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MrElixir got a reaction from Jenny in Tips And Warnings For The New E-Cig User
Thank you for the recommendation. My wife has now been inspired to quit tobacco. So, I should get her an eGo so I can try it as well. Is there anything that I should know about that system before I buy it?
MrElixir reacted to Viper Ron in Tips And Warnings For The New E-Cig User
I would say one of the hardest parts is finding the right E Liquid, strength of nic and percentage of pg/vg. Not sure if thats enough to stop someone from trying vaping but it is a daunting task!
MrElixir reacted to blucavvy in Tips And Warnings For The New E-Cig User
being able to use it around my asthmatic 5 year old son without feeling guilty.
saving easily $100 a month when compared to cigs (and yes that's including the price of all the hardware, and i have alot lol)
being able to run several miles at the gym without hacking a lung up
not smelling like an ashtray
knowing i'm not putting carcinogens into my body or the air around me
actually knowing the $1.00 i spent on air fresheners for my car wasn't a waste
not having to roll my window down in the rain while driving to "smoke"
not having to stand outside during the middle of winter and freeze my *** off for nicotine
think that about sums it up.
MrElixir reacted to Viper Ron in Tips And Warnings For The New E-Cig User
Quit Smoking! lol
Can't really say what the best thing is but I am enjoying it more than I thought I would.
MrElixir got a reaction from kitsune in Leaving Tobacco For Good
It is great to see so many success stories. Now how do i get one of the Vapor Talk "Smoke Free" counters on my posts?
MrElixir got a reaction from kitsune in Leaving Tobacco For Good
Friday, January 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. I had my last tobacco cigarette. I never imagined that i would be able to say that, but moments later my e-cigarette arrived in the mail I put the Camels down for good. After 25 years of smoking up to 2 packs a day, I was finally free. Today, I felt so good that I even went jogging. That is something that I have not done for decades.
For anyone that is considering e-cigs for the first time, I strongly recommend it.
To chart the path to being tobacco free, I started a blog when I ordered my first e-cig kit. If you are interested in seeing updates and advice, follow me at http://mrelixir.blogspot.com.
MrElixir reacted to Viper Ron in Leaving Tobacco For Good
Congratz and good luck on continued success
MrElixir reacted to mcquinn in Leaving Tobacco For Good
Just over two years for me.☺ my house and clothes and my person smell much better now.
MrElixir reacted to twelveday in Leaving Tobacco For Good
yeah ecigs are great, im coming up on 3 months myself and dont miss cigarettes whatsoever. however i still get winded when i try to do cardio lol