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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. On my list of movies to see !!! what could be better than Jonny Depp vaing.....
  2. Wow MM--Sounds yummy !!!! You really do have a way with words. I guess it time to retry my RY4......
  3. Going to have to wait until after the first of the year for me-- I plan on spending my money in Hawaii this week (visiting Hubby in Honolulu). Poor guy is working in Hawaii.
  4. Congrats !!!!! You will have to let us know what you think when you get them. Pics too. Great Win. You too MastiffMom !!! Both well deserved.
  5. What a great tribute !!! Mark really is a cornerstone (or treetrunk) of the forum---Its the only mod I own that never gets put away. I love looking at it !!!
  6. I really like those lights !!! Just when I think I am done spending money....... Nice find Uma *checking credit card balance*
  7. Definitely VT store--current favorite for anytime of day is Midnight, and apple dapple. Wordup-loving the champagne.
  8. The English Toffee sounds sooo yummy. currently--VT cappuccino with flavourart apple pie and a bit of flavourart vienna cream--may need to add a bit more coffee flavor--but I still love apple pie.
  9. Vaping and coffee go very well together. especially without the stink of cigarette smoke !!! A great way to start the day
  10. using a standard dropper bottle (the type used by most suppliers). I have found that VG = about 20 drops/ml and PG = 30 drops/ml. Using a syringe gives you the best accuracy overall.
  11. Excellent Idea to separate the two. I was thinking of trying to transfer the recipes we have and restarting the recipe thread. This way we can post the recipes on one thread and be able to chat about whats working or not working on this one. Tip: always mix in small amounts initially until you know what works. adding a few drops of flavor at a time and testing before adding more flavor. Like Ofortuna posted--not all flavors are created equal. some flavors can be very over powering.
  12. The 510 atomizers are the right ones, but sounds like you got sent the wrong size. I just recently had that happen to me. contact the supplier and they should be able to get you the right ones--Did you get them from VT?? When you get your menthol only add 2-3 drops at first and then add a couple more if you need it. It really doesn't taste like menthol if you just add a few drops to 5 or 10 ml bottles. Glad you are liking you Ego--it really is a great unit. vaping will take over those last couple smokes when you are ready--just relax and vape. smoke if you need to-- The less pressure you put on yourself the easier it is. Happy Vaping
  13. peanutbutter/chocolate. very nice at 5v Thanks Brian and ddave !!!
  14. You will love the midnight !! Its currently one of my all time favorites. the cappuccino is also very good--nice blend of flavors, no bitter. have you tried mixing a bit of your menthol with any other flavors?? Just a bit of menthol to any flavor is really, really good. enhances flavors and add a nice cool throat hit. I find I change flavors frequently--the flavors die off if I vape the same flavor for too long.
  15. as many backups as the budget will allow. I still order extra parts each time I place an order. I am finally down to ordering once/month (only took about a year to get to this point)
  16. 1.25mls of the 48 mg + 3.75mls of the 16mg = 24mg/ml (5mls of 24mg/ml = total of 120mg/5ml)<BR><BR>Should dilute the tobacco flavor just enough.
  17. how are things going with the throat hit?? some flavors have better throat hit than others. I always have a supply of either menthol flavoring or menthol liquid and add a few drops to all of my liquids. really helps with the throat hit (and flavor)-without tasting like menthol. the menthol flavoring is much more concentrated so usually about 2-3 drops/5ml. with the menthol liquid 5-6 drops/5ml. glad you are liking the dulcis !!
  18. I used flavourart USA tobacco flavor. I have since added a bit more peanut butter flavoring. I added only 3 drops of the tobacco flavoring--really glad I didn't add anymore. I forget how strong the tobaccos are. Can't really taste the cotton candy, but it does add some sweetness to the mix. This does seem to be one of those mixes that benefits from steeping--The flavor keeps changing. I really like it.
  19. The Ego really is a great place to start. Very good choice. Have you taken a look through the suppliers list on this forum--lots of choices and they are reputable. The VT store is truly reliable with excellent customer service. The initial start up cost isn't cheap--but so worth every penny. cheaper is not always better. Dripping is great for vapor and flavor, cartomizers are great for driving or times when I can't drip. You will need to try various combinations to see what works best for you.
  20. Welcome and very glad you have found us !!! The Ego is a great unit and you will be amazed at the difference. You will have to play with dripping, carts, cartomizers to decide which method works best for you. The liquids you purchase come with childproof caps--but it is still best to keep away from exploring hands and mouths. using liquid vs carts is the best way to get the best experience with your ego. backups, backups, backups.....atomizers and/or cartomizers, liquid, batteries. drip tips are very handy. Your daughter will love not having a stinky parent around !!!
  21. Yes, an additional Thank you to ddave . But You posted it again Brian and finally got me to try it. Nana, Its not one of my strongest flavors, but it really has a very nice mellow blend to it. I've noticed as it sits for a bit the flavor is even better.
  22. Finally got some peanut butter flavoring !!! Brian--Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Really loving this recipe. tasting rather nice at 5V !!! Did have to add a couple drops of Menthol......
  23. It really was like stepping back in time...... These days staying up past midnight means I am at work.......
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