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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. I have flown many times since I have started vaping without any trouble. I have had supplies in my carry on and checked. 1. Make sure you have your liquid in your quart baggie--so long as it is in a 3oz or less container or containers (no problem)--I have traveled with several ounces (overall) without issue. 2. I have tried to keep the supplies together in my carry on or checked--have never had any questions. have traveled with 510's, passthroughs, PCC and a couple other mods. 3. I always stealth vape in the airport or on the plane. In my seat, just hold my breath a few seconds and exhale slowly. In the bathroom, have yet to set off a detector--don't recommend blowing vapor directly into the detector to test it....... I have flown from Denver to --California, Louisiana, Hawaii. have flown United, continental and Frontier. Don't ask, Don't Tell..... I have found being discreet works the best, especially with airline security. some airlines have specific restrictions about vaping, but you are allowed to have your equipment. as there is little smell and/or lasting vapor it is very easy to be non-compliant. But thats me--Rules are mearly guidelines and if I get caught--act innocent and throw in an 'I didn't know' hasn't been an issue yet. Happy vaping and safe travels !!!!
  2. They got you pretty covered on the passthroughs and adapters--The 510 passthroughs do well on the computer usb or with a wall adapter, personal preference. for long commutes as budget allows the PCC is great for out and about and backups. the passthrough however is the best for driving. Changing attys and carts-- 1. atty's lifespan does vary a lot. I have found that if I don't let them get too hot and let them cool down a bit. Either it will just not seem to be working as well or will just stop working (always have a back up with you). 2. the carts can be use for quite awhile. When the filler seems a bit thick and discolored you can take it out, wash it and reuse it. refilling cart with liquid and pushing filler into the liquid then fluffing back to top of cart, top off with a couple drop and vape as usual. 3. My personal favorite is the blue foam form strictly ejuice: https://strictlyejuice.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67_49&products_id=222&zenid=0n63fc5mreoc2omn6b1vm3v1i2 If you look at the bottom of the website page, it shows you how to use the blue foam. 4. I use a combination of carts and dripping. When I need a bit of kick, I drip 1-2 drops to the atty and keep my carts filled. Happy vaping
  3. I keep telling myself--the money will be worth it ..... or it can pay for my funeral....
  4. I love Rumplemintz !!!! Not sure what I am vaping any more--took some bits and pieces from some unlabeled mixes (always label mixes)--it's actually pretty good--think I will call it fruit salad
  5. I hate when that happens !!!! Getting supplies and backups built up is hard in the beginning. When vaping with the old ones, just make sure you are letting them cool down in between and hopefully they will hold out. Getting ready to work my 4th of 4 12 hour shifts from hell.......I am certain they are trying to kill me !!!!
  6. I want a netbook---someday if I quit spending all my money on vaping supplies and new toys.......
  7. You know as much as anybody else FT--You did a very nice job explaining !!!! see people really do read your posts, and I think that is one of the longest posts I have seen from you---way to step up !!! Hey Lori--we are all nuts so therapy is a good choice of words. Welcome and glad you have found us, and very glad you are asking questions. Personally--I was able to Unintentionally quit the day after I got my 510 and haven't looked back. But I did feel very foggy and kinda lethargic for about 2 weeks with occasional cravings. I thinks its all the misc chemicals found in cigarettes that caused most of the withdrawal. When I had cravings I would grab my 510 and vape away. I don't think the thing left my hand for the first month(maybe 2). You sound like you are getting the hang of adding liquid to the carts. you will notice the vapor and flavor start to drop off, when you get to the burning flavor--its way too dry. Definitely don't stress over smoking--I promise it will happen naturally. It just takes a bit to get the hang of things...... The link FT posted is very helpful. If you are still unsure, keep asking. We really want you to succeed. Vaping really is life altering !!! Happy Vaping
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of vaping !!!! looks like your current questions have been answered. As you run across issues, just ask--somebody will have an answer for you or at least be able to point you in the right directions. vaping really does have a learning curve and lots of little hidden tricks. The 510 is certainly a great place to start. If the dizziness continues--use the H2O/VG liquid to dilute your nicotine liquid to lower the nicotine level. best to do in smaller amounts in a separate bottle (if you have one). This will dilute the flavor a bit, but will determine if its the nicotine making you dizzy. I usually have one battery on the charger and ready to go when needed. Mine usually lasted me 2-4 hours initially (moderate vaping)--over time the charge time decreases. Very Glad you have found us !!!! happy vaping
  9. Jeff, when you are as amazing as you are..................
  10. Steve--are you using PG or VG?? VG beats PG for vapor, hands down. Tons and tons of vapor. at that to a nice long slow draw and man........
  11. Have you tried it yet ????
  12. Hey Gnerd--Heres an idea you might try---- After using the Blue foam, I decided to go to the pet shop and see what Fluval makes. I found Fluval foam ( 204/205 and 304/305) #A-222 http://www.amazon.com/Hagen-Fluval-Foam-2-Pack-222/dp/B001D02O64/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1267622799&sr=8-1 Works just as well as the blue foam. You can cut the fluval to fit the 801 and see if it helps. The foam is not intended to fill the entire cart, only about 1/3 of the cart. It might be worth a shot. https://strictlyejuice.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67_49&products_id=222&zenid=m3kc9glm9inns2h6anctfcckl3 Instructions for Use: A Big Thank You to our 6016 successful use stories! (Note: Please do not double or fill your cartridge with two pieces of blue foam, this will defeat each individual foam's purpose. You want to make certain that you have a reservoir of e-juice below the filler, if you place two fillers, then the bottom filler will soak your juice, which will decrease the amount of juice sent to the atomizer)
  13. You are not alone !!! Like you and Nana, I have always had a hard time with tasting the flavors. Which is why I mix my own, or just add flavor to an existing flavor. Currently I use Flavourart from Freedom smokes USA. They have such a huge variety--and I can mix and match all I want. You may get some of your taste back as time goes on. For me, I can actually taste food just fine, and I can taste the premixed liquids--they are just never strong enough. I use primarily 510 atty's and they are know for better vapor and throat hit, but can kill flavor. I use a 901 Atty on my VP-PT and the flavor is a little better with the 901--but not enough for me to stop mixing. I have pulled the wicks out of a few of my atty's--I can't stand when they start to look ratty and frayed--for me I haven't noticed much flavor difference with or without....... Currently vaping a nice tropical fruit blend !!
  14. I saw that story--it really was reassuring that humanity still does exist...... I must say, I do see a lot of that here on this forum--might not be a kidney, but the community is so supportive and tons of fun. Never fails to make me smile. I just spent a grueling 12 hour shift (2nd of 4)--and the first thing I do when I get home is visit VT. You guys can make living through even the most hellish shift a little more bearable. Thanks for sharing that one Nana!!! Made me smile.
  15. Very nice Tatts Storm(great band pic) and Jag---really makes me want another....... I love the fact that tattoos are becoming such a part of our culture. It still blows my mind that some of the most uptight people I know have a tattoo or two-- !!!
  16. OK you two !!!! how about racing stripes...... I found some prismatic stickers, that I love ---oooooh--shiney. skull and cross bones (have those too). Haven't had a chance to 'decorate' my Ego yet. I must admit it did wonders for my PCC--I hate solid colors. FT--sarcasm is good--see somebody reads your posts !!!!!! Maybe its more of girl thing !! Night All
  17. You have found yourself a great artist. Those look great !!!!
  18. It really is the closest thing I have come to being 'crafty'. the selection and styles are great. For those that want the feminine touch--walgreens has the best selection. Boys--any hobby or model shop. model car stickers work great----flames, stripes...
  19. Goood, then you can come too Nana !!!!! (I'll be right behind you......)
  20. I have found that finger nail stickers--can add any type of personalization to e-cigs and PCC's. definitely can add the feminine touch !!!
  21. Atty's are notoriously fickle things and some do take a bit longer to break in than others. Did you try direct dripping on those that were weak?? with 510 atty's I also find that long slow drags works best.... making sure they cool down a bit, extends the use time some (for the most part). I have used attys from TW, Liberty flights and rocky mountain vapor--all have been comparable in terms of quality. most place do have a warranty--14-30 days depending. except for the multipacks
  22. Sorry Steve !!! Here's my 2 cents--with throat hit: 1. atty could be a bit flooded. use a corner of paper towel or kleenex, push into atty and let sit for a bit. reprime the atty with a couple drops of liquid and see if that helps. 2. atty could be fading 3. alternate liquids..... I usually find if I change liquids this helps. when I stay on the same flavor too long my body gets used to it. throat hit and flavor die off. 4. I was never a menthol smoke and never really cared for it--but, have found adding a few drops to my liquid seems to give a better throat hit, kinda cool. doesn't taste like menthol is small amounts. Happy Vaping
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