but trouble, leaking, dying and acting pretty weak with my Ego batteries. What do you all recommend?
  2. Just a little something that is working well for me. I have found that some of the E-juice flavors,although very tasty,can be a bit on the strong side. What I have been doing recently is mixing some of the more exotic and fruity flavors (the stronger flavors) and dripping them half and half with my old standard RY4 directly onto my atty and cartridge. I'm sure that this same trick would work with other "standard" everyday flavors. This has helped me really enjoy some of the flavors that were just sitting around because they seemed to be a bit much.
  3. To me it doesn't really matter so much whether or not I am addicted to vaping. I don't think that I really am because I can go for many hours without vaping with no problems. I could not go for more than an hour without a cigarette when I was smoking. That being said, I have no desire to lower my nicotine levels or make a plan to quit vaping. I really enjoy it, much more than smoking cigarettes! I know I am healthier because I can feel it. I know that I am saving money and I am a happy vaper! THIS IS THE DEALIO!! Chris
  4. I got 30 ml of RY4 and a 510 atty from them and had a good experience with their products and service. I would definately reccomend them. One thing to keep in mind though is that their juice is Chinese. The RY4 I got was great though. Chris
  5. I have a co-worker who calls her 510 her fake cigarette. I would never do this, but if she wants to then thats cool. I just hope her "fake" cigarette helps her quit smoking because to me it's the "better" cigarette. I hope that in time more people will see that. This is not just an alternative to smoking, it is a better smoking experience. I heard Arno say in one of his videos that this is the future of smoking and I hope that is true. I hope that eventually the ecig will be seen as the next level of smoking because it is so much better in so many ways.
  6. I would be crazy for anything that drips itself.
  7. Yeah, let us know if this stuff is any good. That is a great price to try some new stuff.
  8. I use the Joye510 and the DSE901. The 901 seems to be better for a flavor hit, bot the 510 gives me way more vapor and throat hit. I have a pass-thru for the 510, but I haven't tried any other minis or mods yat. These work good for me so I will stick with them for now.
  9. Not saving yet, but getting close!
  10. If we ever have a meeting of the VT-ers everyone must bring their instruments, I see big hits in the making!!
  11. That is good information guys. I never thought to clean a new atty for a better break-in experience One other thing that I do is drop them back into the white liquor (everclear, vodka, whatever) after boiling them, to help them dry quicker ( I am impatient ). Then I blow them out and drip heavily before firing them up.
  12. I've been mixing the Hilton and 555 from Arno. Pretty nice!!
  13. I've hit snalogs twice since I started vaping and it was the same for me. It just didn't come close to measuring up to the flavor and experince of vaping. Likewise, I don't see it as a big deal anymore, like the other times that I quit smoking. There is no daunting fear of falling off of the wagon and going back to analogs, they just don't come close, so there is no need to worrry anymore.
  14. Thanks Everyone!!
  15. I don't get it either. I knew from my first puff on a Smoking Everywhere piece of crap PV that I would not need analogs anymore. It took a few weeks and a few purchases to get what I really needed to put them down though. I am now free of those nasty analogs and enjoy vaping far more than smoking with my Joye510 a DSE901 as a backup. I turned a co-worker onto vaping and reccomended the 510 to her. She got it, and loves it, but she still puffs on those amalogs too. I really don't get it. The 510 with almost any juice is so much better!?!?!! She has cut way down on the analogs though. Her pulmonary doctor told her that E-cigs are a great choice for quitting, and now that she is trying some other juice flavors and even craving them, maybe she will be able to give the analogs up. I guess everybody is different and what seems like the easy choice to some might not be so easy for others. I will keep testifying every chance I get though that vaping is definately the best way to kick the analog cigarette habit and feel like you never gave up anything!
  16. Nah, Midnight is a great name, full of mystery and intrigue. I will have to pick up that VT sampler pack soon. Thanks man.
  17. Can anyone describe the Midnight flavor, or is it just indescribable? I have tried Dulcis and I think I have an idea about where the rest of them lean, except Midnight. Thanks!
  18. I seem to be running out pretty quick on the E-juice. Any good suppliers of 50 ml bottles??
  19. Definately the 510.
  20. OK, thanks, I will try that.
  21. Well, the one good atomizer I have works with one of the batteries but not the other one. I was just wondering if that battery was bad since it still lights up the way it should. I guess it does have a short somewhere though.
  22. Hi all, I purchased a DSE901 kit about a month ago, and one of the batteries seems to be dead already. It lights up blue, then orange like normal, but doesn't heat up the atty at all. Is it dead and gone or is there a trick I have overlooked on these forums to correct it?? Thanks, Chris
  23. Really cool post. Who woulda thunk it could be true? 40 years buried under what? Somebodys money belt I am guessing.
  24. Would these LB Attys increase vapor on a DSE901??
  25. That thing looks really cool. It seems like a step forward to a more maintenance free and full flavor vape. I have to say though, that guy makes the dullest video reviews ever!
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