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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. As you know, flavors and brand are subjective. I like flavor west for most of my flavors and for my coffee, i go with flavour art. What flavors are you looking at?
  2. Any liquids added to box must be sealed well. The last round of mystery box had a few liquid mishaps
  3. No matter how you want to define it, the sweet spot is just that, the perfect combination of device, heat, flavor and vapor. Takes awhile to find it, but you know when you have found it
  4. A fair number of people have this problem PG, Try a higher VG liquid. VG liquids seem to help coughing. The PG is way to drying on the throat for some people
  5. Aspire vivi nova bdc tank
  6. I do have a couple of variable wattage, i just always seem to get bored and go back to the basics. I don't really know why i keep thinking i need new toys(except for the part that i love new toys), i found my sweet spot about 4 years ago, but just can't seem to stop buying new stuff.....shiney
  7. Good to know about the subtank, let me know on the triton, I've been looking at that. I trust your judgment, dripping is tough to beat. In the last 6 years, I always go back to it. For me, flavor is key !!
  8. I still love my 306's, dripping isn't popular enough for them to come up with better or less expensive products. I have the same problem with the darker liquids too. Mine last a couple weeks and then time to change for a fresh one. I keep trying new tanks, they are amazing for the first day, then it's all down hill. The flavors diminish fast. the aspires have been the closest for me, the flavor seems to last longer than with kanger and such. I keep a couple tanks filled and on hand just in case, but don't use them often anymore. haven't tried the subtank yet.....but I will check it out
  9. You really will notice a difference!!! The initial cost of a rechargeable system is only a bit more but save much more in a short time. The air flow is much better too. The scratchy throat can be part of the problem, but the PG used in the cartridges and liquids can cause a dry throat. Lots of water !! I have been away for a bit and have just a couple places that I use: Veteran vaper, vapor talk store, ecig express all have good starter kits. keep in mind, there are cheaper, but cheaper is not always a good thing. its a matter of, do you want a thin cigarette type or a slightly larger battery (charge time last longer)?
  10. Dripping all the way baby!!!
  11. 2. Kitsune.......i'm in The last one was fun
  12. I'm sorry i wont be much help, but somebody will be along soon. Hang in there
  13. My sweet spot is currenly any variable voltage battery(evod, ego, aspire etc).....keep in mind i'm mostly old school. Only with dripping do i find my sweet spot. VT summer melon, DIY-butterscotch espresso, tiramisu/espresso or banana split. I have yet to find any tank system that beats dripping
  14. I can't believe its been 3 years! Congrats VT wouldn't be the same without you , the economy thanks you too
  15. looks like it fell asleep for a bit!!
  16. unfortunately that is the life of vaping, sometimes everything possible goes wrong. At least you have enough to get you by for the moment. Liquid you don't like isn't ideal, but better than nothing. smoking for a bit will help you get through this period. sorry about your bad luck!!
  17. making your own ejuice in the long run will save you money, but the start up cost is more than store bought e liquid. you can try buying some food flavoring (grocery store or online) and add that the the VG, will significantly help the flavor of the VG. Usually mix 10% flavoring to 90% VG....at least as a starting point. This does not include nicotine. Lots of info on the DIY forum. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/131-diy-e-liquid/
  18. Its about time!!! Thanks for sharing
  19. 20%vg and 20-30% flavoring. Some flavors are stronger than others. I dont think i have used 5% with any flavors, even my very strong ones. Then again i use multiple flavors for a total of 20-30 Then again i like strong favor
  20. I'm with you jonnoh.....I really do feel so much better. mine was only a 30 year pack a day habit. My brain keeps picturing the 67,000 cigarettes. Makes me cringe.
  21. The beauty of vaping is the diversity. Options are out there for anybody and everybody. finding the right setups and flavors are always a challenge initially, but once you find it, all is right with the world. I found my sweet spot a few years back. I still like the occasional new gadget, but always go back to dripping. Like you, I prefer quality
  22. My devices are never, ever far away. I vape all day long. I usually have 2 dripping setups and 2 tanks with me, different flavors.
  23. Making your own liquid is cheaper over all, but it is a bit time consuming. Buying the flavorings and supplies can cost a bit up front. The DIY section will have tons of info for you. If you do decide to try making your own, read up on handling Nicotine. It can be dangerous in higher strengths. If you use VG as your base and add flavoring you will end up anywhere between 60%-90% VG, you will not notice a big difference in the clouds of vapor. I usually use about 30% VG because e liquids do lose flavor at higher VG amounts....still plenty of clouds
  24. Prior to vaping, there was only one scenario in which i wasnt smoking.....involves a very hot fire.
  25. As some of you know, I have been away from VT for awhile--life got in the way. I Just looked at my signature/banner and was amazed by the numbers. I just had to share it....shout it from the roof tops ! 2,240 days without a cigarette,15,123 dollars saved and 67,216 cigarettes not smoked. I think it's the 67,216 that floored me the most. no wonder I feel so much better !!!! VT has been an invaluable, amazing, incredible, stupendous part of my journey for the last 6 years. I can't even tell you how much I appreciate all of our members. Past, present and future.
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