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Everything posted by blucavvy

  1. they have a newer version out that has longer wicks which eliminates dry hits. they'll have that out in an 808 thread soon if it's not out already. spoke with SI the other day and these can be used on slim batts as well.
  2. that sucks, would be super cool if they actually knew what they were doing and you had somethin local like that.
  3. .....well, you've given me some things to mull over on a friday night. welcome to the forum by the way.
  4. i hope your'e right, honestly. but i don't think that will be the case. price will go up. on everything.all things considered vaping's really not all that expensive as it is right now. one could vape for comfortably for $40 or $50 bucks a month. compare that to the cost of smoking (for me it was about $140 a month) and the tobacco companies will never allow their profits to be cut so drastically. again, price will go up. agreed 100%
  5. as for what type of pv will be the most prevelant when all these changes do take place, i disagree again, i think it will be stick style batt's like are currently available in 7/11's and gas stations and what not, although obviously of better quality. think the smokelessimage volt. people don't like the look of eGo's until they actually get over the fact that vaping isn't smoking. cig sized pv's are where the bulk of the money is at, that's where newb's will spend the most, and it's where MOST people will spend their time vaping, not everyone turns vaping into a hobby, some people do just use it to get off smokes or for social reasons. those of us that get in to mods, and provari's and all that **** do it for the same reasons that people "mod" their cars. but for 99% of the population, a car is just a vehicle to get from point a to point b. same thing with ecigs, in the majority's eyes, it's just there to get people off of smokes, doesn't have to be fancy.
  6. you don't understand. i'm not talking about big tobacco getting involved to shut things down, i'm talking about big tobacco getting involved to save their own skins since their native industry is on the fritz and they know it. i know vaporizers aren't going anywhere, i fully agree. i'm saying that all the nice variety that we have now, will come to an end. they'll turn it in to a mass production drug device to maximize profit instead of the industry we know now and most of us love. the little mom and pop stores that make the best liquid? forget about it, they'll be gone, they can't compete with BT's money, it'll all be Dekang type crap liquid with zero flavor. the FDA will force the industry to only be able to use tobacco and menthol flavors. like previously stated internet sales will most likely become illegal as will "flavored" juices. the industry is going to change, and not in a good way. the only good i see in the industry up and coming is the regulation that will be forced to happen so that retards stop blowing their faces off.
  7. i disagree. your'e forgetting one very important factor. big tobacco just got involved. in a BIG way. it won't be long now before big pharma get's in, and then the FDA will mandate huge regulations/standards. although i agree with you about quality getting better, the price will not be dropping. it will only go up from here. enjoy it now because we are in the golden age of vaping right now. once big business is involved, mom and pop shops will close up, regulations (although a good thing) will force alot of the small vendors out. price is the one thing guaranteed in this industry, guaranteed to go up.
  8. so it's roughly $30 -$40 for a tank? what about a drip tip? could you shoot me a ballpark if you don't want to post it up?
  9. i could not find the tanks or drip tips on their site that you wrap in wood? could you shoot me a link? i'm not interested in a mod, but depending on the cost the drip tip and tank may be items i'd look in to.
  10. bah! who know's anymore, supposedly still end of April........"checks calender" other than changing the name to the itaste vv, Innokin's been pretty tight lipped about the whole thing, they won't even tell the 2 actual Innokin vendors what pricing will be like or when an exact release date will be. they just keep telling everyone "end of April" course it was supposed to be beginning of this year, then beginning of March, then beginning of April, so i don't even know anymore. i've lost interest to be honest. although i do think it's gonna be a real cool pv
  11. http://www.provape.com/Zipper-Bottle-p/zipperbottle.htm back from the dead! ordered a few of these tonight cuz they're just gonna be super handy
  12. they are super intricate, i agree would make an awesome conversation piece but i don't think i could vape that with a straight face lol
  13. Smokelessimage rep (they carry the same thing just with 808 threading) says they're vertical coil carto's, so Madkat my best advice is just to try a non lr one like the one i linked to, anything in between 2.5-3.0ohm should work fine for your kGo.
  14. i like the twinkey, still debating on getting an SD keyring, that Twinkey might be a funner "mini" pv though.
  15. lol, way to completely disregard what i was getting across. i was saying if it's a horizontal coil the kGo might just be putting out too much voltage regardless of what ohm the carto is. key word there though is MIGHT. i don't know for sure. all i can do is make suggestions, based on educated guesses. and it may not, if it's a horizontal coil the resistance of it may not make a difference if it's being hit by 4v. that's my only point. i will agree with you that for this specific clearo a standard eGo batt may be a better option, but we won't know unless someone tries a standard resistance vision on an kGo batt or someone can find out if it's a vertical or horizontal coil. she can either a.) buy a $5 Vision at a standard ohms and try it out and see what happens, hopefully the higher ohm clearo won't give off a burnt taste or b.) buy a $15 eGo batt, and a $5 eGo charger and run whatever ohm vision she wants.
  16. the vision's come in different ohm's, if you were using a lr one try getting the standard resistance one's, something in between 2.6-3.0ohm's should be fine for your kGo, unless like i said the Vision's are a horizontal coil, if they are it may not matter what ohm they are because at 4v the kgo might just give them a burnt taste. i don't have one i can dissect so unless anyone knows if they're a horizontal coil or not my best suggestion is to just get a standard resistance one and try that out. http://www.discountvapers.com/vision-ego-ce4-clearomizer-dv-edition/ this one is in between 2.5-2.9ohms so it should be fine for your kGo.
  17. http://www.motorcitymodz.com/e107_plugins/easyshop/easyshop.php "We specialize in extremely ******* cool mods" awesome lol, and not badly priced either. too bad i don't dig on mods.
  18. whatever fill method you use just give the carto a few minutes after the initial fill to make sure all the polyfill is soaked. if it's not you'll get the burnt taste. and make sure your'e putting in the proper amount of liquid. a standard 1ml carto i usually put a minimum of 20 drops in, let it sit for ten minutes and check the polyfill, if it's retaining a "moist" look and the color of the liquid is still in the polyfill it's good to vape, if it's bone white after soaking add more. if you use that condom method make sure you wipe the batter connection clean, and blow through the center tube as the condom method can kill an auto battery in a heartbeat if you don't take those precautions.
  19. Kwaione, did you get the package i sent?
  20. everyone like's different things, everyone has different sweet spots. general rule of thumb for warmer, thicker vapor with a slightly better throat hit is low ohm carto/atty's with low voltage devices higher ohm carto/atty's with higher voltage devices if you haven't tested them like Jeff pointed out sometimes lr carto's/atty's aren't exactly what they're rated for, so a 2.0ohm carto might actually be 2.4ohm's whereas a sr carto might be 2.6ohm's, which isn't a very noticeable difference.
  21. haven't tried em yet but smokelessimage sells em too and I'll think they'll work on the stick 808s as well I'm gonna buy one
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