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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. You will get there soon enough tags I promise we will hold a spot for you
  2. That should really do it--just remember, a little goes a very long way. I see a bit of mixing in your future Chesyl--I have found since I began vaping that nicotine was one of the lesser evils of smoking. There are so many worse chemicals in cigarettes that I am no longer inhaling, that I don't worry so much about the nicotine. I drink plenty of caffeine and eat my share of junk food too. Whats life without a few vices......
  3. Do you fill your own carts or get them prefilled?? my ideal throat hit is at 18mg, occasionally 24 mg. 2nd question--which model e-cig are you using?? The type of atomizer or cartomizer can make a difference. If you don't want to go higher on your nicotine level you can always try adding a few drops of menthol (flavoring or liquid) to your liquids (if you are filling your own). adds a bit of cool throat hit without tasting like menthol. Yes you can get a throat hit from vaping, for me it's the key ingredient to vaping. no worries about posting in the wrong spot...The Mods keep us all in the right spot. We all post in the wrong spot now and again. Prior to finding vaping I had never even read a forum let alone posted on one.
  4. I find all atty's or various forms of vaping have their off days. One of the great parts of vaping is being able to switch to another form of vaping....carts/cartos/tanks/dripping...oh my !!! I am usually alternating between my tank and dripping--I usually have one of each up and running. One thing that I find helps my atty's and/or tanks is not allowing them to over heat. I find if I am vaping heavily, I usually have a couple PV's in use and alternate. one of the reasons I don't use the cone on my ego/atty is I like to feel how hot my atty is. if it's too hot to touch--it needs a break. Bit harder with the tanks--but when they are warm, I let it cool a bit. Just my 2 cents anyway...... Happy vaping
  5. The first couple weeks can be pretty rough. I got lucky with a nice lack of physical symptoms, but my brain was mush and I could have slept 24/7 for those first couple weeks. Gotta love those tobacco companies and all the chemicals we inhaled over the years.....
  6. I am glad you are feeling better !!! The range of withdrawal symptoms is huge. As a nurse--If it continues, I really recommend you check in with your doc. Chest pressure, tightness, severe 'heartburn' aren't anything to ignore. There is no age restriction for anything heart related !!! quitting smoking really does screw with your body. stick with it---it really is worth it. What strength liquid are you using???
  7. Congrats on ordering the Ego Tank. I think you will love it !!! It really is very easy to use and the perfect place to start. I guarantee, It won't be the last model you own, but it is a great first. When you get around to ordering more liquid--the VT store carries some great flavors. Personally--midnight, sweet Dawn, apple dapple and macchiato
  8. Great review and love the Pics. I love bright lights Yet another thing to put on my very long list......
  9. That would make one serious PV !!! Jeff, apparently you aren't the only Nerd who thinks that would look really cool. Where are those modders when you need them.....
  10. This is for everybody. The VT store helps keep the forum running, but the forum is for anybody looking for information or help. we discuss and share information about many different suppliers--including the VT store. Your are more than welcome.
  11. One of the great things about vaping is the number of options and variations out there. We all have our own preferences and thats the fun part. mine is 5V Turbo + LR atty + dripping = The Ego does the job too. I'm glad you have found your sweet spot
  12. I am so glad you found such a great device. Its on my list (unfortunately its a long list). I love when things are easy to fix. 9 weeks is great
  13. Congrats !!!! you will be amazed at how fast you will rack up those weeks
  14. I seem to get that now and again with mine. I'm thinking the liquid begins to have a bit of trouble wicking through the hole in the cartridge. My personal solution is : Pull the cart out, drip one drop to the atomizer, reinsert the cart and much better again. If I'm in a position where dripping is inconvenient, I just pull the cart back just a pinch, blow through the mouth end of the cart (gently) and vape. after a couple draws I just push the cart the rest of the way in. Personally, nothing beats dripping for me, so that always seems to be my first solution. worth a try anyway....
  15. I highly recommend a drip tip(most suppliers carry them)--it really make things so much easier. The drip tip fits on the atomizer and is used instead of the cartridge. The drip tip is open and allows dripping directly to the atomizer without taking things on and off. The kits do come with 1 or 2 atomizers (depending on the kit) and when you get the kit it will come with a blank/empty cartridge. The Ego is a great device. don't forget extra liquid....
  16. Its all those thoughts of vodka...... You'll have to let me know if you try it and if it works or not. Vodka is also supposed to help with throat hit.
  17. Glad you went to see the Dr and glad its Your lungs sound ok. I have found My lungs seem to be a bit more sensitve to allergens (never really had allergies). Good for you on getting a physical !!! Your right--now that you are no longer killing yourself and may actually live longer....Good plan to take care of yourself.
  18. LIberty Flights is one of my go to suppliers. They have been around since I first started and have always delivered good products and service.
  19. I like the teaser. Not sure that I will be able to make it out to virginia..... california, arizona or hawaii, maybe.
  20. Mind you have not tried this, but I have seen others that use a small amount of distilled water or clear alcohol such as vodka....
  21. have you tried dripping directly to the atomizer?? sometimes that can kick things off. sometime vapor can drop off if the atomizer is flooded. another option is try blowing out the atomizer to dislodge any built up liquid.
  22. The cheap stuff usually work well. are you using carts/cartomizers/atomizer-dripping??
  23. Usually a 50/50 mix produces a pretty good amount of vapor. VG is known for vapor and PG for throat hit and flavor. are you using the same brand or liquid from the same vendor? sometimes its just an off day or could be an off liquid. Not sure on this one. hopefully somebody else will have a better answer.
  24. Somethings are at least easy to fix I love vaping on long trips
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