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seaspine last won the day on January 7 2013

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    seminole fl

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  1. Welcome.
  2. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  3. So about 4 months ago I decided to try the Vision spinners I ordered 3 from 1 vendor used them for a month and loved them,so I ordered 3 more from another vendor (backups,backups,backups). Well,would'nt you know it right after the warranty is up, I drop one and break the button. no problem still have 5 left,except then I drop another one and have yet another broken button. A short time later another one just dies on me and won't take a charge at all.Now I'm down to 3 getting to be a problem with my wife using them and i generally go through 2 at work. I go to work and 1 rolls off the table,yep you guessed it another broken button,reach into my pocket and that one just blinks at me,put it on the charger no red light just the blinking mocking me and laughing in my face. I will admit I am a klutz,everything I own has been accidently dropped,kicked and stepped on the vision does not seem to be able to take the abuse,and I would not reccomend it to the agility impaired. I have now put in an order for 3 1100 mah ego twists,I hope they are tougher. I will invest in a button protector of some sort and hope that it works better.
  4. Welcome. Remeber reccomendations are great but,in the end you have to use what will work for you.
  5. Welcome
  6. If you know any intensive care type nurses, a trach brush works great for cleaning all those hard to reach nooks and crannies. I inadverently brought 1 home from work one day and use it all the time.
  7. Welcome.
  8. Bigcountry, any cart with a 510 or an ego connection will work. I believe all the carts disussed in this thread will do the job.
  9. Welcome
  10. My spinner blinks sometimes,I don't worry about it. I just vape untill the batt dies and recharge it and grab a fresh batt.
  11. Weathers horrible down here in St Pete Fl. too, Its freezing.... almost 60 degrees f @ 9 pm, supposte to be in the mid 50's in the morning.
  12. My wife, mother and DR were nagging me too much about my 3 pk a day habit. I saw a head shop advertising them on it's sign and picked one up to shut them up. Much to my surprise it worked and I quit smoking, and they all stopped nagging me about smoking. They have all since found many other things to nag me about.
  13. I'd reccomend an Ego starter kit, most starter kits come with enough juice to get you going, however you should get extras. If the vendor you use has a sample pack that is a good way to go. I am a heavy vapor and I go through around 4-6 ml on an avarage day. Good luck.
  14. Could be time for a new carto.
  15. Congradulations!
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