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Everything posted by seaspine

  1. I use the blue sponge mod.It's made out of a Marine Land aquarium filter,just cut it to size and stick it in the cart.In my opinion it wors as well as the teabag mod without the hassles of rollind abd folding the bag to fit. Marine Land makes 2 kinds of blue filters just make sure you get the one that looks like a sponge not the poly fiber one.Got mine at Petsmart cost around 7 bucks for 3 filters,I figure I have enough to last a few years.
  2. I don't pretend to know what the answer is either,In my line of work (then and now)I ave seen allot of people from countries with socialized medicine that are very happy with it.The only thing I know that the attituides of big business are not helping.The insurance companies should be bending over backwards to insure everyone they can and quit refusing coverage to their cusomers right now to prevent socialized medicie, In my dealings with them they are refusing to insure more people and refusing to allow services they are being paid to give.I think they want a socialized plan so they can sell supplement plans.If I need to see a patient that has a private plan for 3 visits 3 times a week I ask for visits for 6 weeks and even then they often will not autharuize the needed visits.Medicare is socialized medicine and I never have a problem getting what I need. You live in Florida,it,s the same thing with home owners insurance.The insurance companies are refusing to cover anyone with any kind of risk,you probaly have socialized home owners insurance (Citizan's) and you CAN'T get insurance any other way.The samething that happened with Florida Homeoweners insurance is what is happening with heath insurance nation wide.Soon we will have to do something to insure the uninsurable(not the poor,the people they refuse to insure).I am willing and able to buy health insurance but no one will sell it to me,no one will give me a full time job, they will hire me part time (no Bennies) and work me 60-80 hours a week.I'm ranting!Lets just say I want the choice to buy the best insurance out there(medicare) for a reasonable price,rather then make some private insurance exutives rich.
  3. That kind of stuff happens all the time here and now,not all hospitals have the capibility to handle that kin of thing and the patient is transferred by ambulance. A cab is cheaper and may be faster.It's not a emergent situation so the ambulance would not use lights and sirens,and you would have to wait for one to become avaliable to do a nonemegent transport.Just a few months ago I had to send a guy with a fishhook in his eye to another hospital took over 2 hours for an ambulance to get avaliable, a cab would have been much faster. !/3 of your insurance dollar goes into a exutive's pocket.A socialized system may be better and cheaper.Yes you taxes may go up but,would it go up as much as your insurance premimus and co pays have?
  4. Got mine at Petsmart,cost 7$ enough to vape on or a long time.It is a filter for saltwater fish.
  5. I just told my Dr I quit smoking and vaped in his office, he already knew a little about E-cigs. He made me show one of his smoking nurses my 510 (get your minds out of the gutter) and encouraged her to try it! My wife was in the hospital and her Dr asked me to talk to one of his patients with bronchitis and pneumonia about vaping! The medical community knows about the technolgy and they are open to it for the most part.
  6. I used thr PTB mod for a while,I have switched to the blue sponge,they work about the same for me. The blue sponge is easier to make.Cut it to sixe and stick it in,no folding or rolling.Just make sure you get Marineland blue sponge,Marineland also makes a blue poly filter that is the same as polyfill.
  7. Best support system around!I'm here almost daily,lurking allot latly,but here and still analog free and vaping still!
  8. Now that I quit smoking,I have no faults that need changing, No resolutions for me!
  9. All my bottles are plastic. If i ever get a glass bottle I'd probly just transfer the juice to a plastic bottle.I love Arno's "Jugs" from Awosme vapor,they seem to be the easiest to use in traffic.
  10. We really didn't do Christmas this year because my wife has been sick.Well no that she is out of the hospital she has given me the ok to buy a mod. Here is what I want Battery life if a VP2 Plugs in like a Janty stick Drips it's self like a juice box Seems to me it would'nt be that hard to make,so the question is,does anyone make it? I love my 510 but it's time to move up in the world. Is there an all in one PV out there?
  11. Saw the Dead once in San Francisco, too bad I don't remember much of it! Guess that means I had a good time.
  12. I vape in public all the time,it usually goes unnoticed.Most of the people that do notice me are intrested and have a positive reaction.Only have run into 2 people that had a problem with it once I told them it was an E-cig.One was a lady that thought I was going to blow up a gas station with it,and a woman I work with that complains about second hand nicotine,I now tell her I'm using 0 nic juice.
  13. I carry about 10 510 batteries (mega and regular) in my pocket,hardly takes any space at all.Keep a charger in the car and just make a trip to the car when I can to pull out a charged batt,and plug one in for charging.
  14. My wife has been in the hospital sence Dec 1 with diverticulosis, that turned into and abscess,that turned into a fistula,that caused the bowel to stick an ovary,So she had a bowel resection and an ovary removed.They let her out yesterday.Didn't get shopping or decorating done because I was working or at the hospital all the time.So here we sit no tree,no present.Me playing with my laptop,having a beer,her reading a crappy romance novel,with a glass of wine,we are making some dull chit chat,watching the dolphins and the boats on the intercostal with a nice sunset (Florida in Dec)and of course vaping away. Could be my best Christmas yet!
  15. Here is my problem, after 15 years with the same job,I was fired when the economy wnt bad, reguardless of what my discharge papers say I simply made more mone then they were willing to pay.I live in Florida a right to work state,they can fire at will and there is no employee protection.So here I am in my late 40's with a wife in her mid 50's with the usual problema many of us experence at these ages. Both of us have hypertension,I have diabetes, she has a minor heart problem.We both have jobs but no one will hire us full time with benies, we both work over full time hours. We have tried but no insurance company will take us because of pre-existing conditions (We are not flipping burgers either both of us are RN's)I'm not a big fan of big government but,big businesses are refusing to let us get our health care needs taken care of.Something needs to be done,allot of the uninsured are like us,the poor and the old are taken care of.younger middle class people are being left to rot!I cant afford 1500 a month for cobra (which ends soon anyways) The current bill has problems but it is a step in the right direction.I do not want a hand out I am willing to pay for insurance but it has to be at a reasonable price.I would prefer to buy into medicare (socialized insurance,and the best plan out there) but that option is not avalabile because we are afraid of socialized medicine.I will admit I don't know what the answer is but,the proposed reform is the only answer I have.If I go into one more interview for a full time position only to hear "we will start you as part time" I'm going to puke! LIke I said earlier I'm not a fan of big government,but they are the only ones thet can keep big business under control. The U.S. grew to a world power by paying and treating its workers well,sadly those days are gone and when all the jobs are gone to China and the rest of us are getting Chinese wages and benifits we will go the way of the other world powers before us!
  16. I'm thinking about getting a Juice box, it's made by a guy called carlos,he makes his own attys.I'm told they last 6 months and more, there is a video review on this forum.I'd post a link but, being the technopobic luddite that I am I don't know how.
  17. I'm sure a call to some of the suppliers here might result in a package with no company markings,or return adresses.
  18. Got a woman at work that complains about "second hand nicotine", she complaied to the boss. I told the boss I only use 0 nicotine juice at work.The bottle even says 0 nicotine.24 mg 555 tastes the same even though it's in a 0 nicotine bottle.
  19. Brave thing to do in tabacco farm country,keep up the good work!
  20. I remember That Guy with the fedora did a review of a thing called an E dobit,you just touch it to the atty and it applys the right amount of juice. Also saw a review on a PV called the juice box.it holds a bottle of juice and you push a button to make it drip on the atty. good luck with your search, I hope you can figure something out.
  21. No doubt the Beatles were great but I think the Stones may be more approate for this question Atty,atty when will all those clouds reappear. Atty,atty where will they lead us from here?
  22. I'm pretty much a "constant vapor" I always have my 510 in hand. I was a 3 pack a day smoker so i almost never went an hour without an analog.
  23. You getting her a Ken doll for Christmas?
  24. Come on,just because he has a swasticka on one side of his neck and F___ You on the other doesn't mean he's a bad guy! They they got this guy good if that's what it takes to get him the needle,I say go for it. 1 less appeal in the future,the make up artist is cheaper in the long run. This is why I could never be a cop,I would of shot him!
  25. Got a 510 and love it. Never used a blue but,have heard bad things about them.
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