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Everything posted by willmon22

  1. I see. Well one of my cartomizers is at 1.4 ohms for some odd reason. I think it was partially flooded but it has been being used for awhile and it is still at 1.4 ohms. It would also seem to just keep leaking a little putting a little eliquid on the battery contact. I blow out the excess but all it does is just take some of the liquid from the tank. I have had this issue before but I am not sure what I did to make it stop.
  2. Well it is something I had heard. I guess it was wrong. The other analogy I heard that makes more since is voltage is a manual while wattage is automatic in getting the right amount of heat or something like that.
  3. I heard that watts can actually change the ohms on a cartomizer. But yet it seems to read the same amount of ohms on all the watts I put it on. And I notice very little difference between volts and watts for some odd reason. I guess this eliquid sucks. I have vapor-x and 21st century smok vapin plus juice. One is 2.4% nicotine and the other is 1.6. The other thing I am wondering is shouldn't the ohms go up if a cartomizer is failing? As for some odd reason mine was reading 1.4 and it was originally 1.5. Of course it got a little flooded when filling it. I had it on the battery and the tank on it. When filling it somehow I got it into the cartomizer as well and it made a big mess. Then it read 1.4 ohms. Anyways that is about it. The battery I got is the Ego V3 Mega 1300Mah. It seems good even with cartomizers I revived with everclear that were sitting who knows how long. But they looked fairly clean when I was done cleaning them.
  4. Well I was thinking it might work with triple coils possibly.
  5. Yes, I am sure I am talking about volts: http://www.mister-e-liquid.com/the-beast-box-vv/ - Variable Voltage from 2.9V - 8.4V
  6. I was wondering about this as I seen the new version of the ego Revolution or whatever it is and that is its amp limit. I was going to be using dual coils up to 1.5 ohms and no less than that and no triple coils as of yet. Also I was wondering about a device being able to go up to 8.5 volts is this too much? If not what would it be used for at that voltage?
  7. http://www.litecigusa.net/VapeCase_e_cigarette_Phone_Case_p/lotus-vapecase.htm Thought I would put this in here since it isn't here. Looked interesting it is exactly what I have been thinking of for awhile now. Except actually take the charge from the cell phone instead of a battery built into the case for the ecig.
  8. I don't know if they ever did or not. It was a message I seen somewhere but forget where I seen it. Anyways that is just what I think. The battery is sealed in a tube and shouldn't be a problem. But yet when they happen to inspect a random package and find it they decide nope this isn't going to get shipped through. I really see no big deal of it.
  9. I don't get what customs problems are. As the battery is sealed in the device. I have been told be people at the post office that it shouldn't be a problem for customs if the batteries are in the device instead of seperate. From what I seen someone said about fast tech they had waited over 3 weeks and sent them a message after never getting it and they were told it is most likely stuck in customs but didn't offer anything for the issue at all.
  10. Well due to them being based in china and customs not wanting batteries to go through the mail I don't think I would even try to get it. As I have heard people never receiving their packages and some say they have even never gotten any refunds either. Now this isn't necessarily from fasttech but just places based in china is what I mean.
  11. I thought that the post was meant for my other thread as it had vamo in it.
  12. Well that is good to know. They are going to be stocking up for the ego-v v3 soon it says. So since they are selling the v2 for cheaper maybe they will sell the v3 for cheaper too. But the thing is free-cigs has free shipping so the price you see is the price you pay unless you live in illinois otherwise you would have to pay sales tax.
  13. Well no actual vape stores here yet. But getting egos and eliquid with atomizers is a start so maybe it will attract someone to make a business as getting the stuff from china like some places do you can make good money when doing so. As when buying in bulk from china you get stuff extremely cheap.
  14. Well the last one that I had that was like a 600Mah was fine really. I really loved it and everything worked fine on it. Just the display was loose and that is what caused the button to get stuck and eventually get broken. But if I would have just ignored the one button and used the other it would have still been fine right now. Besides I don't have a job and when I do get one I guess I will spend my money on more important things. I haven't had anything to vape for months and I haven't smoked in over 2 weeks. So I think I am just going to say I will be okay but that won't stop me from looking at stuff and keep up with it in case I decide to go back to it. Vaping smoking and drinking is all the same really I think. It is fine unless you start to do it in excess.
  15. I had found what I am going to get. I would prefer the Vamo type mod but I think I can settle with this: I know it isn't a tube to put batteries in but hey it still has all the features I want. I will sacrifice quality over cost like I did last time with the v1 but I think that it was a good device before I accidentally popped the bottom off trying to fix the + - buttons and ended up shorting the battery and burning it out as the wires came undone.
  16. Ego-V Mega V3 1300 mAh (Sailebao) So I had gotten an email saying that they had finally gotten the v2 in stock and I went to their page and looked to see if they had any new vv-vw mods and to my surprise I found this. The newer version of the Ego-V I did a search on the forum first and didn't find any topics so hopefully I am the first to put this on here. Anyways here are the specs summarised: It has the Variable voltage from 3-6 in .1 increments as usual and the passthrough. What has been added is that it now has Variable wattage from 3-15 watts in .5 watt increments. Also it has a resistance meter as well. So this is basically a regular mod that most anyone is wanting but it doesn't cost up to $100 like most mods that have these features. It only costs $38.99 and it is a good price I think. So that is about all I know about it so I am posting this before someone else does even though this was introduced a week ago I think.
  17. Well I have found another place that has just opened recently. It is called Discount Tobacco Warehouse and they are selling a nice variety of ecig stuff as well as ejuice even more so than what dirt cheap seems to have. So I would say they would be the better option even though they may be a little more expensive.
  18. It is either out of stock or I am not seeing a add to cart option.
  19. That doesn't seem too bad ecigvapor. Just I need to get some batteries and a charger as well.
  20. That really sucks. I guess just getting the body from china would be fine but having batteries and the charger with it I will never get it. So I guess I am stuck having to pay even more so others can get a profit off it as well. Ohh well I suppose I will just have to deal with it.
  21. I would support american companies like local stores. But having to pay over 15 more for just a battery is a little insane. I have a local store called ellis battery that sells 18650 batteriers and they are about 20.
  22. Has anyone bought anything from a china or hong kong location? If so how long did it usually take to get to you. As I am thinking to get the kit from fasttech but they are located in hong kong. Here is the link to the option I planed on getting: http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004394/1354700 Also I appreciate the companies that are wanting me to buy from them. I wouldn't mind getting from ecig vapor just I can't seem to find batteries for the mod. As well as a charger. Without the batteries and charger I would have to get them from a different site and have to pay a whole different price as well as shipping.
  23. http://www.fasttech.com/products/1420/10000367/1132300-ultrafire-brc-18650-3000mah-37v-rechargeable-li-io What is with these batteries? They say on the 3000mah but they say they tested them with an actual capacity of 400mah what gives?
  24. That seems like the best option. Thanks willblack.
  25. Well they do have a phone number to save gas to check if they have it before going there. After I get a new battery I am going to see about trying out the local eliquid. It is only like 4.99 maybe 5.99 for 10ml and I think that is a good price.
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