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    purgo60 reacted to bobthesalesclerk in Fda = Idiots   
    I'm going to call them and report all of the adverse side effects i have experienced with my Ecig

    1. I can breathe much better
    2. I don't smell like smoke anymore
    3. I have more energy
    4. I can ride my bike up Pittsburgh hills and not feel like i am dying when i hit the top
    5. I don't freeze because i have to go outside every 30 minutes to have a smoke

    sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
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    purgo60 reacted to Christopher in Fda = Idiots   

    I can't help but think, if they can't take a picture of the device correctly, I seriously question their testing methods.
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    purgo60 reacted to Deadpool809 in Fda = Idiots   
    I suspect that you will have a battery problem if you plug the charger into the cart/carto...
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    purgo60 reacted to blucavvy in Noob Greetings   
    how long you can use the carto is completely dependent on how much you vape. you might only get a week out of a carto, you might get two weeks.

    basically when the draw of the carto starts getting tight, or when it starts tasting burnt or nasty at all just throw it out. you can boil them to clean them out but imho it's not worth it. carto's are cheap. i generally get a full week out of one of mine, vaping about 2-2.5mls a day. i get more time out of my larger carto's but for now let's just say generally about a week of good solid use.

    you can always add new flavors to a current flavor carto, but you want to make sure the flavors will "work" together. for example, vanilla and caramel or something would probably be a good combo, menthol and caramel, probably not so good.
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    purgo60 reacted to Jeffb in Smoke Free Counter   
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