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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. It seems to be working !!!! Have you been trying to post in the general areas?? Until you have so many posts I think they are limited to the noobie section..... somebody will correct me if I am wrong
  2. still using 18mg, not sure when I will take it down. You shouldn't go through any major withdrawl, but I would cut down first and see how it goes. I honestly think it will be easier than quitting smoking cold turkey..... Good Luck !!!!
  3. Thanks Brandy--I'll have to check that out. You'll have to let us know how the mixing goes and what flavors you create !! Happy vaping
  4. You will Love your VP !!!! Always good be armed with as much info as possible, ask away !! somebody will have an answer. I very much second the --do not try to use a 510 atty without a cart--blisters are not fun on the lips. the 510's get pretty hot, fast. dripping with a blank cart works very well. Happy vaping
  5. very well said and congrats on making the switch !!!!! vaping is definitely better than smoking !
  6. I just cut it to the size of the cart. The only caution is to not pack it in too tight. if using the fluval 2 plus--it comes in rectangular sheets. cut to size of cart and then I pull it into 2 pieces, and fill 2 carts. the 2 plus is a bit denser than other types with less stray hairs/fibers to deal with. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2753129
  7. I prefer the fluval 2 plus water polishing pads--the 2 plus is a bit denser. the #3 pads have a finer/softer texture to them. You can also order them on amazon or ebay. I believe you can order them on line from petsmart also.
  8. don't forget the flavor--depending on the flavoring you use--it will also dilute the nicotine count--or is that what the 'doubler'is.....not familiar with 'doubler'--is it unflavored no nic PG/VG???
  9. No problems. Just make sure the liquid is in the designated quart baggie. I have not had any problems yet. I do stealth vape in the airport and plane. Many airlines have specifically banned e-cig use on the plane, but you can have them on your person or in your bags.
  10. Congratulations on making the switch. vaping is soooo much more fun. The sugars in sodas or other sugar drinks will kill your atty. The sugars do not burn off well and build up fast. Happy Vaping !!!!
  11. I vape almost exclusively 18mg and all the flavors I have tried at that level seem to have a good throat hit. It shouldn't alter the flavor for you. Sometimes the only way to find out is to jump in..... Happy vaping
  12. No sense beating yourself up over something we all know is hightly addictive--smoking. eventually the smoking becomes a distant memory and you will have enough of a stash to not have to worry about running out. If need you can always make your own juice--minus the liqud. using food grade glycerine--most baking sections or craft supply stores carry it. Loranns flavoring can be found a some walmarts--can also find other food flavorings in the baking section or craft supply stores. add flavor a little at a time for flavor. use distilled water to thin if necessary or can use clear alcohol such as vodka for throat hit and thinning. than use the commit lozenges for nicotine and the glycerine mix for the 'smoking' needs. You will be back on track soon enough !!!! It's not like you have given up on vaping.
  13. I really, really like the grape soda. most flavors are kinda weak for me--but this one is nice. I can vape this one alot
  14. I use the flavour art flavorings from Liberty flights--you name it, they have it. even tobacco flavors and some others that scare me---- http://www.liberty-flights.com/products.asp I tend to add flavors to existing flavors, but you can start from scratch with unflavored. Just make sure you mix with small amounts initially--couple mls base liquid and add flavoring a few drops at a time until desired flavor. May want to keep track of ratios a bit in case you want to mix a larger batch. Mixing is one of my favorite past times these days.
  15. No Problem, It really has helped me alot. I know there are other things that can influence current and such--however, dead is dead, not is possibly fixable. I know they are meant to be disposable--but enough time spent in poverty.....
  16. Other than the grape soda from VT, the only other vendors I have used are http://www.liberty-flights.com/products.asp http://shop.rockymountainvapor.com/main.sc Both have great customer service and excellent products--I have like the Marlboro, virginia and tobacco.
  17. Thats what chris said..... anyway--I just figure I leave the atty on the VP-PT, it has a permanent home. it works, so all is good. I have learned how to test the atty's and 510 batts with a multimeter--I know I posted it on another tread, but will post again--just because I'm proud of the fact that I can do this: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/3196-no-vapor/page__p__25872__hl__multimeter__fromsearch__1&#entry25872 This was the thread with instructions on testing the atty's, however it is for the 510 attys, so those with other makes, not sure what the voltage should be. has saved me from tossing a couple atty's.
  18. I am so glad you got you stuff!!! I really love my 510, but would love to try the 801 on my VP-PT.. Just keep in mind-it is best to have an extra 510 atty for the VP-PT as once you use it on the VP_PT it doesn't work with other batteries--Chris explained why and now I can't remember, but works amazing on the VP Will be curious to see what you think... Keep on vapin'
  19. Not really sure about the 401 atty--but if you use the papertowel/tissue on the bridge end--essentially helps pull any excess liquid trapped around the heating element. Sometimes blowing out the atty doesn't get it all.
  20. have you tried--twisting the corner of a papertowel or kleenex--push into open end of the atty and let sit for about 10-15 min--drip just 1-2 drops to atty to reprime and see what happens...
  21. eventually you will have all the parts needed to stay away from smokes. It takes a bit to build up the collection necessary and not so necessary. Just think--now you will have a passthrough to look forward to for your next order. is your atty just flooded or dead???
  22. mixing and playing with the flavors is one of my favorite parts of vaping. I usually just add bits until the flavor is right--keep track initially so if I really like it, I can make a bigger batch. For me using a couple different dropper bottles--I got approx 30 drops to a ml or 3 drops to .1 ml. Happy mixing!!!!
  23. I have to agree--I have not heard great things about the blu. Just won't compare to the 510, can spend the money on extra 510 parts and liquid !!!
  24. I have tried both 1. The cotton quilt batting does not wick very well--seems to work initially, but clogs up too fast. 2. the polyfill for me was too stringy--too many stray fibers, but does work. still prefer the fluval 2 plus--just cut and stuff. holds up longer and wicks really well. closest to what comes in the carts.
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