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Everything posted by blucavvy

  1. keep in mind if your delivery system is made specifically for an eGo such as the stardusts or something like that you may have to get a 510-eGo adaptor
  2. The unit shouldn't matter Tami. Your twist doesn't put out a certain wattage per say. It produces a certain voltage, that combined with the resistance of the atomizer/cartomizer/whatever is what overall wattage your'e vaping at. For example right now i'm vaping at an even 4 volts on my Provari Mini with a 1.7ohm atomizer and that gives me a total wattage of 9.4some watts. If i were to use a 3ohm atomizer at say 5 volts my wattage would be roughly 8.3 some watts. I usually like to vape within the 8-10 watt range. Anything more is overkill FOR ME. Remember like everything else with vaping everyone likes different stuff. What works for me may not work for you. What troubles exactly are you having with that specific atomizer Tami? Because like Rixter that's one of my favorites. Here's a helpful site for you to figure out what wattage your'e vaping at btw if your'e ever curious. All you do is plug in the voltage your'e vaping at and the resistance of your delivery system and hit calculate and it will tell you the overall wattage. http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-ohm.htm?E=3.2&I=&R=&P=
  3. yeah for me the only real way to enjoy boba's is out of an atomizer. clearo's and carto's simply don't do the juice justice. my favorite juice by far. in fact the only juices i've ever tried that can even hold a candle to boba's are from TVR. and even those simply aren't as good.
  4. i'm not worried about the slamming, just putting out my opinion. the provari reads the EXACT resistance of any carto/atty etc... i put on it, so vw is useless to me. would it make life a little easier? i suppose but in the end it doesn't actually change my vaping experience. i haven't changed voltage or anything on my provari in the 2 weeks i've been home on leave because i don't need to, i've used one atomizer at one voltage and the vape has been perfect. every hit. all i've done is swap batteries for charging. that's all i'm saying. i would gain nothing by having a vw provari, vamo etc.... in the end the provari is worth every dime for various reasons i've listed too many times and don't feel like listing anymore. people can take what they want from my opinion. if a newbie asks what the best mod out there is my answer will still be the provari every time if for nothing else than the longevity of it. no other variable voltage/wattage mod has stood the test of time and abuse the way the provari has. and i still get a kick out of all the threads that pop up all the time with all the new various mods that are supposed to be the "hot" new thing that will change vaping in every way, and then a few weeks later seeing all the threads that pop up saying "well this went wrong, or this quit working". yet, i don't know that i've ever really seen a thread saying man my provari is just falling apart......it's just the best quality device out there imho.
  5. i imagine that's where they would take it. i can't see why they'd release another version without incorporating vp.
  6. still thinking about picking up a kick for my sb.......
  7. disagree a hundred percent. variable voltage more than takes care of everything anyone could need out of a personal vaporizer. variable wattage is just because we're always looking for more, more, more..... i can use any resistance atomizer, cartomizer, tank, or clearomizer i want and dial in a sweet spot in a matter of seconds on the provari. what advantage would variable wattage give me?
  8. kind of how i feel, i still want a few things like an Innokin MVP and some mini ego's but honestly those are just a "cuz i want them" kind of purchase. my vaping is 100% satisfied with my provari.
  9. There's your best answer right there. The best option is to not smoke or vape. We vape because we personally believe it's a healthier alternative to smoking. But the best option period is to not do either.
  10. ah yesss madvapes is going to have a very long shopping list from me lol. i'm going to get a few mini eGo's, some vision stardusts since they're only $4 now, a 2.5ml vivi nova, and some of those vision nano's.
  11. Thanks Tami i'm going to check that out right now, so far i see a lot of options i like that would go well with the mini eGo so i may just pick up 2 and hold off on the MVP. I see that the vivi nova comes in a 2.5ml size as well so that would probly look better with the mini than the 3.5ml. Only problem is i can't find the aluminum window sleeve in the 2.5ml size oh well, the stainless one's look hot with a small cone and a standard stainless carto and a stainless drip tip as well lol. I'll be going away for awhile again on the 4th. I go to Ft. Lee Virginia until about April for more training but after that i should be done leaving for awhile Unless i get deployed right away lol
  12. What's the Kanger t4 or t3 i keep hearing about? I'm looking for a new clearo/carto/tank to use. I'm going to pick up a mini eGo just cuz i think they're cool as hell. The 400 mah ones. and i want to find a clearomizer i can stand using with it. I tried the vision or stardust or whatever the hell it's called awhile back and had nothing but issues with 2 that i picked up so at $5 a pop that was enough of that. I know the vivi nova is a big one that gets talked about alot now adays. What's up with that thing? Tank or clearo or what? I've seen the new aluminum sleeves they come with and i love the look of them so i may look in to that. I'm pretty old school in how i vape honestly, my provari only ever has an atty and drip shield on it. and i have some 808's that i just carto's on for on the go. I want something that will "flow" well with the mini eGo if that makes sense. something that looks good. any other new clearo's/carto's that would look good and perform good on one? dct's are out of the question. i'm not a fan and i refuse to buy another one. i may be willing to try the stardust's or whatever you want to call them if they've come a ways in consistency, because i love the look of them on eGo's.
  13. we don't know for sure that it does any damage to your lungs. uma pretty much hit the nail on the head. that being said, your lungs should not be your only concern. remember that your'e still ingesting nicotine and nicotine is a drug. more than that nicotine IS a toxin. and toxin's are at their core poison. so your'e literally vaping poison. that being said, there have been no proven negative long term effects of taking in small amounts of nicotine over a long period of time. so, you make your own mind up. i'm going to continue vaping because i personally enjoy it. i KNOW 2 things for a fact. 1.) since i quit smoking and started vaping my 2 mile run time has gone from 16:32 to 13:28. 3 minutes is ALOT of time to take off of a 2 mile run time. so i KNOW FOR A FACT that my lungs have improved since giving up the cigarettes. 2.) i know that vaping is not as healthy as someone who doesn't smoke or vape. but like i said, i enjoy it and my lung function seems to have improved so i'm more than happy to keep on vaping
  14. oh I'm not looking for a replacement for the provari by any means. I know I already own the cadillac of pv's as was stated in another thread. at this point its just about collecting "different" devices. I don't own a box mod and although I prefer tube mods (like you) I'd like to at least try one box mod and this seems to b one of the finer ones on the market.
  15. Anyone ever try one? Very well may be my next vaping purchase...... http://www.smoktek.com/Innokin-iTaste-MVP-2600mAh-Box-APV-Kit_p_544.html
  16. i haven't tried them so i won't comment on them. but if your'e looking for a solid vendor for juice try thevaporroom.net best juice i've ever had and their prices are super legit.
  17. you will not be disappointed with the provari. i've loved mine since the day i got it. it does everything i could ever ask of a device. the rest is up to the juice and delivery system.
  18. the drip shield has done nothing but make my life easier since i got one. so take that for what you will. yes a standard drip shield will slide over just about any 901 or 510 atty. i believe the ego uses a different type of drip shield so you may need to look into that.
  19. you don't need a drip shield it just keeps things much cleaner.
  20. if you did'nt have issues with any previously then i have to believe it's just a bad batch.
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