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Everything posted by bear

  1. There are some towns in Wisconsin that have banned vaping.
  2. Welcome to VT.
  3. Well I made it. Yesterday was 1 year without a cigarette. Never thought it was possible after 50 years of smoking. Thanks to everyone for the help and support.
  4. I just got mine this week. I am a vivi nova user, but I was intrieged by the way the rebuidable coil is mounted on top. So far it's working great. Tons of vapor and good tast. For someone who wants to rebuild their own coils, it looks promising. I need to use it longer to form a better opinion. So far, the quality of the tank doesn't compare to the vivi nova and refilling could be made easier. It's made to refill with a syringe, but I've been unscrewing the bottom to fill it. i think with a few changes they could have a winner.
  5. Been using the vivi nova for about 5 months and it's become my favorite. The only problem i've had is with replacement heads. It seems like when I find them on sale they haven't been lasting as long. They seem like they burn out quicker. Dont know why that would be.
  6. The new vision clearomizers are rebuildable with replacement tanks and attys.
  7. @Christopher. It appears that they are the same although I cant get a straightout "yes" answer.Dayna has the coil heads for the vision cartomizers so i'm going to order one and find out for sure. Will post back when I try it.
  8. The new vision ego cartomizers now have replacement coil heads just like the vision vivi nova tanks.Does anyone know if the replacement heads are the same? They sure look the same. I love the vivi nova tanks and it would be great to have rebuildable ego cartomizers using the same head.
  9. I think it all comes with the learning curve.I now have just my 2 KGOs and 2 LT clones.I like tanks on my VVs and vision clearomizers on my KGOs.I drip with 306 attys and have a half dozen favorite juices.Life is good!hehe
  10. Finding the right juice is part of the learning curve that comes with e-cigs.Everyones taste is differant,and your taste will change as your body gets rid of the toxins from cigarettes.All juices are not created equal as far as quality from vendor to vendor.I would suggest trying small sample sizes from a few differant vendors.Nicotine strength and PG/VG blends are also part of finding the right juice.Ask alot of questions.This forum is full of great people with alot of knowledge who will be more than happy to help.For me,tobacco europe vt3 from vaporheads.net at 18mg nicotine and 50/50 pg/vg is the closest to a real cig.Remember,everyone is differant.
  11. I just got my second vivi nova tank.It's the 2.5 version and I just want to say this is the best tank,by far,that i've ever used.The updated version has longer wicks and the tank material is suppose to be better.The fact that the vivi nova tanks are rebuildable makes them a must buy.I cant believe the differance in flavor compared to other tanks.They come with 3 differant ohm attys and my LT is loving them.
  12. If you like tanks and dont want the problems, try the new vivi nova. Just got mine and it's awesome. Check out Rixters revue on this forum.
  13. Vaporheads tobacco europe vt3. 18mg,50/50.Best I've found by far!
  14. Sweet-vapes is one of my favorites. Top quality juices and great prices on hardware. Buy cheap juice and you get junk! Just saying.........
  15. @Rixter. I got my vivi nova today and it's awesome! I'm rockin the 2.4 ohm on my LT at 4.8 volts. I also ordered a second 2.5 version from gotapes. In addition to longer wicks, they made the tanks better and changed the venting. Unless something unforseen happens with this tank, it will be the last one I ever purchase. Thanks again for the revue.
  16. They will get hot, just slow down and enjoy.
  17. http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=740@ Rixter. Great video,thanks again! I was just at gotvapes and it looks like they have the 2.5 version vivi nova. It looks like wicks are longer.
  18. @ Rixter. I tried a similar tank called a Cartzilla and it was junk. The tank part was well built, but the wicking system was poorly done. It looks like the vivi nova has a better wicking system. Where do you buy stuff for rebuilding?
  19. There are two juices I consider favorites. Any quality RY4, and vaporheads europe vt3 tobacco.
  20. @Rixter.Nice review and good info.I'm a tank and vision clearomizer user.I ordered a vivi nova that should be here monday.It looks smilar to a wicked tank that I tried a while back,but with better wick system.Cant wait to try it.
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Quiting smoking is a process. It's a habit that triggered by many things that have already been mentioned. Vaping is also a process and a learning curve. It may take a little time to find what works for you. The most important thing, is that no juice or device you try is gonna be the same as smoking. Thats the thing you have to get past. Also, dont be afraid to ask questions. A lot of knowledge on this forum.
  23. It's a U-tube video on grimm greens website called vapeteam episode #25 http://grimmgreen.com/
  24. I just watched a video on grimm greens website, presented by a cardiologist,on a study of ecigs compared to regular cigarettes.I cant go into details because it is quite lengthy.I was amazed by some of the results.I think this is a must watch video.I feel much safer vaping after watching.
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