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    Medina, oh

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  1. Have you tried calling him?
  2. I emailed Brent and he got back to me in 24hrs. No problems here
  3. I believe it came with lr attys, not sure who makes them. Dripping is pretty sweet. Tons of vapor. And I've also tries the 1.5 duel coil clears. Those are pretty good as well. Got 2 mega duel coils and some boge cartos as well that I have yet to try. All and all pretty impressed so far. No complaints.......as of yet.
  4. Just wanted to let everyone know I received my Kgo today from hoosierecigsupply.com and wow. I am amazed at the vapes this thing is giving me. It just blows my bloog 808s away. Thanks for all the advice on helping me choose my next pv. The V/T/F this thing puts off is just what I wanted.
  5. Well I think Bobas and I are starting to get along. At first I was a little put off. Has a very rich flavor to it that's for sure. But Im starting to enjoy it.
  6. Lol. I love the pic!!
  7. So I'll prob get crucified for this but I want all that impressed with either Bobas bounty or the gorilla juice. They actually tasted very similar to me. With the bobas being slightly more potent. I keep going back to my TVR green apple all the time. Also got the cinnamon Danish swirl that is very good and their new sun kissed that is pretty good as well. Never thought I'd like these flavors to be honest. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
  8. I have gorilla juice and bobas sitting in my mailbox right now. I'll let ya know what I think of gorilla juice.
  9. Just wanted to say battery life isn't really a complaint I knew how long they would last when purchasing. That's why I just purchased multiple Batteries. You can use one while the other is charging.
  10. I'm also new to the whole vaping thing but it's one of the best moves I've made. Haven't touched an analog in over 3 weeks. I like the rest of the newbs wanted the cig feel so I went with a bloog and for ***** and giggles also ordered a couple sealed batteries (volt) from smokelessimage.com. I have no complaints about any of the products so far except for battery life. I now am waiting for my Kgo as well. Bigger battery. But I will still see a use for my smaller analog size pvs. If you want to go out to the bar or somewhere you don't want to carry a bigger battery it's nice to have. Harder and maybe more costly is finding a juice you like, but I won't get into that right now.
  11. Hmmm. Now you got me thinking. I do like the thought of only having one unit with a spare small battery that lasts. Ok so I'm a carto guy, which carto would you guys recommend that will hold an ample amount of juice without being rediculous? I don't really want a tank cause it just sounds like a mess waiting to happen and don't want to deal with that.
  12. So what would the benefit of kgo be running at 4v over the epower at a consant 3.7v?
  13. Ok now I'm torn. Just was watching some reviews on both kgo and the epower. Grrr.
  14. The e power is still 510 correct?
  15. Yes I did see that as well. Was kind of a toss up between the two. Haven't placed a order just yet though.
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