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Everything posted by Electroniccigaretteguy

  1. Welcome! You've found one of the best and most useful forums on the net (for e-cigs anyway) How do you like the volt so far? What kind are you vaping and what flavors do you like?
  2. I used to set mine in a cup of coca-cola for a few hours then dry them for 24. It seemed to work pretty well.
  3. I agree with danpio1217. This forum looks great compared to most. There's even actual cool information. One forum I won't mention just erases 1/2 the threads and the other forums are obvious foreign spam. WB.
  4. And it begins...
  5. I'd definitely ask you guys to help me move haha. I'm a big dude myself, not fat and I get that a lot.
  6. I'll have to condense things into a cigar box or something. Right now I have a shady pile of who knows what in an old easter basket. Yay organization!
  7. What I see mainly is over-saturation of the same product with a new label on it. The prices fluctuate so much I can't see this maintaining very long. This is good though because it should weed out the true companies from some guy in a garage with a label maker and some HTML skills. Mods are getting better and once I get my variable I'll probably be set.
  8. aww Mike, the Greensmoke is pretty good if you ask me BUT I refill so if I really think about it, I'm just using a battery that says greensmoke on the side! You can make something similar from any shady chinese site for 1/4 the price for sure. I have a whole pile of strange stuff I just got from China and it works better than I expected! 1/10 of the carts are hard to inhale through and have strange names and mystery flavors though. Nothing wrong with GS if you get the kit with the USB passthrough. Love that thing. Blu is too small for a new vaper. Battery croaks on me in about 20 mins but I puff constantly all day long. Find something cheap that has an appearance you like then modify it later with other parts. A good frankencig works and gives you options.
  9. I wouldn't risk it. Ask any gas station person who has been busted by an undercover. Fines and community service usually.
  10. I think the company is called Firebrand. They have some good 2-piece models that have different sized batteries so you can pick what you're using them for like work shifts to small outings. They have what's pretty much a 510 type model but it seems easy to use and fairly cheap. If not, the SmokeTip, Green Smoke or ProSmoke are good for normal looking e-cigs.
  11. I totally agree with Boba's Bounty or maybe a simple 555 or Marl/RY4 mix (many sites sell this now). These are mild and very pleasant for all day. I alternate 555, marl/ry4, Boba's and a Havana Gold flavor.
  12. Check this out! What option would there be besides e-cigs? http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/100-a-pack-cigarettes-zealand-price-order-stamp-butts-article-1.1066614 Wow...
  13. If you find 99% rubbing alcohol instead of the usual 60/70% it dries fully in about an hour.
  14. $20 isn't that overpriced unless I'm looking at the wrong product. I can't really tell what you get from the Red Box is my biggest issue. Is it a whole Vapor Pod or not? I'll just keep using Red Box for DVDs probably.
  15. Always nice to see something positive in the news. I know some actors/actresses seem to have e-cigs a bit lately but I'm not sure that's good press really.
  16. Never heard of the Red Box e-cig. I'll check it out.
  17. I have a big bottle of TW's black label right here and it's such a mild vape it's hard to compare it to other stuff. I tend to lean more toward cigar flavors lately. For the snoring, maybe you've developed a slight pg allergy? Try switching to pure VG about 2 hours before bed to see if it helps. My friends seem to have mixed results there but they agree it's due to inflammation. That could be about anything but try some VG, though it's different in flavor and vapor production a little. You could always stick with PG too exclusively, could be the mix? It's hard to tell. What's your new supplier?
  18. Yeah i vape on mine all day every day. I order 4 30mL bottles every few weeks or so it seems.
  19. Yeah ms. t's does seem to be down so much lately
  20. instantly loads on my end. that doesn't sound right. It loads very quickly with my connection.
  21. HAHA I'm waiting for a TON of different juices. I check the mail about three times a day it seems
  22. I know people won't like it but I do that all day while working with a Greensmoke. For a newbie it's a decent choice and I've refilled my 5-pack about 500 times so far so haven't had to order more carts. They look pretty normal too. Small battery seems to be easier to hold in your mouth for sure.
  23. Try blowing through both ends of the battery or sucking through the thread end hard and fast a couple times. Sometimes this clears some juice inside and it will give you some more charge.
  24. WOW that's a damn good idea! Colored little bands like they use for braces would be perfect!
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