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Everything posted by SmokingTwoPointOne

  1. Hello y'all. New to this forum but not to vaping (going on 2 years), after trying out a lot of e-cigs I'd settled into dripping as the only method/system that really delivered what I wanted in a consistent cape. Can't stand things that don't work well, basically, and hate having to constantly mess with something to get it to work...just want to grab it and go ( there's a reason pre-rolled analogs are far far preferred over hand-rolling, to draw a parallel). OK, enough, don't want to OT this post into an intro, just give some background...anyways, the idea of a tank system always appealed to me but like most people I found earlier models to be...buggy at best and often horribly irritatingly/frustrating. I think the C is finally getting close to being a system that works with a minimum of hassle/tweaking. A few thoughts came to mind while reading this thread (and thanks to all who have been contributing)...first is, I've noticed that switching in new tanks way before they seem to need changed improves performance greatly...be great to be able to buy them by the hundreds for a little over the few cents apiece they actually cost to manufacturer, and thus be able to use a new one after only a few fills, IMO, thus if anyone happens across a source for super-cheap/decent quality tanks, please post! (In accordance with rules, of course)... Also wanted to mention (or rather add a little to what was already touched upon) that the C attys are extremely easy to clean, no soaking required...just grab a pair of needlenose pliers as mentioned, and pop off the tube/plate (being careful not to pull the wick out, they're kinda hard to get back in), then rinse the wick under hot water, they come clean rather easily...then, while that assembly is off, put the base/coil on the batt, and burn it off (standard Atty precaution applies here, too much button and it will pop)...get it glowing for a few secs, blow on to cool it off and get the ash out, repeat a few times...then reassemble and its good to go, vapes better, and tastes better...and may last longer too (haven't had it long enough to verify that). Again, thanks for all the info, and appreciate in advance any further sharing of experiences/tips. Peace!
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