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About mimi

  • Birthday 01/08/1958

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    Hunting and Fishing. Spending time with my gandson and I am a Huge Green Bay Packers Fan.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am pretty new to this and have a couple of questions. What is the shelf life of the juice? I have ordered several flavors to try and I don't know how long they should last. Like I said, I am new, so I am not a heavy vaper yet so I am not going thru it very fast. Also, should I refrigerate the juice? I have heard some opposing opinions on this issue. I would appreciate all the info you can give me.
  2. mimi

    Empty Carts

    Thanks for everyones help.
  3. mimi

    Empty Carts

    thanks Sinikal. That is what I was wondering. If we use the blank carts, then you really don't need to have that many of those as they will last a long time. Are you direct dripping also? If so, about how many drags do you get before you add more juice? Thanks
  4. mimi

    Empty Carts

    Thans for the reply. I have ordered stuff from them and can just get time next time I refill an order.
  5. Another question. I have been direct dripping. Seems like the best way to go. I got a bunch of carts with the filler in them. Do they sell carts without the filler? Also, how do I know when to throw away an empty cart and get a new one or does it matter since there is nothing in them? I am sure someone has already answered this question, but couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks
  6. Thanks for the info. I did order some of the VT Mentha. Can't wait for it to get here. This will be my 4th different menthol ordered. Am still looking for the one that will do the trick. Until I do, I am still going back to my Capri Menthols just to get that flavor. Hope I find one soon.
  7. I was just going to post about the same thing. I however, have been direct dripping, draining the attys and doing it just the way everyone suggested. I still find that all 4 of the flavors I got pretty much taste the same. All from the same company. I am waiting on flavors from a different company. It may just be that particular company, so we will see what happens. Anyone else get liquids and find that all the flavors taste the same?
  8. Thanks for everyones responses. You guys are great.
  9. Ok, I am finally getting the hang of this, but can someone explain to me step by step how to clean my atty and how often this should be done? Also, where do I get the VT Mentha juice? Thanks
  10. Ok, so I decided direct dripping is what I would rather do. Now, what if I want to switch flavors? Do I have to drain the atty completely as to not mix the flavors, or is it ok to just add the new flavor even if there is a little of the old one in it? Also, how do you know when to change out your blank cartridge?
  11. Is it safe to order from the overseas companies, such as Anycig from China. I have been seeing that people have been having their orders held up at the customs department. I would normally always go USA, but some of the deals are really good ones. Any opinions? Thanks
  12. Thanks, you guys are great.
  13. Ok, a couple more questions. Would you reccomend a pcc or a car charger and just a bunch of extra batteries. I don't want to overdue it on what I buy, but I want to be sure I am not sitting around waiting for batteries to recharge. I have the 510 model and it came with the usb and wall adapter. So I can only charge one battery at a time. Any reccommendations on where to get the best deals on accessories?
  14. Thanks, you guys are a great help. One more question for anyone. Does the usb passthru charge the battery also?
  15. Ok,anoter question from the newbie. If I have a brand new 510 manual and I want to try the direct drippping, do I just put 2-3 drops in, and put in a blank cart with no fiber fill in it? If I do this, how often do I add the drops? How many puffs before you need to add liquid. Will this hurt my atty if it is dry? I appreciate all the help. I am sort of flying by the seat of my pants here. Ha
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