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Everything posted by Jessa

  1. Good news- I'm alive! LOL The Restful Leg pills worked wonders. I just hope this isn't going to be a problem I'm having on a regular basis. Anyhow, I'm feeling much better! Thanks for the responses.
  2. Hmm. My symptoms seem to fit into the RLS category, according to their list of symptoms. I just had my husband pick up some Hyland's Restful Legs...it has a 5 star rating, so I guess they should help. If they don't, I'll be calling the doctor for sure.
  3. Well, didn't have another nightmare. I stopped vaping 3 hours before bed. That definitely helped, I think. My legs still feel a little restless, but I worked out for an hour yesterday, and hubby massaged them before bed and that seemed to help. I had no trouble falling asleep. They feel "prickly" almost, like they're asleep or something. It's really bizarre and annoying.
  4. Thanks. I'll make sure not to vape near bedtime, LOL. As for my legs, I find it very strange that this came out of nowhere. I've never had it before. On the plus side, working out never felt so good, haha.
  5. What gives? I've had a very realistic nightmare for the past 3 nights (even had one during a nap). I'm guessing it's the nicotine? I've heard of people having vivid dreams while on the patch. Is it common with e-cig users? Also, last night my legs were so restless that I wanted to get out of bed and run a mile or two at 2 am in the morning. It was horrible. I'm sorry I didn't take the time to search before asking my question...I'm just too tired this morning, LOL. I didn't fall asleep til almost 3.
  6. No luck with Vapornine, they don't fit greensmoke cigs. I emailed Chris at Vapure, and although his DO fit the greensmoke, they only come in 16mg. I think that's too much for me. I emailed him about lower levels (they're advertised on his site but not available on drop down menu) but I haven't heard back. I really hope I can find other cartridges. I'm really pleased with this cigarette but if I can save a few bucks on cartridges (and get a bigger selection of flavors, that'd be great. I really don't think I'm interested in liquids- I know so many of you love them here, but I really enjoy the convenience of a cart.
  7. Just emailed him. Thanks again for your help!
  8. Thanks for your help Christopher. Do I order the nebula, or the rio? I clicked on refillable cartridges and both models are shown.
  9. minus the word because and insert - ...haha
  10. I am truly a noob because the results come back with a million model numbers...I have no idea what I'm looking for.
  11. Hi all! Does anyone know where I can find cartridges that fit the Green Smoke e-cig? Looking to pay a little less than G.S. and hopefully get some more flavor options. Thanks!
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