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    fairfield ca

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  1. sweet good news thanks chris
  2. where did it go? i went on vaprlife.com and its not there anymore i really was thinkin about picking one up. my buddy wants to buy my vp1 off me and i was going to pick up the spade cause i love the 510 atty
  3. DITTO!!! the waiting is nuts. he just needs to burn that bill right in front of ellen corbett. these devices for most everyone are life saving devices. but its all about money and the government doesnt make any off these things. i get that they are new and not perfected in quality control such as making sure you are 18 to buy them warning labels on all the juice and making the bottles more childproof so on and so on. but insead of banning it regulate it which is what alot of companies are doing all ready even though there is no one telling them they have to because they are being responsable. GrimmGreen has a vid about the FDA and if you havent seen it watch it cause it just lights a fire in you. this whole bill is just stupid and is a waste of everyones time
  4. i cant wait for my vp1 to get here should be here in a day or two but ive already started brain storming ideas for a case that i will make from scratch. it will be custom fitted for it and spare parts. ill keep everyone posted on how it turns out and i may start making a ton of them for others that wont one if it turns out good
  5. thanks chris, i am placing my order for the vp1 today as soon as my direct deposit goes in. im hella excited to dive in to vaping and to stop smoking analogs!!!
  6. thanks sin. i think i am going to go with the vp1. as you said it is built to last and that is what i an looking for. im sure ill deal with the size. as far as the atty goes i know in there review they said that it was a 2 hole atty but on vaprlife.com it says its now a 4 hole. idk if they talked to him and he ditched the 2 hole and went with the 4 hole but either way it sounds like an awesome device and i wont be disappointed. thanks
  7. hey everyone, just wondering what i should buy. i am going to be ordering my first vapoizer and dont know what one i should get. i really like the janty stick size the built in passthrough the sealed design and the batt life but i think its made of plastic and im worried about it breaking cause it will be in my pocket alot. i am a car audio installer and moving around in cars and the sh*t in my pockets takes a beating. i was amlost set on the janty stick untill i saw the review they did on the vp1 the only thing i can see neg for me is the size (but i guess i can always just take the atty off) and that it may leak i really think i am leaning over more to the vp1 side but i just want feed back to kind of push me over the egde in either direction thanks
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