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Everything posted by blucavvy

  1. As a service member and gun enthusiast I'm glad i live in Kansas. Open carry has almost always been legal and as of july 1st concealed carry with no permit is legal. I'll leave my opinions on muslims to myself. They're not the friendliest.
  2. Feel free to add yourselves to the list
  3. 1. Blucavvy 2. Cany 3. Kitsune
  4. We can come up with all the rules and guidelines as a group if we get enough interest in it. I'll start the list so we know for sure who wants in. 1. Blucavvy
  5. Someone starts with a box say 8x8x8 or larger whatever. Adds a few things, we start a list of all the people who want to participate, and the next person on the list messages their address to the person who currently has it. You can keep the box a day or two, then u mail it out. Add to the box when u get it, maybe grab something.
  6. Should we get a certain number of participants? Say 15 20 and we'll get this thing going? I dunno you guys tell me.
  7. Bahahahaha don't even start jeff!
  8. I've used an aspire atlantistank with .5ohm coils on a 30w mod for the last 6 months. For the last month i got a new atlantis ver2 with .3ohm coils on a 30-70 watt mod I've been running at about 50 watts. I use all kinds of juices but they're always high vg juices. (70-80% vg). I run through about 3 tankfulls a day (6-9 mls), and on average get 3-4 weeks out of ONE coil. I never got that kind of life out of a pro tank coil. A week at best with those, plus those are like sucking a golf ball through a garden hose. These new sub ohm tanks are honestly amazing and i highly recommend getting into one. I've been vaping for 5 years and these things are by far the best vape I've ever had. Just my .02
  9. This. Sorry to hear about it jeff. If we can get some interest going we can do this if yall want to. Think it'd be something fun for the regular forum members. We could do diy juices, hardware, accessories, etc. Rules and guidelines can be decided assuming we get enough interest. I had fun with the last one for what its worth. That was years ago.
  10. Anyone interested in starting a new one?
  11. Wow, haven't seen this in a hot minute lol
  12. If money was no object whats the best battery i could use in my ipv mini 2 and why( or a list of top 5 or 10)? And charger? (I know i could find the info but I'm lazy and this new sub forum needs some threads/posts soooooo)
  13. Lmao, right now I'm testing in an atlantis 2 at about 50w. I made 10ml of french vanilla, 5% flavor, 70/30 vg/pg, 6mg nic and it seems to be pretty low flavor. Of course this is an atty thats been used with other juices for a solid 2 weeks. I have a few 1.8ohm 510 attys coming in tomorrow to use on an old ego so I'm hoping I'll get a better idea at what the flavor is really like with that. But I'm thinking i might have to bump flavor up to 10% to compensate for the loss of flavor in the tank? Guess I'll find out tomorrow. Just had to at least try it today cuz I'm impatient lol. On the plus side the vapor production is great for a 70/30 :-)
  14. But what do most of you prefer your flavor percentages to be? I see mostly 5% from what i can find so thats what i went with on my first batch (plus a few drops of other flavors i thought would mix well) but just curious what most people prefer their juices at?
  15. I've been saying we should do away with the representative democracy we have since i was 13. With the access to internet we have these days theres no reason at all we don't decide collectively as a nation our large bills, problems, elections etc. A direct democracy is really the only true form of democracy. Representatives were important 300 years ago when people had to ride in a wagon 4 towns over to cast a vote. They're simply not necessary anymore.
  16. Might want to start packing a bug out bag. Just sayin'
  17. Wouldn't hurt
  18. 808s actually did make leaps and bounds in technology over their 510 counterparts back in the day. From the horizontal lr coil cartos, to the regulated 3.7v batts, etc... unfortunately the place i wanted to order from most (v4l), looks as if its going into a death spiral financially. I will probably get most of my stuff through smokelessimage.com and my cartos through halo since they still make and sell lr cartos. Just something easy to carry around, and something that reminds me of the simpler good old days of vaping :-)
  19. I know nothing of this temp control you speak of....
  20. I know I'm behind the times on this thread (and vape technology in general lol), but i got mine a few weeks ago with a new atlantis ver2 and i gotta say at .3 ohms/40 watts I'm loving this combo. I go thru about 1 1/2 18650's in a day but overall this is an awesome combo.
  21. Coffee or brews, with pretty much anything vanilla juice-wise
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