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Everything posted by NeRo9k

  1. Exactly, that's the same rational I tell my girlfriend and friends. Ya, I've been dripping on my Janty Stick just fine - You probably did burn them out with the ever clear. I have both the stick and the vp2; and, I find myself switching between them but maybe using my Stick a little more now that it's broken in. There are benefits to both, just don't get discourage is the best advice I can give
  2. It seems most people share a similar story, obviously the product is working! Congrats to you and your wife - Enjoy the weekend.
  3. Arno @ Awesome vapor: I really like the ry4 it was a nice Turkish taste with a hint of caramel. Banana tastes like it sounds. Wetyoustick: Orange and Caramel taste like they should. Rum really does taste like RUM. Parked's Nicquid: Red Bull is awesome, tastes just like the real thing. Spice cake was so so. LiquidXpress: 23 Flavors tastes a little different when exhaling, but the after taste is so much like Dr.Pepper it's crazy. Texas twist, is a strange juice, I'm not sure what it reminds me of, but it has a nice taste to it. Its good for a couple rounds of vaping, then I need to switch. Cherry Limeaid is good just not really my thing. Vapor Talk: Dulcis similar to ry4, it has a nice taste. Grape soda is my favorite of any juice I've tried, it tastes so much like grape soda, I swear I can taste the carbonation. I ordered 4 bottles just so I'm stocked for a while. Vermont Vapor: Maple tastes like maple syrup, pretty different, and a nice change of pace. ChocoMint is like hot chocolate with some mint leaves added or those old school Chocolate and Mint candies. It will be a nice blend in the winter for sure. Vapor Kings: Caramel, Chocolate, Peach, and Cola all taste how you would expect, Really clean and wonderful flavors, one of the better colas I've tried. Truesmoker: Pina Colada, tasted similar, not really that great. True Smoke, I just didn't like at all. I was excited for bubblegum but was quickly disappointed. I wanted the classic bubblegum flavor but got like a spearmint/peppermint flavor. I don't recommend. All of the shipping on everything I've ordered was super fast. 2-4 on most juices. I'm sure they're other companies and or flavors I've missed, I'll add them to the list if and when I remember.
  4. Ya, the apple from awesomevapor barely has any throat hit, it comes out to smooth for my liking.
  5. I'll reiterate what Chris has said in another post, less is more : )
  6. I just received my Janty stick earlier this week and it wasn't working properly. I had to use a pliers to screw the atty in past where my hands could go, but I had to hold the button to make sure it was blue; because, a couple times it was too tight and the light would show red. It took a while for the Juice to build up. I had to drip, puff/warm of atty, drip, rinse repeat until I was able to drop a couple drops, then vape and continue the standard process.
  7. I agree Keenan, with everything you said, and it applies to a lot of other things in the politics and govt world. When you think about it, it's actually pretty sad.
  8. Dietsmokes sells empty carts for 60cents a pop. I usually just switch when I put a new atty one since it will have a blank cart on it.
  9. They don't want anyone smoking, anywhere, ever.
  10. Ya, it has a lot to do with the Juice and Nicotine levels. I'd lower the Nicotine level and even with the same juice it may not be as harsh. Like Chris said, some Juices have more of a throat kick, but even at say 16/18 it's not bad. I may be a little bias since I like the kick, but even so you get used to it - I would try lowering the Nicotine level. Also, Grape Soda from VT is amazing.
  11. Could just be a burned out atty as well. I've had that taste on a couple atty's that I've ruined, then on others I only sort of get that taste when the juice is running low, but it's not bad at all.
  12. Unless you want to spend more money, stick with what works and what you already have. I personally use the 901 adapter with an atty from vaporkings, and wouldn't have it any other way. The 801 works great, I just prefer the 901.
  13. With direct dripping on the 901, sometimes you have let juice build up in the atty. If I blow all the juice out of mine and add 3 drops, the first hit will be good, but the next one will be burnt. I add a couple more, taste, couple more, until I have the desired result without overloading the atty. Also, when direct dripping you want the juice to drop onto the middle, where the mesh it. Edit: Once you have everything running smoothly after the juice is gone, you can just add 2-4 drops, and get the taste again right away without going through the extra hassle.
  14. Jezz, with everyone ordering the short bridge attys from arno, I might as well also for my vp2. I guess we'll see how it goes!
  15. I thought you were talking about a Juice called Sweet Lips, I started to look, then I said, hey what a second. I'm glad the Juice is helping you in more ways than one.
  16. That's pretty much the same for me - I'll drop 3-4 drops and I'll vape for a little while, maybe 10-15 long puffs. Juice, drag size, and model all play a role.
  17. Chris likes the 801 low bridge atty from awesomevapor.com. When you direct drip, you can either use a blank cartridge, or pull the 'stuffing' out of cart with a tweezers and use that one.
  18. I was curious about this as well, it does sound like a lot of work.
  19. Well, granted I've only had my vp2 for about a week, I love everything about it. The battery life, even with pretty much constant vaping following a day of work and leisure, is amazing - I only change batteries the next morning when I leave for work.
  20. Hey, I feel the same way. I got into vaping and just went crazing buying everything. I still continue to find things to order about every other day, if you're going to go, you might as well go big!
  21. That's awesome! This was an interesting video, thanks for sharing.
  22. This is great - I love that people are so enthusiastic about e-cgis! Although, some people are really hesitant and don't believe it's safer than analogs, I've gotten like 3 people to order them, pretty much everyone I show is intrigued.
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