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  1. So much great feedback. Vt members are the best!
  2. Thank you for your wonderful comments. I feel much better now. I will follow your advice Jim, and you're right,cutting down is better than doing nothing at all
  3. I started using pv's back in Oct., However, when I caught a cold in Jan. I couldn't tolerate the vapor and went back to analogs. Now I'm using both. I really hate cigs but they offer a quick release of nic cravings that I can't get from pv's even using 36 mgs. Does anyone else do this or am I just weak willed. I'm 63 and have been smoking since 15.
  4. I certainly learned a lesson here-STOCK UP! Ordered 8 attys. Now for the big wait. I'm really not liking these analogs. I carried my VP1 everywhere I went. Now I have to go outside for a cig.BRRRR!
  5. I love Dulcis. But I also like JC's Tennesse Cured.
  6. Well I find this reassuring. Just ordered six and super-fast shipping from Ariz. Joye 302's Hope they come soon so I can get on with my favorite indulgence--VAPING! Should be getting my Ducis too that I ran out of. Things got discombobulated around the holidays.
  7. I just burned out two atty on my VPPT unit Damn it!! I've been using them since Oct. So I suppose it's time. However I'm wondering if I should be using something other than the 801 on this unit. I'm might just return it if it keeps burning out atty's since I've only had it a couple of days. Now I have to smoke analogs till my supply comes. Ick!!! I have the 501 adapter, should I be using that with it you think, anyone???
  8. I ordered some batts from jeso and they turned out to be 600mah. So I guess he unwittingly answered my question.
  9. Can 5ooMahs be used instead of 360 on the Vp1, and if so what would be the effect?
  10. I tried Chantix, didn't work for me.Kept on smoking anyway. Maybe that's way I'm now on Lexapro??!!
  11. It's amazing that I learn something new everyday. Why hadn't I heard this before. Perhaps I did come across it but when you're new at this all the numbers get confusing and blur together.lol
  12. Thanks Chris. I like you. You seem like such a caring person. I'm looking for as 801 for my Vp1. I got a LB from amo but it died. Now I'm trying Parked. For some reason my originals are still working fine. So I was just curious of why that may be.
  13. does the site say that or do you need to go to certain suppliers. For instance RM sells SLB
  14. Are some manufacturers of atomizers have a better quality product than others.
  15. that's funny
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