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Everything posted by NeRo9k

  1. Stealth vaping in the bathroom, holding in hits, or blowing into your jacket/sweatshirt. P.S. I do not support or condone breaking the law or rules of flying.
  2. The USB eGo passthrough really is a great invention. It was supposed to be included on the Janty Baby J, but since that is taking forever to come out, they decided to just add the USB feature to the eGo. I haven't used a regular eGo charger with the for the USB eGo passthrough. At work, driving with USB to car adapter, anywhere. I can always charge it and I don't have to carry around a charger. It's best to have an extra USB to mini USB cord that you can leave at work or in the car etc.
  3. My atomizer usually last 3-5 weeks. Although I've had many that are DOA. Mass productions means bad atomizers will slip through. Some devices are known to wreck atomizers. When I was using the m402 a long time ago, I can't even recall how many times the button got depressed in my pocket and wouldn't shut off.
  4. Everyone is a little different, I pretty much dropped analogs after the first day and I had maybe 3-5 analogs in the next couple of months. It all depends on how long you smoked, what type of analogs, what eCig device you're using and strength. It can take people a while to get adjusted. Think about it this way, it doesn't really matter if you cave every once in a while. Cutting down from a pack to even half a pack a day is a huge decrease. Slowly but surely, hopefully you'll get it down to 0 analogs. Don't be discouraged, no one is going to think less of you : )
  5. No, that's not correct. E Liquid strengths are measured per ML. A 10ml bottle that is 24mg in strength contains 24mg per milliliter. You get about 1MG of nicotine per analog usually; but, this depends on the analog. If you're using 1ML a day at 24MG that's equal to 24 analogs. I go through about 3ML a day at 16MG (16MG x 3ML=48MG/analogs). I was only smoking 3/4 a pack of analogs a day so my intake of Nicotine is way higher with an eCig than it was with analogs. Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much liquid is in a bottle, the strength is not dependent upon volume. That also means a 10ML bottle of 24mg juice would have 240mg of nicotine in it (24MG x 10ML). Likewise, a 30ml bottle of 24mg e-liquid would have 720mg of nicotine in it (24mg x 30ml).
  6. Tagsanstuff: this thread is just about a year old. It's best to start a new thread when you're having problems instead of resurrecting one from the dead!
  7. Haha, nice video. That's crazy stuff.
  8. Thanks for sharing, it's a good article.
  9. If you're having a hard time seeing exhaled vapor with an eGo I'd recommend taking slower, longer hits. The clouds should be everywhere. Like everyone else is saying I would definitely switch to a LR atomizer. The hits are better, produce more clouds of vapor, and the throat shouldn't be a problem. I've been vaping for well over a year now and I've used the same just 95% of the time. I get a throat hit all day and produce a lot of vapor. I'm using an eGo and LR306 atomizer.
  10. Don't worry about, the forum is here to answer questions and talk about vaping. We all went through it, it can be a hard transition. I've never de-wicked an atomizer because I haven't found the need and enjoy the atomizer the way it was originally built. When I started vaping for the first week I would get headaches and feel light headed towards to end of the day. The truth of the matter is you're getting more nicotine and less 'byproduct' than you would of from smoking so you can vape more than you smoked. It will subside. I say it's always best to start lower on the Nicotine level than higher. Once you have the flavors, nic strength, and device down, you'll really appreciate vaping way more.
  11. Most of us went through the same conversations when we started vaping. I've spent a lot of money on vaping, there is always a nice device or new liquid to try; but, like Jeff said, once you settle down and learn what you like the costs will even out. Even if I spent a little more on vaping compared to analogs, my life isn't in danger and I really enjoy vaping.
  12. NeRo9k


    Ya, it sounds like spring is missing or you're using a wrong sized battery.
  13. That's the best part though. He wants the interviews to be assuming. Interviewing 'adults' wouldn't produce the same humorous statements, or would it?! : ) Check out his other videos on other topics.
  14. I love KassemG, his videos on topics in California are awesome!
  15. Beans, I've heard that within three months of not smoking your lungs heal up to 90%. You're a third of the way there. If people ask me if I smoke I say, "No, I Create Vapor" It's completely different, don't let your co-workers give you a hard time. It seems people that don't vape have a difficult time understanding. The same goes with people that are addicted to any substance, it's a lot easier for others to say, "why can't you stop taking that drug" than it actually is to stop because they don't understand addiction or substance abuse. Same rule applies here with ignorant people. You're blowing out 'smoke', so you're smoking. Except it's not smoke.
  16. I have a couple different atomizers each for different flavor categories, sweet, tobacco, coffee/cappuccino, etc. If I plan on using the same atomizer with a similiar type flavor, I usually just blow the atomizer out or just add the 'new' drops depending on the situation. I usually only blow my atomizer out every couple of weeks. I believe doing it nightly is overkill. If you have the time to do it go for it, otherwise once a week should be sufficient. I avoid rinsing as it seems unnecessary, the new flavor will definitely push out the old flavor after a while, depending on the flavor of course. When I first started vaping I had so many new flavors that I wanted to try, the problem was when I wanted to try a new flavor I would just put the new drops in there; and, I didn't know which ones stayed in the atomizer and which ones didn't. Using a beverage flavor then switching to chocolate back to a sweet flavor doesn't work well at all because the chocolate is ever present.
  17. I follow Chris's plan while traveling. I bring my eGo (one battery/atomizer) and one 10ML bottle on my carry on/backpack. I put the rest of my gear in the checked bag in a carrying case. In the rare case it does get snatched at least you're only out a couple items and not your whole arsenal.
  18. DAYVAPE, still preaching the carto use eh. Some things never change! I wish I could appreciate cartomizers; for some reason they don't work good at all for me. Which is strange as seeing people love them. It doesn't matter the device or voltage, it's the same garbage for me. To each their own I guess! Vapmiles, the hard thing about vaping is finding what works for each person. Everyone is going to have different tastes and preferences and sometimes it can take people a while to figure out their sweet spot. Stick with it, you'll find it eventually. I've seen many cartridges burned but it's usually only because the button became depressed accidentally causing and the atomizer to be become really hot and start to melt. The cartridge shouldn't melt from normal, everyday use.
  19. That's awesome. Aliens are definitely out there. To are too many sightings, videos, and weird actions for all of them to be a coincidence or hoaxes.
  20. The USB eGo passthrough is super great. I haven't plugged mine into a regular eGo charger in ages.
  21. It's also possible you received defective atomizers. Every so often when I change atomizers I get one that wasn't manufactured properly and have to use another one. It happens to all of us.
  22. I love the video Chris. Sounds pretty typical!
  23. Now that's what I call practice makes perfect.
  24. Great Article.
  25. Joe, English only at the table.
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