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About Mas924

  • Birthday 10/13/1989

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  • Location
    Southern Colorado

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Welcome de!
  2. Lmao so true! What would we do without google?
  3. I got my first 306 yesterday from the wonderful breal and WOW, I've been using it at 3.7 and havent been able to put it down! Every flavor I throw at it shines right through with perfect throat hit and warmth. Amazing, the 510 will def be taking the back seat for a while
  4. Second that. I've heard of people adding small amounts of vodka to juices but I personally wouldn't try it. I've seen a few vendors suggest to just add a bit of distilled water if you want to thin a juice out. If your looking for better vapor production try a 306 atty. Just got my first today and I think it out performs the 510 I'm used to.
  5. Your absolutely crazy if you don't get both of those done! especially the dog....
  6. I tried getting on from my phone and was greeted with this hilarious video
  7. Dubstep has become huge considering it how small it was back in 01-02. There is A LOT of good stuff out there but dubstep has gotten a bad name becuase of people like skrillex
  8. Welcome daisy and congrats on the 6 weeks and 1 day!
  9. Welcome to the forum 7sons! BTW I love your provari, looks good with that blue drip tip
  10. I have a bunch of these and find myself using them everyday. I did have 1 out of 5 that just didnt perform like the other 4. It didnt give very good flavor or throat hit. 1/5 isnt bad at all
  11. TVR ry4 and raf-a-licious from ave if they still have some. Both amazing ry4s in my opinion
  12. Third that. My girlfriend bought some and had nothing but problems with them. Joye510's always work great or I just tried some boge510 atomizers from nicotinehighway.com for 5 bucks and they work great so far.
  13. Very good bands/artists ^^ Extra for CCR I listen to almost anything, but I love electronic music. I actually started to mix and produce dubstep tracks in the last couple years. Don't know what I would do without music and my ecigs
  14. Totally agreed. Glad I found TVR
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