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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. Welcome !!!! Very glad you have joined us. Very friendly and helpful place to hang out and vape.
  2. Very nice Banner....It really does give a sense of accomplishment when you see those numbers add up. Glad you have joined us !!
  3. The best way to start with DIY....Pick a flavor (premixed liquid) already in your collection....can be a flavor you like or don't like. 1. in a separate 3ml or 5ml bottle, put 1-2 mls of your premixed liquid. PG= 30 drops to a ml, VG=20 drops to a ml. Give or a take a bit. 2. Pick a flavor you want to mix with can be another flavor premixed liquid or flavoring. 3. If using flavoring...start with a couple drops of flavoring, add to liquid, mix and vape test. Dripping works best for testing. 4. if using premixed liquids...You can mix them 50/50 to start. or if you are fixing a flavor you dont much like....add less of the flavor you don't like and more of the flavor you want. 5. Creme de menthe is fairly strong....a couple drops will go a long way. You can add this to any liquid you want to spice up a bit..works like a menthol. A Little will add a bit of added flavor without being to minty/menthol. Always mix small until you find a combination you like.
  4. I use mostly 510 atomizers, sorry you are having so much trouble. Your first step should be to let TW know you are having this trouble....at least give them a chance to fix it. That being said I get My atomizers from the LIberty Flights, Rocky Mountain Vapor, Wordup and of course TW....I usually order Atomizers when I am getting other supplies and liquids. I haven't had any trouble with the atomizers from these vendors. Occasionally, a dud will come through, but the amount you are talking about is way more than normal.....
  5. It really is funny how different things affect us...I really do prefer PG...better flavor and throat hit. PG can cause dry mouth and throat....drink more liquids. and PG and PGA aren't the same. Thickener would not be a safe way to go IMO
  6. sorry about the late response...work got in the way. No great secrets dripping. I usually drip 4-5 drops to a new atty...vape, if getting a burned taste add another drop and then 2 drops at a time. 2 drops is good for 4-5 draws for me. More than that has a tendency to flood the atty. You can usually tell if the atty is flooded....will be really gurgely or Just lacking a hit. to fix flooding....blow in and suck out on the atty a couple times until the vapor picks up. another tip: make sure the atty isn't getting too hot, should be warm to touch but not hot, if hot...give a bit to cool down. getting a drip tip?
  7. sounds like you will be having a great vaping adventure. Great flavors coming your way !!!
  8. As far as I can tell, only their cartomizers work with their tank....not too expensive. I have only used the 3.0. Im still new to the tank thing. But its the only thing I have stuck with for more thsn a few days.....other than dripping. The tank cartomizer loses flavor...but still good throat hit and vapor. Great for when I can't drip
  9. I am always glad to help when I can. I was once the noobie and had tons of questions. The tube sock is a metal piece that fits between the tank and the battery to give a flush look. The 2nd pic shows the tube sock...its an optional item. The pictures are with an ego, but the principal is the same. 4ml lasts me a couple days usually. Just make sure to order extra of the inner cartomizer piece(tube tank cartomizer piece)....the plastic part can be used over, but the cartimizer will burn out eventually or if you want to change flavors. The lava tube will also fit any 510 atty, cartomizer, tank etc. and like wise the tube tank will fit any 510 compatible battery, such as the ego. Clear as mud?
  10. dewick---definately. Debride...optional. I do find the flavor is a bit better and less burning over time...the liquid builds up on the metal coil and starts to taste burnt. With the bridge gone, the liquid drips directly to the heating element...again, only for dripping. removing the wick removes the most potential for burning taste. personally, I remove both....goes to, trying different methods until you find your sweet spot.
  11. You will be very happy with the ego....much longer battery life. and yes, do try the LR atty's. Ego + LR atty + Dripping = my sweet spot.
  12. You will love VV vaping !!! My preference is 510 atty and dripping....best flavor for me and great throat hit. If you run into trouble ask away. I do like the Tube tank...sold by volcano, works great on my ego, but I am certain it would be amazing on the Lavatube...I've seen it in action. I think you will like your new toy.
  13. No other problems using the PG...some complain of cough with the PG.... Personally, I have just always preferred PG...I like the throat hit and more flavor with PG. This is good stuff to know.
  14. I was never able to do the hand rolled thing....instead I would spend 45-50 $ a carton...The best choice I ever made was to give vaping a try, That was 2 1/2 years ago. I know starting out can be a bit overwhelming. When I started we only had a couple choices and that was that. Im glad you are giving vaping a shot....you really won't be sorry.
  15. You'll have to post if the PG does seem to help the runny nose.....
  16. We all end up spending a bit more....always new things. In the beginning I spent a bit, currently I spend about 1/2 what I would if I still smoked (and I know I would still be smoking). I could probably spend much less, but I just can't resist new stuff.
  17. Ms T's Bakery does take a bit of time to fill the orders as they make all the liquids as they are ordered. If the volume is up, it does take a longer to fill, but the flavors really are very good. I'm sure if you emailed them, they would give you the PG/VG ratio....
  18. The Bridge and the wick are designed to be used with cartridges...cartridges have become obsolete. Not sure if there is a text version around, but I will do my best: Dewicking is pretty easy: When you look into the atty, you see a silver 'bridge'. Under the bridge are some fibers...usually you can see the fibers poking out. In a new atty the fibers are white, after use they turn dark. Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the fibers and pull them out...sometimes it takes a few tries to get the stragglers. Thats all there is to removing the wick....This will often times solve the buring taste. Removing the bridge(The silver bit in the middle of the atty) is a bit trickier: Removing the bridge is 100% optional. I do find dripping to be easier without the bridge. Liquid builds up on the bridge over time and changes the flavors of the liquid or can add the the burnt taste. There is a metal bridge underneath the metal mesh. Using a pair of tweezers, gently push the mesh off the bridge and push to the side...carefully pull the mesh out. if the ceramic bottom of the atty begins to pull out...just push back down with your tweezers....if you pull the ceramic base too far out it will kill the atty. The metal bridge is a type of clip. I can usually rock it back and forth until it pops out. again, just keep an eye on the ceramic base...it will move a bit, just want to make sure it doesn't pull up to much. If rocking doesn't work....use the tweezers or a very fine nosed pliers and pinch the bridge and see if that will loosen it. sometimes it takes me a few tried to get it to pop out. Best to try this for the first time on an atty that you wont be sad to lose. It really isn't very hard once you've done it once. Hope that help, if not, ask away.
  19. Your right....not any really good coffee flavors....A touch of DIY. I usually buy coffee liquid from either wordup, Liberty flights or rocky mountain vapor.....add about 1ml of Flavor Art Coffee Espresso flavoring ( ecig express) and I have a coffee flavor I like. I do a lot of DIY....I am flavor challenged and there aren't many flavors out there that I can taste well.
  20. definitely manual batteries, much easier to control the length of the draw. Really recommend the 510 lr attys. The biggest difference between the ego and 510's is the length of time between charges...the 510's have a much shorter battery life between charges. 24mg liquids should give you the throat hit you are looking for....have you tried dripping? For me, dripping with a 510 LR atty works wonders. From there you are looking at a higher voltage mod or a variable voltage mod. The 510 and ego batteries come in about 3.7Volts. Hang in there....Trial and error come with the learning curve. sometimes, just takes a bit to find the set up that works the best for you
  21. Im glad its working...ya, a bit of VG does help with vapor production. I still love trying new things....One of the many great things about vaping is the options. smoking was really so boring....
  22. not sure exactly why....but some bodies like PG better than VG and Visa versa. things that make you go Hmmmm. Any time you notice any 'side effects', its always good to look at what your vaping and try the opposite. Glad the PG helped mega...Personally I'm a PG user. VG was just not my thing. Better flavor with PG for me.
  23. I have 600, 900 and 1000....had to try one of each. honestly I use the 900 the most...lasts all day for me and just charge at night...then again, I do have backup and backups for my backups. Atty's do get pretty hot when hit too long and often, I do let them cool a bit when they get that hot...I don't use the ego cone. I prefer knowing how hot my attys get. Yes I am an atty girl...haven't been able to make cartos work for me. work great in my tube tank however.
  24. are you using the same brands and flavors or is this happening with different brands and flavors? Just using VG? have you tried PG?
  25. Sounds like you are off to a great start. You will have tons of fun creating new flavors. Hoping you plan on posting some recipes..... Very glad you are being safe with nicotine...especially with kids around. With 100mg, it is best to wear gloves and if you do get on skin...wash immediately. won't kill you, but can really make you feel crappy. Not sure about needing a gallon of PG. was just on the ecig express site...they have pg and vg 120 mls for about 5$. It does go a long way when mixing. I have found more and more, I find a base premixed flavor I like (like coffee flavors) and add flavoring as needed. usually buy 36 mg and use the flavoring to cut to 18 or 24mg. Again...recipes please !!!
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